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The S outh Australian Public Library Network

The S outh Australian Public Library Network. Agenda. Governance Funding Reforms – PLS & Councils Network features Role of Public Library Services State-wide LMS project Outcomes. Governance. Objects of the Libraries Act

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The S outh Australian Public Library Network

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  1. The South Australian Public Library Network

  2. Agenda • Governance • Funding • Reforms – PLS & Councils • Network features • Role of Public Library Services • State-wide LMS project • Outcomes

  3. Governance Objects of the Libraries Act (a) to achieve and maintain a co-ordinated system of libraries and library services that adequately meets the needs of the whole community; (c) to promote a co-operative approach to the provision of library services; Functions of the Libraries Board (k) to initiate and monitor research and experimental projects in relation to public libraries and public library services; and (n) to keep library services provided in the State under continuing evaluation and review

  4. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN PUBLIC LIBRARIES NETWORK - RELATIONSHIPS Has 3 Reps on The Board Libraries Board of SA (Policy and Leadership) LGA Minister for the Arts Minister for Education LGA is peak lobby group for Councils SA Councils Has 2 Reps on the Standing Committee State Government Responsibilities Controls and majority funds DECS Arts SA PLS Standing Committee SA Public Libraries Professional Association of Librarians 3 members on PLS Standing Committee Joint Use Committee Public Library Services (PLS) PLSA Executive State Library of SA (SLSA) Public Libraries of SA (PLSA) Key State Government Representation Local Government One way reporting Libraries Board Close working relationship Committees/Associations April 2011

  5. Funding NLSA 2008/09(removal of single funding jurisdictions)

  6. Funding model • Fixed base – CPI growth - transparent • $5M for PLS services • 60/40 split materials & operating • Levies – Print Disability, Digital resources, Databases, Community Languages (11%)

  7. Public Library Services reform • 2006 External Review • 2007 Recruit new Associate Director • Spill all positions • Reduce staff by 30% • Recruit skilled & qualified staff • Increase productivity • Decrease costs by $500K+ p.a. • Use savings to fund LMS • Shift to SLSA

  8. Online procurement

  9. Council reforms • 1996 - 1998 - 118 Councils reduced to 68 (a drop of 50 councils) • New Local Government Act 1999 • Larger councils with greater capacity & access to professional staff • Mixed success in terms of library reform

  10. Network Features • Memorandum of Agreement – State & Local Government. 10 years - $1M p.a. cut from 2013/14 • Funds quarantined for public library purposes • Geographic challenges & small libraries • Diverse size & skill levels - one size doesn’t fit all

  11. LMS within an existing framework Internet Access WAN State-wide Courier P2-ILL Interlibrary Loans Cataloguing Central Support Desk Central Procurement Common LMS Shared Collections Bar Code & RFID Standards

  12. 1 LMS project - strategicintent • Meet Libraries Act objectives to “achieve and maintain a co-ordinated system of libraries and library services that adequately meets the needs of the whole community” and to “promote a co-operative approach to the provision of library services” • Position the public library network to deliver adequate public library services for all South Australians over the next decade • Ensure equitable access to digital information regardless of location or size

  13. Outcomes • Increase direct community access to State-wide collection (>4M items) • Seamless access to digital holdings of SLSA & NLA • Integration of other digital materials into the library catalogue (e-books, digital audio books etc) • Platform for further developments & efficiencies across the network (e.g. RFID etc.)

  14. Status • Agreement between Libraries Board, Minister & LGA • RFP – March - April • Currently shortlisting to 1 preferred provider • Announcement in October • 1st libraries live in March 2012

  15. LMS Project - Groups Governance Procurement Change Management Technology Project Implementation Evaluation Team Project Management group (to be established) Libraries Board of SA Interim User Group Library IT Group Wide Area Network Group User Group (to be established) SME – Circulation and Borrowing LGA / LGCS PLS Standing Committee Local Government IT Group SME - Cataloguing Marketing and Communication of LMS LMS Steering Committee SME - Serials Customer Service Group SME - Acquisitions SME – Stock Management SME – Reports Financials & Bookings SME – Implementation Services SME – Authorised User Interface / Ease of Use / Joint Use Libraries SME – Digital Asset Management SME – Technical and Managed Services May 2011

  16. Outcomes of the SA Network • Significant & growing discounts on all purchases (materials, Internet, Online resources etc) • Efficient use of scarce resources • Recognisable suite of services – a consistent public libraries “brand” • Highest

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