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USDA Inspection. Objectives. Summarize the role of the USDA in Meat Inspection. Purpose of Inspection . Protect Consumer Give official assurance of wholesomeness and proper labeling Detect and locate communicable disease Minimize presence of food borne pathogens.
Objectives • Summarize the role of the USDA in Meat Inspection
Purpose of Inspection • Protect Consumer • Give official assurance of wholesomeness and proper labeling • Detect and locate communicable disease • Minimize presence of food borne pathogens
Meat Inspector Responsibilities • Facilities construction and provisions for operational standards • Assurance that all plants adopt HACCP • Assurance that all SSOP’s are practiced • Antemortem inspection • Postmortem inspection • Verification of HACCP with Salmonella standards • Oversight for conducting E.Coli testing • Product inspection • Lab testing • Control and restrict condemned products • Marking, labeling, and inspection insignia
Facilities Construction and Provisions for Operational Standards • Facility must be constructed and operated in a manner sufficient to ensure sanitation and unadulterated production. • Ex: Clean water, proper lighting, regulate chemical use, employee hygiene
Adoption of HACCP • All plants must have HACCP as previously discussed
SSOP • Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures • Describe procedures to maintain sanitation • Specify frequency of procedure • Identify the employee responsible • The on-site implementation authority must sign and date the plan
Antemortem Inspection • Antemortem – Before death • Must have a normal temperature and be disease free • Ex. Downer cows, temperature over 105, cancer eye
Post Mortem Inspection • Conducted by a veterinarian • Inspect lymph nodes and organs • Any diseased organs can result in a condemned carcass
Product Inspection • Each process the product goes through is subject to inspection • All chemicals added to meat must be approved
Marking, Labeling, and Inspection Insignia • Label must contain • Common name of the product • Inspection legend • Establishment name, number, and address of the processor or distributor • Net weight • Ingredient list
Objectives • Summarize the role of the USDA in Meat Inspection
Review • What is a SSOP? • What program does the USDA implement? • What happens in Antemortem and Postmortem inspection?