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LVN/Paramedic to ADN Mobility. Admission information session San Jacinto College-South. Governing Bodies. The ADN Mobility Program is governed by the San Jacinto College District
LVN/Paramedic to ADN Mobility Admission information sessionSan Jacinto College-South www.sanjac.edu/nursing
Governing Bodies • The ADN Mobility Program is governed by the San Jacinto College District • The ADN Mobility Program is an approved nursing education program by the Texas Board of Nursing. www.bon.texas.gov • The ADN Mobility Program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) formally NLNAC www.acenursing.org www.sanjac.edu
What is LVN/Paramedic to ADN Mobility? • The LVN/Paramedic to A.D.N. Mobility Program is an accelerated program • Designed for Licensed LVN’s or Certified Paramedics • Purpose: the desire to expand their Health Career as a Registered Nurse. • Adult-student centered learning environment • The program is 3-semesters (excluding summer, unless remediation is required) • Applications for admissions are accepted in the Fall and Spring semester period only • Upon successful completion of the ADN Mobility Program • Eligible for graduation from San Jacinto College • Eligible to sit for the NCLEX-RN licensure exam www.sanjac.edu
Is the ADN Mobility Program right for me?Things to know before you apply • An accelerated program, which entails a faster pace as compared to transitional programs. • It requires a commitment to professionalism and personal sacrifice • Disciplined preparation • Study-time • 1:3 hours–prep-time • 1:3 hours –study-time • Student accountability on and off campus It is recommended students who are actively employed not work more than 20 hours/week to promote success in the program • Classes are held either once or two times a week, with an additional day for clinical • The ADN mobility program courses are delivered in16 and/or 8 week formats • Didactic and Clinical courses may be scheduled on any day of the week; including weekends, evenings, and/or night sessions • Clinical courses are conducted at numerous hospitals in the Houston and surrounding area *** There are no preferences given for clinical day or time assignments*** www.sanjac.edu
Steps to Apply? Below are the list of steps a prospective applicant must complete in order to apply for admission in to LVN/Paramedic to ADN Mobility Program: • Apply for admission to San Jacinto College via the website www.sanjac.edu/apply • Ensure you meet the eligibility requirements for admission into the ADN Mobility Program • Submit all Non-SJC transcripts to the Enrollment Services Office • request a transcript evaluation • Complete the Mandatory Information Session (Online Presentation) • Register for the HESI-A2 Admissions Exam via email adn.mobility@sjcd.edu • Complete the mandatory Criminal Background Check and Drug Screening • Complete and submit all of the required immunizations and documentation • Complete and submit the admissions application in its entirety by the application deadline which is October 1, 2013 You have completed the admissions process for the ADN Mobility Program once you have completed all of the required steps You will receive a Acceptance or Decline letter within 2-3 weeks of the application closing period www.sanjac.edu
Eligibility for Admissions?? • Before applying for admission into the ADN Mobility Program please ensure you meet all of the required eligibility criteria? • Accepted as student into the San Jacinto College District • Licensed (LVN) or Certified Paramedic in the State of Texas • Have a minimum pre-requisite GPA of a 2.5 • Have not failed out of any RN program within the past two (2) years • Have not failed any two (2) BIOL courses with a grade of “D” or below within the past 5 years • Have not failed any two (2) RNSG course with a grade of “D” or below within the past 2 years If you can successfully check off all of the above requirements, you have met the “minimum” eligibility requirements to apply for the LVN/Paramedic to ADN Mobility Program Note: Meeting the eligibility requirements does not guarantee your “Admission” into the ADN Mobility Program. It only makes you eligible to submit an application for consideration for admission. www.sanjac.edu
What are the required pre-requisite courses?? Before your admittance into the ADN Mobility program the following course work must be completed. The required course work can be completed within two semesters if taking at least 15 credit hours a semester. The following course work can be completed at San Jacinto College or transferred in. However, SJCD requires a student complete a minimum of 24 institutional credit hours to be eligible to receive an Associates of Applied Science from San Jacinto College. • BIOL 2401 Anatomy and Physiology I • BIOL 2402 Anatomy and Physiology II • BIOL 2420 Microbiology and Pathology • ENGL 1301 Composition I • ENGL 1302 Composition II or 2311 Technical Report and Writing • MATH 1314 College Algebra or higher • PSYC 2301 General Psychology • RNSG 1301 Pharmacology • RNSG 1108 Dosage Calculations for Nurses • RNSG 1215 Health Assessments • BIOL courses must be completed within the last 5 years with no grades less than a “C.” (BIOL courses taking prior to Spring 2009 will be expired) • RNSG courses must be completed within the last 2 years with no grades less than a “C”. (RNSG courses taking prior to Spring 2012 will be expired) www.sanjac.edu
What is the required application documentation??? The following completed documentation is required in order for your application to be submitted and accepted. • Prospective Applicant Checklist • Online Information Session Acknowledgment form • Program Admissions Application • Official copy of ALL of your transcripts including San Jacinto College • Immunization Requirement Form including all required documentation and physical • Copy of your CRP card (front and back) or ACLS (front and back)- Paramedics Only • Copy of your LVN License (click here) or your Paramedic Certificate (click here) • Degree Evaluation (Instructions included in application packet) • Receipt for Criminal Background Check and Drug Screening (Instruction included in • application) • HESI A2 Admission Exam Scores and HESI A2 Acknowledgement Forms If any of the documentation is missing, your application will not be considered for admission into the ADN Mobility Program. If you have any questions regarding the admission application and the required documents. Please send an email to adn.mobility@sjcd.edu to request an appointment with the Program Sr. Administrative Assistant www.sanjac.edu
Official TranscriptsWhat transcripts are required with my applications?????? Prospective applicants are required to submit official transcripts from ALL previous colleges attended, inclusive of San Jacinto College transcript with their completed application packet When submitting non-SJC transcripts there are three steps that must be completed in order for your application to be submitted and accepted as complete Step 1: All previous college transcripts must be submitted to San Jacinto College District via the Enrollment Services Office on your designated campus and included in your completed application packet Step 2: Once all official transcripts has been received you must request a Transcript Evaluation be processed. The transcript evaluation will review all your previous college transcript and make the determination on whether or not the course taken at institutions outside of SJC is equivalent to the SJC course. This process is very beneficial for prospective applicants who have completed some or all of their pre-requisite courses at a a college other than SJC; courses that are eligible will transfer over Step 3: Once you have submitted your official transcripts and evaluation has been completed you must now complete a “ Degree Evaluation” via your SOS account. A degree evaluation is used to ensure a prospective applicant has completed all of the required pre-requisite courses and courses completed outside of SCJ has been approved as a transfer equivalency www.sanjac.edu
What are the required immunizations? As a student in the LVN/Paramedic to ADN Mobility program, you will be required to submit immunizations as part as the admission process as well as being able to continue your studies throughout your enrollment in the ADN Mobility Program. • TB Skin Test: TB Skin test results must show date administered and date read and be less than 6 months old at the time of enrollment. TB Skin test vaccine is required annually. Chest X-ray is required if you have ever tested positive on a Tuberculosis (TB) Skin Test (valid for 24 months) • Influenza Vaccination: Flu Vaccine is required annually and must be 2013-2014 vaccine. • Tdap(Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis) Must be administered 2005 or later • MMR Series (Mumps, Measles, and Rubella) Positive titer is required. If not positive you must restart series. Results must show date administered and date read www.sanjac.edu
Required Immunizations continued…. • Varicella: Positive titer is required. Results must show date administered and date read • Hepatitis B Series: Series vaccine is acceptable as long as completed less than 3 years (ie. If completed prior January 2011 you must submit a titer.) Positive titer required. If not positive, you must restart series. Results must show date administered and date read • CPR or ACLS (Paramedics) CPR or ACLS is renewed bi-annually You must ensure your immunizations stay up to date with ADN Mobility Program Office. If your immunizations and/or CPR is going to expire while in clinical you must submit documentation of current immunization and/or CPR or your will not be allowed to go to your clinical education site www.sanjac.edu
Criminal Background Check A criminal background check is required in order for you to submit an application for admission into the LVN/Paramedic to ADN Mobility Program. Instructions on how to complete the criminal background check is included in the admission application packet. The receipt of purchase must be included to ensure your application is accepted Criminal Background Check: (Must be completed during the application period) A criminal background check will be required before your application will be considered for admission in the ADN Mobility program. Having a criminal background will not necessarily disqualify you for admission into the ADN Mobility program, howevera “Declaratory Order” for eligibility will be required prior to enrollment in the entry Level 1 courses. If you suspect something may show on your background, you must submit a request for a “Declaratory Order” through the Texas Board of Nurse. Please begin the process immediately as it can take 6-8 weeks to be completed. For more information regarding a “Declaratory Order” , please contact the Texas Board of Nursing FYI for Declaratory Order Form: The Texas Board of Nursing requires graduates to answer questions related to : Criminal Convictions Drug and Alcohol addictions Certain Mental Illness Previous license revocation ***REMEMBER you must have a letter of eligibility on file from the Texas Board of Nursing and to be eligible for registration of courses in the ADN Mobility Program. www.sanjac.edu
Drug Screening Drug Screening: *(Must be completed during the application period) • A drug screening is required as part of the admissions process for the LVN/Paramedic to ADN Mobility Program. This process must be completed prior to submission of an admissions applications • Instructions on completing the drug screening is included in the admissions application packet. Student must submit the receipt of purchase in order for their application to be accepted as complete • Students who receive a positive drug screening will not be allowed to enter the program unless sufficient documentation in regards to the positive outcome is submitted www.sanjac.edu
HESI A2 Admission Exam • All prospective applicants are required to complete the HESI A2 Admission Exam as part of the admission requirements for the LVN/Paramedic to ADN Mobility program • In order for a prospective applicant to receive permission to test; the student must send the requested test date via email to adn.mobility@sjcd.edu with “HESI Date” in the subject line • The applicant is eligible to sit for the exam two times (2) per enrollment semester ONLY • The exam can only be taken at San Jacinto College South Campus. HESI scores from outside sources will not be accepted to satisfy the admission requirements • The applicant must successfully pass with a minimum score of 75% or higher on each of the required exam sections www.sanjac.edu
HESI A2 Assessment Section Student must achieve a score of 75% or higher on each of the required sections listed below to qualify for admission • Math: Focuses on math skills needed for healthcare fields, including basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, fractions, decimals, ratio and proportion, household measures, general math facts, etc. • Reading Comprehension: Provides reading scenarios in order to measure reading comprehension including: identifying the main idea, finding meaning of words in context, passage comprehension, making logical inference, etc. • Vocabulary and General Knowledge: Contains basic vocabulary terms that are commonly used in both general English speaking and healthcare fields • Grammar: Contains basic grammar including: parts of speech, important terms and their uses in grammar, commonly occurring grammatical errors, etc. • Anatomy and Physiology (A&P): Quick assessment of A & P knowledge. Provides coverage of general terminology and anatomical structures and systems www.sanjac.edu
HESI A2 Assessment Section Continued Beginning Spring 2013, the following new sections will be required with HESI Admissions Exam • Personality Profile: Uses concepts related to intorversion and extroversion to classify the students personality styles • Learning Styles: Assess the preferred learning style of the applicant and offers test-taking and study tips to the learning style There is no minimum score required for the above two sections. The above sections assess the students learning abilities and personality style This information will be used to assist in providing students all necessary resources available to ensure their success in the program www.sanjac.edu
Reasons for Automatic Denial of Admissions • Student failed out of an academic nursing program within the past two years • Any two grades of a "D" or below in RNSG courses with the past two (2) years • Any two grades of a " D" or below in BIOL courses within the past five (5) years Grades of "IP", "NG", "FX" , etc. will be considered failure Grades of a "W" will not count as a failure; however for every two (2) grades of "W" one point will be deducted from your admission consideration www.sanjac.edu
Admissions Documents • All admissions documents can be found online at www.sanjac.edu/nursing under the LVN/Paramedic to ADN Mobility Section • Admission application packets can also be picked up in person at: The ADN Mobility Department Office located in the Allied Health/Science Building (building-1) 2nd floor RM. S-1.253B www.sanjac.edu
Point of Contact: This concludes the presentation of the required admission information session. We hope this information was very beneficial in providing and explanation of the LVN/Paramedic to ADN Mobility Program; the admissions criteria; and the application process. If you have any further questions regarding application instructions or program requirements. Please contact the A.D.N. Mobility Department Dr. Karen E. Alexander RN, PhD, CNOR Program Director, ADN 281-484-1900 ext. 3589 karen.alexander@sjcd.edu Mrs. Shaterica A. Washington Sr. Administrative Assistant, ADN 281-484-1900 ext. 3315 adn.mobility@sjcd.edu www.sanjac.edu