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From Lunch to your Liver

From Lunch to your Liver. Magnified look of salad’s journey from the bowl to the belly. Salad. Confocal 40X. DAPI. Overlay Confocal and DAPI. DIC and Fluorescence micrograph superimposed. Onion Nucleus Oil Immersion Fluorescence (DAPI) 100X. Onion nucleus Oil immersion DIC 100X.

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From Lunch to your Liver

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Presentation Transcript

  1. From Lunch to your Liver Magnified look of salad’s journey from the bowl to the belly.

  2. Salad Confocal 40X DAPI Overlay Confocal and DAPI

  3. DIC and Fluorescence micrograph superimposed Onion Nucleus Oil Immersion Fluorescence (DAPI) 100X Onion nucleus Oil immersion DIC 100X Area -98518 Perimeter -1225 Pixel Density -1.620 pixels/micron

  4. Tomato Convolutions DIC 40X Sharpening Kernal Convolution -1 -1 -1 -1 24 -1 -1 -1 -1 Smoothing Kernal

  5. Fluorescent Cheek Cells (DAPI) 10X

  6. Cheek Cells 40X Hoffman 40X Bright Field 100X Phase (oil immersion) 60X Confocal

  7. Un-erupted Pig tooth 4X Bright field 10X Bright field 40X Bright Field 40X Phase contrast

  8. Pig Liver 40X Bright Field 10X Bright field 4x Bright field Adjust Brightness And Contrast 40X Phase

  9. Muscle tissue 10X Bright field I used the image calculator and subtracted a picture of the background. Then I adjusted the brightness and contrast. Muscle tissue 10X Dark Field Adjusted Brightness and contrast

  10. LUT manipulation for 10x Muscle slide Changed to Grey Scale Pixels 127-255 127 ….. 255 R G B R G B 0 0 255 0 255 255

  11. Adipose Tissue RGB Split Math Adjust Brightness and Contrast 40X Bright field Adjust Brightness and Contrast 40X Phase

  12. Enhance me

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