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DA-06-02 Progress. The First GEO-CEOS Workshop on Cal/Val was held in October 2007 (sponsored by GEO and ESA), issues addressed: cal/val site characterization, classification, data access, methodology and guidelines and harmonization. The second workshop will be held in May at NIST.
DA-06-02 Progress • The First GEO-CEOS Workshop on Cal/Val was held in October 2007 (sponsored by GEO and ESA), issues addressed: cal/val site characterization, classification, data access, methodology and guidelines and harmonization. The second workshop will be held in May at NIST. • The CEOS Cal/val portal (ESA contribution) has been established at http://calvalportal.ceos.org, as the first step towards harmonization.
DA-06-02 Progress • To complement the Cal/Val portal, two pilot projects were initiated: • Harmonize coincident measurements from MODIS, AVHRR, and ATSR (using Hyperion to resolve spectral effects); • Collaborate on the on-orbit SI traceable benchmark missions: TRUTHS and CLARREO. • A third project (in progress) uses Antarctic Plateau (near Dome C) to cross check the consistency of satellite measurements. • Hyperion data acquired. MODIS and AVHRR analysis in progress. Mid-resolution data are being collected by LSI constellation members • Antarctic plateau also provides highly accurate calibration transfer for satellite pairs with simultaneous nadir overpass (SNO)
DA-06-02 Progress SNO at Dome C
DA-06-02 Progress MODIS, ATSR, AVHRR, and Hyperion spectral responses Hyperion image over Dome C
DA-06-02 Progress WGCV members are participating in an effort to identify prototypical common Cal/Val sites to be used by space agencies and value-added data providers to perform consistency checks at their own discretion. The potential uses of the Antarctic Dome C site for cross comparison of visible/near infrared instruments, as well as selected infrared and microwave instruments are currently being investigated. Major advantages of this site include long-term stability, relative uniformity, low aerosol loading, dry atmosphere, low cloud cover, more frequent satellite overpass, and unique geographic location. The occurrence of simultaneous nadir overpass at this site for certain satellite pairs can facilitate highly accurate radiometric calibration transfer between satellites. Analysis of satellite observations of the Dome C site from AVHRR, MODIS, Hyperion, AMSR-E, and other instruments are presented to investigate the feasibility of using this site for intercomparison. Satellite observations are also compared to ground measurements to characterize the effect of BRDF (bidirectional reflectance distribution function). The findings suggest that the site is relatively stable and has relatively low radiometric uncertainty. It serves as a good candidate for CEOS endorsed cal/val site for the intercomparison of satellite measurements.
DA-06-02 Progress • As a workshop recommendation, a CEOS WGCV standards technical committee is being formed to address standards issues, initially focusing on the CEOS endorsed cal/val sites and on-orbit radiometric reference standards, as well as coordination with external standards bodies (IEEE, OGC, CCSDS, ISO, …). • A CEOS standards handbook will be developed to document CEOS standards and recommendations. • Details to be discussed at the upcoming WGCV/WGISS joint meeting in Sanya, China Standard solar spectral irradiance for intercomparison Establish lunar standard for longterm radiometric stability
Day 1: Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2008 • Session 1: Welcome and Introduction (WGCV and WGISS joint session) • 8:15 Registration • 8:30 Introduction/Adoption of Agenda (Cao and Maiden) • 8:40 Welcome, and Introduction to the Satellite Programs of the State Oceanic Administration of China (by our hosts Prof. Jang and Prof. Tang, SOA/NSOAS) • 9:20 China’s Meteorological Satellite programs (Prof. Lu, CMA) • 9:55 The National Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory (Prof. Jiang, CAS) • 10:30-10:45 Break • 10:45 Prioritizing GEO/CEOS Tasks/Resources for the Working Groups (Petiteville, CEOS CEO) • 11:05 WGCV/Terrain Mapping subgroup report and WGISS joint support (Muller) • 11:30 WGCV/Land Product Validation subgroup report (Baret) • *** WGCV&WGISS Joint Session Ends *** • 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
Session 2: CEOS IP – Progress reports 1:00 WGCV Chair Report (Cao) Review of the progress made since WGCV27, as well as other CEOS activities. The current CEOS IP and GEO tasks addressed by WGCV will be introduced. 1:25 Minutes from WGCV27 and Status of Current Action Items (Campbell) Session 2.1: Subgroup reports (Chairs: Cao, Lecomte) General guidance: Please synthesize your reporting into the following topics: (1) accomplishments since last WGCV; (2) relevance to the CEOS/IP or GEO task; 3) current/future challenge; and (4) requested agency commitments. Background materials presented before can be included in the backup slides. Time: 25 minutes (~ 25 slides). Note: The Atmospheric composition subgroup will report at the joint session on Friday. 1:40 Infrared and Visible Optical Sensors (Fox) 2:05 Microwave Sensors (Buck) 2:30 SAR (Srivastava)
Session 2.2: Country and agency reports (Chairs: Cao, Lecomte) Please note that as CEOS has become the space arm of GEO and is taking on GEO tasks, the reporting from individual countries and agencies have been greatly simplified. Each country/agency will provide a brief update (15 minute, or ≤ 15 slides) on the latest development/progress made since WGCV27. Contributions to the CEOS/IP or GEO tasks should be identified, and further addressed in later sessions (e.g. CEOS constellation support). Background information can be included in the backup slides. 2:55 Canada (Trishchenko/White) 3:10 China (Dong) 3:25 CNES (Henry) 3:40 - 3:55 Break 3:55 ESA (Lecomte) 4:10 IRSA/CAS (Gu, Zhu) 4:25 India (Kartikeyan, IAQD/SIPA) 4:40 INPE (Fonseca, Brazil) 4:55 JAXA (Murakami) 5:10 DMCii (Mackin) 5:30 Adjourn
Day 2, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2008 8:30 NASA (Ungar) 8:45 NIST (Johnson) 9:00 NPL (Fox) 9:15 NOAA (Weng) 9:30 Russia (Burdakin, Panfilov, Sapritsky) 9:45 Thailand/GISTDA (Nutpramoon) 10:00 USGS (Dwyer) 10:15 - 10:30 Break Session 3: CEOS/IP - Data quality assurance strategy for GEOSS This session addresses the GEO task DA-06-02: Developing data quality assurance strategy for GEOSS 10:30 GEO task DA-06-02: Current status, activities, issues and plans (Ungar)
Session 3.1: GEO-CEOS Cal/Val workshop: Report (Chair: Lecomte) 10:50 Methodology and guidelines for Cal/Val (Fox) 11:05 Harmonization of quality information (Lecomte) 11:20 Cal/Val Site Characterisation & Classification (Stensaas) 11:45 Satellite and in situ Cal/Val data access (Bojkov) 12:00 - 1:00pm Lunch Session 3.2: Climate quality calibration for GEOSS (Chairs: Cao, Lecomte) In this session we will discuss projects, case studies, and potential standards towards more stable and consistent satellite measurements. It aims at establishing the link between DA-06-02 and other GEO tasks. It also addresses the climate SBA and GCOS IP actions, including CL-06-01, CL-06-02, and A-5, C-7, C-9, O-17, O-18, and T-4.
2:30 GSICS progress update (Weng) 3:00 Progress Update on Project 07-01: Making consistent measurements from MODIS, ATSR, and AVHRR reflective solar bands for generating Fundamental Climate Data Records (FCDRs) (T-4, O-17) (Xiong/Trishchenko) CEOS WGCV 28th Meeting Draft agenda, Jan. 31, 2008 3:15 Progress Update on Project 07-02: International collaboration for on-orbit SI traceable measurements (A-5, C-7) (Fox) 3:30 - 3:40 Break 4:40 Roundtable discussion: A review of CEOS radiometric reference standards The need for CEOS WGCV standards and standards technical committee Coordination with existing standards bodies Inventory of potential WGCV standards and documentation issues Develop a standards factsheet/handbook. Examples: Spectral solar irradiance for intercomparisons (IVOS), Microwave sensor cal/val sites (CSAR and MS), etc. Formulate Subgroup Actions (Campbell, All) 5:30 Adjourn
Day 3, Thursday, Feb. 28, 2007 Session 4: WGCV support to LSI constellation (Stenssas, Bailey) 8:30 Cal/val portal and cal/val sites for LSI (Stenssas and Lecomte) 9:00 Calibration support to Constellations - the DMC experience (Mackin) 9:25 SPOT cal/val at Dome C site (Henry) 9:50 CBERS cal/val (IRSA/CAS (Gu), INPE, CRESDA) 10:15 - 10:30 Break 10:30 IRS cal/val, ISRO (TBD) 10:50 JAXA LSI Cal/Val support (Imaoka) WGCV Reporting 11:10 Summary of achievements to be reported to the CEOS Plenary/GEO summit (Campbell, All) 11:30 New WGCV28 Action Items and Recommendations to CEOS (Campbell, All) 11:50 Date and time for next WGCV29 meeting (All, Cao and Baret) 12:00-1:00pm Lunch
WGCV and WGISS Joint Working Session 1:00 Current GEO priorities and their relevance to CEOS: WGCV & WGISS (Dr. Michael Rast, GEO Secretariat) 2:00 Intercalibration scenario in collaboration with GEO/ADC (Stephen Ungar, NASA EO-1) 3:00 Introduction to the development of international standards (Wyn Cudlip, WGISS/BNSC) 3:30 Break CEOS WGCV 28th Meeting Draft agenda, Jan. 31, 2008 4:00 Panel discussions: CEOS Working Group joint support to the LSI Constellation (Maiden, Cao, Bailey, and Stenssas) 5:30 Adjourn
Day 4, Friday, Feb. 29, 2008 WGCV and WGISS Joint Working Session (Continued) 8:30 CEOS Atmospheric composition constellation: Cal/Val issues and support (Hilsenrath) 9:30 Atmospheric Composition Subgroup Report (Bojkov) 10:00 Aura Validation Data Center, WGISS Invited Presentation (Bojkov) 10:30 - 10:45 Break 10:45 Panel discussions: CEOS Working Groups - Joint support of the AC Constellation (Cao, Maiden, Hilsenrath) 12:00 Closing of WGCV28/WGISS25 (Maiden and Cao) 12:00-1:00pm Lunch 1:00-5:00pm Site visit of SOA and CAS ground station satellite facility
IGARSS-2008 Invited Paper THE CEOS CALVAL PORTAL: PATHWAY TO GEOSS DATA COMPARABILITY TOWARD CONSISTENT CALIBRATION USING COMMON PRACTICES AND CALVAL SITES Changyong Cao1, Stephen Ungar2, Pascal Lecomte3, Xiaoxiong Xiong2, Xiwu Zhan1, Petya Campbell2,4 1NOAA/NESDIS/ORA, 2NASA/GSFC, 3ESA/ESRIN, 4UMBC Abstract A significant challenge for the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) interoperability is the lack of consistency in calibration of earth observations from satellites developed and operated by different space agencies worldwide. Many Earth observing satellite instruments are calibrated independently with different methodologies and calibration/validation sites. The potential for significant discrepancies exists across satellites and programs. As the space segment of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working Group on Calibration and Validation (WGCV) is providing information and data for Calibration (Cal) and Validation (Val) of Earth Observation (EO) data through the GEO/CEOS CalVal Portal (calvalportal.ceos.org) to promote common cal/val “best” practices as well as to provide a repository for data from community endorsed common cal/val sites.
IGARSS-2008 Invited Paper This portal is being developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) to support worldwide activities on calibration and validation, and specifically ensure that sensor intercalibration is favored in a standardized way. ESA’s specific goal is to increase measurement accuracy of all the sensors which will be supported by this system, so that the GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) program can be served with the best information products available. Currently the portal is dedicated to calibration of Infrared and Visible Optical Sensors (IVOS). It is frequently updated and will be further extended to other instruments as well as to validation in future releases. Efficient use of EO data relies on multi source data access, interoperability, long-term data preservation, and definition standards. Calibration and validation are two essential steps for the correct use and understanding of the EO data. The CalVal Portal is dedicated to ease and strengthen the calibration process and therefore will increase the comparability of similar instruments data.
IGARSS-2008 Invited Paper Several members of the WGCV are participating in a joint effort to identify prototypical common cal/val sites which can be used by space agencies and value-added data providers to perform consistency checks at their own discretion. In a current study, the potential uses of the Antarctic Dome C site for cross comparison of visible/near infrared instruments, as well as selected infrared and microwave instruments are investigated. Major advantages of this site include long-term stability, relative uniformity, low aerosol loading, dry atmosphere, low cloud cover, more frequent satellite overpass, and unique geographic location. In addition, simultaneous nadir overpass (SNO) also occurs at this site for certain satellite pairs, which can provide highly accurate radiometric calibration transfer between satellites. Analysis of satellite observations of the Dome C site from AVHRR, MODIS, Hyperion, AMSR-E, and other instruments are presented to investigate the feasibility of using this site for intercomparison. Satellite observations are also compared to ground measurements to characterize the effect of BRDF (bidirectional reflectance distribution function). The findings suggest that the site is relatively stable and has relatively low radiometric uncertainty. It serves as a good candidate for CEOS endorsed cal/val site for the intercomparison of satellite measurements.
DA-06-02 Progress DA-06-02 Progress MODIS, ATSR, AVHRR, Hyperion spectral response
DA-06-02 Progress DA-06-02 Progress Hyperion over Dome C
DA-06-02 Progress Establish lunar standard for longterm radiometric stability