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Warriors Don’t Cry VOCABULARY FOR CHAPTER 9. DEFIANT. Formal Definition: “ marked by resistance or bold opposition, as to authority; challenging” Example: Every time the student walked into class, he was defiant and disrespectful. DESCEND.

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  1. Warriors Don’t CryVOCABULARY FOR CHAPTER 9

  2. DEFIANT • Formal Definition: “marked by resistance or boldopposition, as to authority; challenging” • Example: Every time the student walked into class, he was defiant and disrespectful

  3. DESCEND • Formal Definition: “togo or passfromahigher to a lower place.” • Example: I descended into the creepy basement at Amundsen High School.

  4. DEVISE • Formal Definition: “toworkout,contrive, or plan (something)in one's mind.” • Example: Coach Smith devised a plan for the Bears to win the game

  5. ENDURE • Formal Definition: “toholdoutagainst; to bearwithout resistance or with patience.” • Example: I just had to endure my mother’s lecture until she was finished. PEOPLE OF HAITI

  6. HECKLE • Formal definition: “to harass a person with impertinent questions, gibes, orthelike; badger.” • Example: The Red Sox fans heckled Derek Jeter.

  7. LINGER • Formal Definition: “to remain or stay on in a place longer than is usualor expected.” • Example: I lingered after class because I wanted to talk Mr. Craig.

  8. RESIGN • Formal definition: “to submit; to yield” • Example sentence: I resigned myself to the fact that I had to go to school.

  9. MOPE • Formal Definition: “to be gloomy or apathetic; to move or act inan aimless way.” • Example: David moped around his house because he didn’t want to go to school.

  10. PROPPED • Formal Definition: “to support, or prevent from falling; to rest against a support.” • Example: I propped the baby up so she wouldn’t fall down.

  11. SCAMPER • Formal Definition: “to runorgohastily or quickly.” • Example: When I saw the principle coming, Iscampered away

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