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Council of State Governments Innovations Award July 29, 2011

Leveraging Technology for Efficiency in Government. Council of State Governments Innovations Award July 29, 2011. S tatewide E lectronic C ollision & T icket O nline R ecords. The Case for Change.

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Council of State Governments Innovations Award July 29, 2011

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  1. Leveraging Technology for Efficiency in Government Council of State Governments Innovations Award July 29, 2011

  2. Statewide Electronic Collision & Ticket Online Records

  3. The Case for Change • Traditional paper-based systems for processing tickets and collision reports are inefficient and costly • Volumes increase over time • 1,300,000 + tickets • 140,000 collision reports • Redundant & costly data entry throughout the system

  4. Research Showed a Problem with Accuracy and Timeliness • 10-15% of paper tickets contain significant errors (Pitt. Law, NY Finance Dept.) • 11% of statewide paper collision reports are returned to officers for corrections • Following court disposition, the average delay for a paper citation to be received & processed by DOL is 13 days • Average length of time for a paper collision report to be received and processed by WSDOT is over 90 days BOTTOM LINE: Paper systems are inefficient, inaccurate, and costly

  5. Disposition An Example of the Burden: Paper Tickets Local Court Of Jurisdiction Statewide Court Database Law Enforcement Agency Copy Court Copy Law Enforcement Agency Department of Licensing Licensing Copy Officer’s Copy Driver License Database Agency Database Violator Copy

  6. The Foundation for Change:A Structure and Process for Success Establish the Coalition Develop the Roadmap Build Effective Governance Create the Vision

  7. Creating the Vision • Surveyed existing systems and technology to innovate new systems for traffic data • Developed 3 High-level Objectives • Provide law enforcement a tool to electronically create tickets & collision reports in-the-field • Develop an exchange system to send electronic data to repositories • Prepare data repositories to receive and file electronic data

  8. Establishing the Coalition • Conducted outreach to state and local agencies to understand needs and foster relationships • Created an educational toolkit to articulate the business case for change and a “Concerned Community”

  9. The Community is Key

  10. Developing the Roadmap • Convened stakeholder workshops to consider creative approaches for realizing the community’s vision • Identified a portfolio of innovative strategies for developing or acquiring the needed functionality and tools

  11. A Roadmap to the Future Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Prosecutors: Create criminal citations & review those referred by officers Transportation: Receive & file collisions Licensing: Receive and file collisions & ticket dispositions Officers: Create tickets & collision reports Courts: Receive & process tickets; send dispositions SECTOR: Central Server State IT Agency: Distribute tickets, collisions, & dispositions Supervisors: Review/Approve tickets & collisions Law Enforcement: Receive & file SECTOR documents created by officers

  12. Objective 1: SECTOR • In-field application built to automate ticket & collision report creation • Interview-based application, features include: • Auto populates from license and registration bar codes • Utilizes pick lists, drop menus, & default entries • Automates fine calculations • Easy collision scene diagramming

  13. Additional Features • Report reviewer feature allows supervisors to inspect collision reports prior to filing • Automatically generated Driver Information Exchange Form for citizens • Robust back-office database, features include: • Sophisticated reporting capabilities • Local agency administrative control

  14. Objective 2: SECTOR Exchange • Statewide exchange system for disseminating electronic data to appropriate agencies • Washington’s first large-scale Service Oriented Architecture project: • SECTOR Exchange automates the routing of tickets and collision reports

  15. The Data Dissemination Problem:Traditional Data Sharing Model • Each connection is managed separately • Changes to a one organization’s system affects everyone connected to that organization

  16. Broker SECTOR Exchange:Service Oriented Data Sharing • Organizations develop web service applications to send and receive data • A Central Broker facilitates exchanges based on commonly defined messaging standards • Secure • Flexible • System Changes are Transparent to Others

  17. Building Effective Governance • Formalized a leadership structure through a multi-agency cooperative agreement • Two-tiered governance ensures executive support and manager-level commitment • Managers meet weekly • Executive sponsors meet bi-monthly

  18. Managing Roles & Responsibilities • Memorandum of Understanding outlines individual agency responsibilities • Each data system interfacing with SECTOR is explicitly named • System maintenance and support is clearly identified • Collective responsibilities are also addressed • The Governance Team developed a shared change management, communication, and implementation plan

  19. Is SECTOR Effective? • A suite of formal research studies suggests tremendous savings: • Law enforcement(≈ 10,000 statewide): • 30-35% time savings in creating SECTOR tickets & collisions • 15-20% time savings in the time of a traffic stop • Data entry personnel save through automatic filing in records systems • Court staff (≈ 1,300 statewide): • 80% time savings processing traffic infractions • 50-90% time savings for criminal citations • Ticket errors have also been reduced

  20. Is SECTOR Effective? • Dept. of Transportation Coders: • 40% time savings in processing SECTOR collision reports • Less than 1% of SECTOR reports returned to officers • 75% of SECTOR reports are received within 3 days of the collision • Dept. of Licensing • Driver records are updated more frequently and with more accurate data • Financial Responsibility cases generate automatically • Other Efficiencies • Audits of tickets have been made more efficient

  21. Why is SECTOR Unique? • Provides a solution for two separate systems and related business processes: • Tickets: Courts; prosecutors; auditors • Collision Reports: State and local transportation agencies • Leverages the state’s first large-scale network exchange system • Utilizes a collaborative training program coordinating law enforcement, courts, prosecutors, licensing, and transportation

  22. Why is SECTOR Unique? • Allows prosecutors to electronically file criminal citations • Establishes a flexible and scalable platform for adding additional processes and systems • Outlines a repeatable process for other large- scale technology projects

  23. Lessons from SECTOR:Translating the Success to Others • SECTOR provides a technical framework for similar process improvement projects • Implementation may vary from state-to-state but the general solutions and architecture is proven • SECTOR shows the importance of a representative and empowered governance structure • Without a formalized oversight and leadership model, coordinating the various projects among partnering organizations would have been impossible

  24. Lessons from SECTOR:Translating the Success to Others • SECTOR demonstrates the need for large- scale technology projects to: • Create & inspire a shared vision • Establish a coalition by articulating the business case • Develop a clear roadmap for success • Build the appropriate governance structure Collaboration Roadmap Governance Vision

  25. Additional Information http://www.trafficrecords.wa.gov

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