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Enlarged European Information System for PATLIB. The extension and diversification of the PATLIB network, already highlighted during the PATLIB2001 Conference, allowed the EPC member states to achieve considerable purposes: widespread diffusion of patent information;
Enlarged European Information System for PATLIB
The extension and diversification of the PATLIB network, already highlighted during the PATLIB2001 Conference, allowed the EPC member states to achieve considerable purposes: • widespread diffusion of patent information; • the supply of information and assistance to the SME for developing inventions; • the training of experts on intellectual property protection.
The inevitable goal is now the boost and development of the achievements on European level, in particular in view of the adhesion to the EPC of the new Central and East European States.
Therefore SIBA Coordination of the University of Lecce planned the development of the Information System EEIS-PATLIB (Enlarged European Information System for PATLIB), according to its previous experiences gained within the national and European information systems, created and coordinated in other disciplinary fields (see: http://siba2.unile.it) and within cultural, scientific and didactic exchanges established with other Universities and Research Institutes.
EEIS-PATLIB is a European Information System, accessible via Web, based • on “interPATLIB” cooperation, • on interchanges, • on consortium acquisitions and sharing of information resources (databases, full-text electronic journals, etc.), of technical resources and special skills.
EEIS-PATLIB aims • at a wider spreading of patent information, • at the innovation and development of intellectual property in all European countries, • at the training of professional profiles highly qualified in industrial research, innovation and technological transfer, in line with the instructions of UIBM and of EPO.
EEIS-PATLIB, implemented by SIBA Coordination of the University of Lecce, is accessible on the SIBA Coordination server on the following address: http://siba2.unile.it/eeis-patlib
Its development depends on the adhesion and the collaboration of the current and the future member States of the EPC.
The System’s logo represents the extension of the PATLIB network and the cooperation on European level.
The Website, set up in four languages (English, Italian, French and German), has been structured in various sections that allow the coordinated access to a whole of electronic informative resources.
The “PATLIB Centres” section, continuously updated, allows the identification of the existing PATLIB Centres in the various European countries and the access to the relevant Websites and electronic resources.
http://siba2.unile.it/eeis-patlib The “Databases” section includes the free access European and worldwide patent databases and the commercial ones.
For commercial patent databases a Project for the consortium acquisition and sharinghas been planned on European level, based on the experiences developed within similar projects achieved and coordinated by SIBA Coordination on national level, saving considerable human, technical and financial resources.
http://siba-sinmdb.unile.it/ZMATH http://siba-sinmdb.unile.it/MATHDI • SIBA Coordination runs indeed • the national mirrors of some European databases
http://siba2.unile.it:8590 • SIBA Coordination runs indeed • the national mirrors of some European databases • the consortium sharing of numerous national and international databases established on its own ERL/WebSpirs and Metaframe-Tatoo servers
http://siba2.unile.it/winframe/index.html • SIBA Coordination runs indeed • the national mirrors of some European databases • the consortium sharing of numerous national and international databases established on its own ERL/WebSpirs and Metaframe-Tatoo servers
http://siba2.unile.it/banchedati/csaacc.htm • SIBA Coordination runs indeed • the national mirrors of some European databases • the consortium sharing of numerous national and international databases established on its own ERL/WebSpirs and Metaframe-Tatoo servers • the access to other databases available on the Editor Web servers.
SIBA Coordination runs indeed • the national mirrors of some European databases • the consortium sharing of numerous national and international databases established on its own ERL/WebSpirs and Metaframe-Tatoo servers • the access to other databases available on the Editor Web servers.
http://siba2.unile.it/db-catalogue For the coordination and development of these projects SIBA Coordination has recently created an ad hoc database
The database (http://siba2.unile.it/db-catalogue) allows the management of consortium acquisitions and wide and easy access to the databases shared on national level. This database can also be used on European level and can include the free databases as well as the commercial ones.
http://www.european-patent-office.org/news/epidosnews/index_epidos.htmhttp://www.european-patent-office.org/news/epidosnews/index_epidos.htm http://www.epo.co.at/epo/pubs/oj_index_e.htm The “Journals” subsection of the “Electronic publications” section includes the electronic journals published by the PATLIB Centres, the free access electronic journals as well as the commercial ones.
For commercial electronic journals, just like for the databases, a Project of consortium acquisitions and sharing has been planned on European level. The Virtual Newspaper Library CASPUR/CIBER (http://periodici.caspur.it), allowing the consortium access to the full-text electronic journals of numerous editors, can be extended to the European Patlib Centres. http://periodici.caspur.it
This Virtual Newspaper Library CASPUR/CIBER, at first set up by the University of Lecce and by the other member Universities CASPUR (Consorzio interuniversitario per le Applicazioni di Supercalcolo per Universita’ e Ricerca), who generated together CIBER (Coordinamento Interuniversitario Basi dati ed Editoria in Rete), can indeed be shared by other interested Institutes. http://siba3.unile.it/caspur-bd http://ciber.caspur.it
For the publication and consultation of the electronic journals and other scientific, didactic, spread material of the PATLIB Centres the development of an ESP (Electronic Scientific Publishing) Project has been planned.
This project has been based on the ESE Project(Electronic Scientific Publishing) run by SIBA Coordination for the coordinated development of the electronic publishing of the University of Lecce, extended to all types of publications of special relevance for research and didactics, as monographs, proceedings, preprints, reviews, degree and doctorate dissertations, lecture notes (http://siba2.unile.it/ese).
The ESP system of management and consultation of electronic publications fosters the use of databases and instruments based on standard and open technologies (SQL, PHP), the use of metalanguages and standard formats for access and diffusion of documents (XML, Dublin Core, PDF, PostScript, TEX) as well as the use of standard communication Protocols (HTTP, Z39.50).
The electronic “Journals” subsection includes also the “Catalogue directory of the electronic journals” (http://siba2.unile.it/ej-catalogue), created by SIBA Coordination for the research and easy access to electronic journals available on-line either free or by subscription.
http://siba2.unile.it/eeis-patlib A section of the EEIS-PATLIB Website is dedicated to “Training”.
Interactive courses and lessons are planned in loco and at distance by means of the use of modern computer technologies and of the Learning Resource Centre, set up by SIBA Coordination and connected to the Satellite Transmission Centre of the University of Lecce. http://siba3.unile.it/ctle/learning
This section is aiming at the training of the European Patlib Centres staff for the use and the diffusion of the patent informative resources, and the creation of highly qualified professional profiles in the field of innovation and development of the intellectual property.
http://siba2.unile.it/eeis-patlib Other sections of the Website can be developed in cooperation with the PATLIB Centres joined the EEIS-PATLIB System basing on needs and ripened experiences of the same Centres.
The European Information System EEIS-PATLIB, planned by SIBA Coordination and described in this report, is a primary target in new European intellectual property landscape outlined by technological evolution and adhesion to the EPC of the new Central and East European States.
Enlarged European Information System for PATLIB
Thank you for your attention Domenico Lucarella