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This research study explores the awareness and behavior of adolescents in Latvia towards computer addiction and its potential negative impacts on their lives. The study includes surveys and interviews conducted with students, teachers, and parents to gather information on computer usage habits, internet safety knowledge, and the potential risks associated with excessive computer use.
Electronictreats/adictionsinLatvia PhD., prof. Velta Lubkina Rezeknes augstskola, Latvia Warsaw, 09.-10.09.2014.
What is an addiction? • In general, addiction is a behavior which a person continues in spite of a negative impact on his/her life. • Addictions may be around drugs including alcohol and other substances such as nicotine and caffeine. There are addictions around activities and compulsive behavior: gambling, eating, sexual activity, and computer use. • There are not positive addictions.
The research "Modern Technology Usage and Internet Safety" • The reseach has been performed by Julija Drebeinika, a student of the 4th study year at the faculty of Education and design of Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia. It provides information on knowledge of internet safety issues and habits of modern technology usage of children, adolescents, their parents and teachers.
Information on the research conducted was disseminated in schools of Latvia inviting teachers to inform their students about the survey happening and use the computer lessons for filling out the questionnaire. • Valid questionnaires :107 (pupils 6-8 years and adolescents) • Interviews: 5 (teachers)
How often do you use a computer? • Every day, nearly every day • 2-3 times a week • once a week • 2-3 times a month • Less than once a month _______________________________________________________________ Intensityofcomputerusage • The 70% uses computer every day, while the 26% uses computers 2 - 3 times a week, andthe 3% uses computer once a week. Only the 1% uses computer 2-3 times a month. Consideringthat half of surveyed pupils admitted a daily use of computer, cases of computer addiction arepossible. Time spentatcomputer Aggregating data, it results that the 30% spends less an hour at computer, the 49 % 3 hours,the 14% 3-5 hours and the 7% more than 5 hours. Thus, the risk of computer addiction appearsmoreevident.
Why do you usually use a computer? (you can tick more than one answer) • for searching of information • forstudies • for the contacts ( chat; Skype) • for visiting social websites (draugiem.lv, etc.) • forgames • for checking an e-mail • for downloading music, movies, etc. • Other__________ Aimofcomputerusage 65% uses computer for studying and searching information, 33%, for e-mailing, 24% for chatting, the 69% for visiting social websites.61% uses computer for playing computer games and 71% uses computer fordownloadingmusicandmovies. To be noted that computer games, chatting and other forms of entertainment could causedependence.
What have you had to face on the Internet? (you can tick more than one answer) • Pictures or games where someone hits or attacks another object • Get troubling letters (threat) • Your back, eyes, etc. hurt if you sit at a computer for a long time • Sometimes your assignments are not done, because you have used the Internet for a longtime • It sometimes happens that you only want to surf the Internet and do anything else • You have revealed an information to strangers about yourself, your family (phone number,address, etc.) • It sometimes happens that you miss classes at school, because you surfed the Internet in theevening for a long time • Other ________ What adolescents have faced on the Internet 56% of adolescents admits that they often are bystanders of online harassments. 39%received unpleasant messages or advertisements, while 27% says that they have back and eyesproblems, if they spend at a computer a long amount of time. 29% of pupils neglects theirhomework spending a lot of time on Internet, 34% use computer only to navigate on Internet,20% give personal information to unknowns, such as their family name, phone number, address,etc.. It happens that pupils (7%) miss school, because they navigate on Internet all the evening, andthe 1% completely neglects their duties.
Do you know that excessive use of a computer can lead to addiction? • Yes • No • I have not thought about it ____________________________________________________ Adolescents' awareness of computer addiction The research verified the pupils’ understanding about the risk of computer addiction causedby an excessive use of computer. About adolescents' awareness of computer addiction , thr research showed that 85% of adolescents knows and agrees that an excessive use of a computer may cause problems, 2% believes that an excessive use of computer cause addiction. Some respondents (13%) haven’t an opinion about it.
What problems can be caused by excessive use of a computer? (you can tick more than one answer) • Conflicts with parents • School absenteeism • Poor relationship with friends • Communication problems • Health problems • Lack of time • other ______________________________________________________ Problems that may be caused by an excessive use of computer Many pupils think that an excessive use of computer can cause healthproblems (41%), loss of time (52%), and disagreements with parents (65%), absences at school(21%), poor relationships with friends (20%), communication problems (35%).
Interpretation of Teachers’ interview The 5 interviews with teachers produced the following results. • It was found that teachers had a good knowledge about computer addiction and related problems. In general they agreed that the excessive use of computer could cause : absence at school, lack ofmotivation in studying, passivity at lessons, deviant behavior , comunicationproblems. • Teachers emphasize that an excessive use of computer negatively could affects adolescents‘attitudes towards: their duties, decreasing learning ability, damaging educational processes.
Some teachers are well informed about computer addiction, but there are also those whohave only a superficial knowledge of this issue and are unable to provide the necessary assistanceandpreventtheproblem. • Two teachers suggested initiatives to draw the attention of students about the risks of computeraddiction. A teacher of computerscience offered to keep lessons about computer risks. • Teachers underlined the need of brochures, informative materials, visual aids, videosexplaining the danger of excessive use of computer. They also suggested the development of radiotelevisionprogramsaboutthistopic.
A teacherssuggested: Lectures about the different forms of computer addiction, their characteristics, causes and effects; To add this issue in health education lessons; To discuss with adolescents and their parents; To keep lessons about risks of excessive computer use.
The research suggested some initiatives to limiting the risks of computer addiction: 1. To produce recommendations for teachers, social workers, and psychologists; 2. To develop education of adolescents, parents and teachers about computer addiction preventionand cyberbullying copying; 3. To create support groups; 4. To indicate books and other materials useful to the understanding problems caused by an excessiveuse of computer; 5. To propose alternative options for spending leisure time; 6. Seminars for adolescents' parents; 7. Sports games and physical activities; 8. To play role games at school.
Some important websites in Latvia • MinistryofWelfareoftheRepublicofLatvia ThestateInspectorateforprotectionofChildren’sright http://www.bti.gov.lv/eng/vbta_inspekcija/uzticibas_talrunis/ LatvianSafer Internet Centre http://www.netsafe.lv/page/116 Coordinating institution of the Centre -Latvian Internet Association with Partners - The State Inspectorate for Protection of Children’s Rights and The Local Governments Training Centre of Latvia
The work of the Centre http://www.netsafe.lv/page/116 follows three directions: 1. INFORMING AND EDUCATING children, adolescents, teachers and parents on Internet safety, i.e. fight potential threats on the Internet (incitement to hate, racism, child pornography and pedophilia, emotional harassment on the Internet, identity theft and data abuse, ect.)
2. Reporting about illegal online content and breaches online (any report can be anonymous). The reports are processed and, if appropriate, send for examination to the State Police. 3. Ensuring a helpline 116111 of the State Inspectorate for Protection of Children’s Rights, a possibility for everyone, but especially children and youngsters for help on any, including internet matters.
Children Hotline (CH) 116111 was established on February 1, 2006 with the aim to give a psychological help to children and teenagers who are in difficult situations. This goal – to hear out children and teenagers, learning them to speak about themselves and trust others – is still the most important work of the CH.
Children Hotline is one of the structural units of the State children rights protection inspectorate because it is every child’s right to get advice how to act in a difficult situations or support children having problems and difficulties. • In the very beginning the goal of the more than 10 CH working psychologists was to gain the children’s trust. • At the present moment the amount of the received calls draws to a conclusion that it has been successful. • During the first working year CH received more than 309 000 calls but nowadays there are more than 1 000 000 calls per year.
Almost every day CH receives more than thousand of calls where children of varied age ask for help or simply want to have a talk, rarely those are adults who would like to comprehend their children or grandchildren. • Therefore, psychologists should manage and should be capable to speak with different individuals about different issues, amongst which the most common are relations in the school, relations with parents, brothers and sisters, relations between boys and girls.
Center Against Abuse „Dardedze” http://www.centrsdardedze.lv/eng A non governmental, non profit organization working to prevent child abuse in Latvia and to provide direct help to children exposed to sexual, physical, emotional abuse and neglect. The Center actively works towards preventing child abuse at all levels, and provides support and help when child abuse occurs.
The Center vision and mission is planted in the belief that every child has the right to feel safe, to be loved, cared for, nurtured and respected. Therefore the professional team of the Center works towards enhancing: • child’s safety and protection at home (in the family) • child’s safety and protection at school • child’s safety and protection in residential placements • child’s safety on line • child’s safety in community
Several projects were implemented in this area in Latvia. One of them was the project "Safety Online“ http://www.draudzigsinternets.lv Its initiator was Microsoft, and the project was supported by the State Inspectorate for Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Welfare of the republic of Latvia, the project "Net-Safe Latvia", and a number of NGOs. There are a practical advices concerning online safety on the webpage, these advices help even to the most vulnerable users to feel safe, while working online. About protective measure, there are materials available online for teachers, parents or carers.
Materials for teachers are developed with the aim to facilitate their work in the following areas: http://www.draudzigsinternets.lv/html/ope.htm • discussing with pupils information safety issues; • finding out how children use the Internet; • finding out for what purposes personal information is used on the Internet; • finding out where to look for additional information
The Internet safety encompasses three main aspects: - Protecting your computer- Protecting themselves online- Respecting the rules In addition, this website provides teachers with: Lesson planning advices and recommended methods, for example:negotiations, story analysis, discussions, etc. A specialized dictionary
Materials for parents and social workers http://www.draudzigsinternets.lv/html/vanhemmille.htm Guide for Parents that contains the basic information and the latest guidance on the Internet usage The "Parents and carers network“ that provides information on the way children and teenagers use the Internet. Every interested person can give practical advices for children's safety online.
My thanks for your attention! PhD, prof. Velta Lubkina velta@ru.lv