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Aerobic respiration-the electron transport chain

Aerobic respiration-the electron transport chain. The Electron Transport Chain (ETC). The ETC is the final and most productive step – it produces the most ATP. How do electrons produce energy?.

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Aerobic respiration-the electron transport chain

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  1. Aerobic respiration-the electron transport chain

  2. The Electron Transport Chain (ETC) • The ETC is the final and most productive step – it produces the most ATP

  3. How do electrons produce energy? • The big and seemingly complicated question is how do we get those electrons, being carried by NADH+ and FADH2 to create chemical energy

  4. Think about this… • How much effort would it take you to meet 20 of your friends in the middle of an active mosh pit at a concert? • Explain why.

  5. Diffusion as energy • Molecules naturally spread out from one another – this is the LOWEST energy formation for molecules to be in • This follows the Second Law of Thermodynamics – that systems will move towards states of increasing disorder

  6. Second Law of Thermodynamics • This phenomenon of increasing entropy is NATURAL LAW

  7. Concentrate this • CONCENTRATION GRADIENT refers to the organization of particles in a given system

  8. Diffusion releases energy • Particles, when allowed to move freely and without restriction, will naturally spread out and diffuse • This means that molecules are allowed to move

  9. The opposite, therefore, must be true • That being said, just like trying to join 20 of your friends in the center of an active mosh pit, concentrating molecules requires the input of energy

  10. So where does diffusion come in? • Electrons are therefore used to create high concentration gradients of hydrogen ions • Which, already, by the fact that they are positively charged, don’t like each other

  11. The ETC (Electron Transport Chain) Where does oxygen come in?

  12. Role of cristae • Therefore, the cristae are very important in mitochondria

  13. Electron Transport Chain http://www.wiley.com/legacy/college/boyer/0470003790/animations/electron_transport/electron_transport.htm http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072437316/student_view0/chapter9/animations.html# http://www.dnatube.com/video/104/ATP-synthase-structure-and-mechanism

  14. The numbers • ATP Synthase needs 2 x H+ ions to power the creation of one ATP

  15. Final count: this table represents the ATP outputted by the complete breakdown of a glucose molecule via cellular respiratoin

  16. Final count: this table represents the ATP outputted by the complete breakdown of a glucose molecule via cellular respiration

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