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Michael Oak School Association 49 th AGM

Michael Oak School Association 49 th AGM. Wednesday 3 rd of August 2011.

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Michael Oak School Association 49 th AGM

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  1. Michael Oak School Association49th AGM Wednesday 3rd of August 2011

  2. “A healthy relation exists between school and society only when society is kept constantly supplied with the new and individual potentials of people whose education has allowed them to develop unhampered. This can only be realised if the schools and the whole education system are placed on a footing of self-administration within the social organism. The government and the economy must receive people educated by the independent spiritual-cultural life; they must not have the power to prescribe according to their own wants how these people are to be educated” Rudolph Steiner

  3. Agenda • Chairperson’s report • College report • Admin Group • Links • Sub-committees • AGM matters • Questions • Closing

  4. Chairperson’s report • Key aspects of founding Trust Deed • Role and workings of the Board of Trustees • Structure of the sub-committees & working groups • Current status of the school • Key projects completed in the last year • Projects underway

  5. Key aspects of the founding Trust Deed • Main object of the trust – “To organise and promote the teaching of children in accordance with the principles and methods expounded by Rudolph Steiner.” • Sets out manner in which Trustees are elected – via Nominations committee comprising 2 each from the Class Links, College and Trustees. • Empowers Board of Trustees as a decision making body • Maximum of 12 Trustees, at least three must be teachers as selected by College • College and Class Links are established in the Trust Deed as sub-committees of the Board of Trustees. • Board of Trustees can establish further sub-committees at its discretion • Trustees can entrust authority to sub-committees from time to time

  6. Centre for Creative Education Neighbours Objectives of MO Trust Deed Insurance Federation of Waldorf Schools Community Risk-com Debtors Group Fin-com CCC Monthly Accounts ISASA Budget Risks Legal Issues Trustees Audit Group Values Parents Children Working closely with College College All Pedagogical issues Buildings & Grounds Enrolment Long term planning Admin Group MO Vision Domestic Staff Non-teaching staff Performance Salaries Daily management of school Maintenance Staff Staff training & development Payroll & Leave Employment of Teaching staff Rem-com Ensure policies in line with values Communications with classes Employment contracts Benefits Links Liaison between teachers & parents PR & Marketing Group Financial & legal stability Diversity Group Sust-com Accommodation & Development Group Parent Enrichment Maintenance Group Imhoff Build-com SARS Fundraising , Bursaries & Enrolment Group Constantia Gardens Group Green Group Labour Law Gaia Safety & Security Group Setting annual goals Common law Stellenbosch Other peninsula schools King Code of Conduct

  7. Current status of the school • Uncertain economic times • Great spirit and energy in the school • Vibrant and effective Links body • Many projects underway • College, Admin Group, Links and Trustees are working well together and are aligned in their vision • School almost full – currently 342 children, max around 350 children • Administration of the school in good shape and in capable hands • School is in a financially sound position • School aims to break even on its operations on an annual basis • Capital projects are funded by building levies and other forms of fundraising

  8. Key projects completed in the year • Following the strategic and marketing review (2009-2010) – a list of projects was drawn up • This list forms part of the board pack, each project is assigned to a sub-committee, some projects completed: • Vision, mission and values statement finalised • New sub-committees of the Board of Trustees created • Sketch plans to upgrade the kindergarten buildings completed • Sports Co-ordinator appointed • Annual financial statements consolidated • Web-site revamped • Parents’ Education Programme on Saturday mornings is going well

  9. Projects underway • Planning and discussion around the future of the High School • Preparation for the 50th year anniversary in 2012 • Master-plan for the school grounds • Raising capital for the potential upgrade of the Kindergarten and High School • Green Group is being established • A follow up diversity workshop to be held at the end of August • Formalise a long term plan for the school

  10. College Report • Members – Leigh Whitesman, Anette Bestwick, Richard Cox, Ann Kantey, Douwe Raaths, Kathy Abbott, Julia O’Leary, Graham Scannell, Tine Bohm • Our teachers • Our Support Staff • Our Meetings • Our Studies • Our Celebrations • Our Assessments • Our Parents • Our Children

  11. High School Report • Serious reflection on the drop off of intake into class 8 this year • A 10-point plan has been developed and is being actioned • Consideration being given to going up to class 12 • Would require research and support from parents • We are in discussions with Constantia • Schools will work more closely together going forward • Possible shuttle service between the two • High School teaching spaces to be upgraded • High School is financially viable as it stands now

  12. Admin Group • Members – Lesley Swart (enrolment), Jane Johnston (bursar), Jen Craig (financial administrator), Anza Fischer (financial assistant), Richard Cox (administrator), Faiza Abdurahman (reception). • Welcome to Anza Fischer joined the team in the year • Weekly meetings • Work underway to streamline admin operations • Tarryn George - Fair & Big Walk admin liaison person • Jane and Lesley working closely together on enrolment • Team is working well together

  13. Building, Maintenance & Safety Committee • Members – Shehnaaz Moosa, Richard Cox, Gregory Mann, Winifred Bond • Mandate – maintenance, gardens, accommodation needs, new building plans, safety & security, environment • Working Groups • Building & Accommodation Group • Maintenance Group • Gardens Group • Green Group • Projects – Upgrade of Kindergarten, entrance, signage, High School, master plan for the grounds, formation of Green Group

  14. Personnel & Remuneration Committee • Members – Anette Bestwick, Ann Kantey, Garth Solomon, Jane Johnston, Julie Fischer and Richard Cox • Mandate – all remuneration and employment matters, except for the employment of teachers, which is held by College • 4 meeting held this year • Projects – formalised the remuneration philosophy of the school, reviewed the monthly vs hourly paid staff rates, investigating broadening the medical aid offering, benchmarked salaries against other ISASA schools, made some salary adjustments in the year, recommended the salary increases for next year to Fin-com

  15. Sustainability Committee • Members – Rob Macdonald (chair), Genevieve Langenhoven, Richard Cox, Kathy Abbot, Lesley Swart, Jane Johnston, Douwe Raaths • Mandate – ensure the long term sustainability of the school, enrolment, fundraising, bursaries, diversity, PR & marketing • Working Groups • Enrolment, Bursaries & Fundraising Group • PR& Marketing Group • Diversity Group

  16. Enrolment, Bursaries & Fundraising Group • Enrolment • Challenge: getting the “right” numbers • New policies on application & notice • Bursaries • Distinction between bursaries & financial assistance • What is currently available? • Fundraising • School fees are key • Big Walk, School Fair, 50th Anniversary

  17. PR & Marketing Group • On-going activities • Leaflet; Handbook; Calendars; Publicity; Enrolment • Key projects • New website • Branding • Training videos • Notice boards • 50th Anniversary

  18. Diversity Group • School focus for 2011 • Key focus areas: • Diversity Workshop • Curriculum & pedagogy • Enrolment & admissions • Bursaries & funding • 2012 Diversity Calendar • Collaboration with School Fair

  19. Risk Committee • Members – Carl Wesselink, Garth Solomon, Jane Johnston, Jen Craig, Julie Fischer, Richard Cox • 2 meetings a year envisaged, one in the first and one in the last quarter • Mandate – identify key risks school is exposed to, highlighting to the board where further work is required, approve the annual insurance renewal, advise the board on all legal matters • Key risks 2011 – indemnity forms not signed for each outing, uncertainty amongst parents with regard to the high school – needs a clear plan

  20. Finance & Audit Committee • Members – Julie Fischer, Jane Johnston, Brett Paton, Jen Craig, Richard Cox, Steven Sollinger • Mandate – all financial and administration matters, monthly management accounts, fee increases, annual budget, audit and financial statements • Working Groups • Admin Group – finance side • Audit Group • Debtors Group • Projects – streamlining of processes and accounting, financial assistance, consolidation of financial statements.

  21. Treasurer’s report - introduction • Healthy fee paying culture in the school • Income only considered income when banked • Monies for fee assistance from various sources • We need to grow the universe of funders • A team meets every quarter with Stellenbosch Waldorf School re the surety signed on their behalf • Stellenbosch in good shape, with strong management team

  22. Treasurer’s report – year ahead • Budget process for 2012 underway • Enrolment numbers are key • Subsidy from government not budgeted for, coming to an end • Fees (70% of income) – latest ISASA survey indicates MO fees on the low side, comparative tricky though re grounds, standard of education • Salaries (70% of costs) benchmarked against the 50th percentile of ISASA primary school salaries, challenge is to pay on a fair and equitable basis • Looking to budget for 13th cheque • Budgeting is about striking the balance between fees and salaries • Continue to build reserves • School in stable and healthy financial position

  23. 2010 Annual Financial Statements • Land & buildings revalued this year • Now on balance sheet at R23 million • Michael Oak Association owns 100% of Michael Oak Properties • This year we consolidated the two sets of financial statements • Balance sheet now represents all assets & liabilities • Grateful for the good years and mindful of the lean years • 2010 was a good financial year for the school, registering a R253 000 surplus from school operations • Expect to break even this year, which is our aim • Levies continue to pay for the loan from the DBSA • Debtors under control • Fees the life blood of the school’s economy

  24. AGM issues • 2010 AFS - available from Jen Craig • Approval of minutes of 48th AGM - approved • Matters arising from these minutes - none • Trustee nominations for 2011/12 – as per recommendation from the Nominations Committee • Questions • Closing address & thanks

  25. Nominations for 2011/2012 • Greg Mann has two children in the school in Class 2 and Class 5, he is an architect and runs his own practice. Greg joined the board in 2009 and is a member of the Building Committee and the Accommodation and Development Group. • Genevieve Langenhoven has 3 children at the school in Kindergarten, Class 2 and Class 6, and is a full time mother of 4. She joined the board last year, is a member of the Sustainability Committee, and is intimately involved in the school as a class link and the Fair craft co-coordinator. • Garth Solomon has a child in Class 1, is a chartered accountant and an investment professional, and in this capacity serves on the boards and subcommittees of a number of companies. He joined the board last year and chairs the risk and remuneration committees • Julie Fischer has a child in Class 6 , is a member of the chartered institute of secretaries and previously was part of the admin group of the school in a part time capacity. She is the current treasurer, the chairperson of Fin-com and serves on the Remuneration and Risk Committees. • Rob Macdonald has three children at the school, twins in Playgroup and a daughter in Kindergarten. He has a masters degree in management and has worked in both academia and business. He holds a senior management position in the financial services industry. Rob joined the board in the year and is currently the chair of the Sustainability Committee and a member of the PR & Marketing Group. • Shehnaaz Moosa has 4 children in the school in Playgroup, Kindergarten, Class 1 and Class 3. She has a doctorate in chemical engineering and currently works in the climate change field. She  joined the board in the year and is currently chair of Build-com and the Green Group.

  26. Nominations for 2011/12 • Peter Digby has a child in Class 2. He has a business science degree, an MBA and is a chartered financial analyst. He has diverse management and business experience with specific skills in IT and marketing. He is currently a member of the PR & Marketing Group and has been instrumental in getting the new web-site up and running. • Tony Loubser has two children at the school in Class 1 and Class 3, he has a BA LLB, is managing partner of a law firm and is currently completing his MA in environmental law. He has previous experience as a teacher, a school book editor and a sports coach. • Teachers as nominated by College • Anette Bestwick has been a teacher at Michael Oak since 1986. She is currently the Class 7 teacher and will be the Class 1 teacher next year. She is a member of the Primary Faculty and of College. She has a number of years experience as a Trustee and is currently a member of the Remuneration Committee • Delia Sesiu has been a Kindergarten teacher at Michael Oak since 2002. She is the current chair 0f the Kindergarten Faculty. She was previously a member of the board and now rejoins it in place of Kathy Abbott. • Richard Cox has been a teacher at Michael Oak since 1989 and currently teaches English, History and crafts in the high school and a member of the High School Faculty and College. For 30 percent of his time Richard is the school administrator and consequently a member of a number of the working groups in the school. He also has many years experience as a Trustee and is a member of all the sub-committees of the board.

  27. Questions ? • Board of Trustees • College • Admin Group • Links • Finance & Audit Committee • Personnel & Remuneration Committee • Sustainability Committee • Risk Committee • Building, Maintenance & Safety Committee

  28. In closing…thanks • Everyone for coming out tonight • The class 3 parents for tea • The members of College and the teachers for their dedication and passionate commitment to this wonderful, independent school • The Trustees for their willingness to contribute their skills and time in the year • To all the parents active in the sub-committees, working groups and other areas of school life, for their time and efforts • School is in good shape and well positioned to complete a number of projects in preparation for next years 50th anniversary celebration. • We wish the school well for the year ahead.

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