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Freedom’s Boundaries at Home and Abroad, 1890-1900

Freedom’s Boundaries at Home and Abroad, 1890-1900. The Populist Challenge. The Farmer’s Alliances and the People’s Party. Populist Organization. James “Cyclone” Davis. Thomas Watson. The Populists and Electoral Politics. The Government and Labor.

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Freedom’s Boundaries at Home and Abroad, 1890-1900

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Freedom’s Boundaries at Home and Abroad, 1890-1900

  2. The Populist Challenge

  3. The Farmer’s Alliances and the People’s Party

  4. Populist Organization James “Cyclone” Davis Thomas Watson

  5. The Populists and Electoral Politics

  6. The Government and Labor We stand here to-day in behalf of millions of toilers whose petitions have been buried in committee rooms, whose prayers have been unresponded to, and whose opportunities for honest…productive labor have been taken from them by unjust legislation, which protects idlers, speculators, and gamblers Coxey’s Army, 1894

  7. Eugene Debs and the Pullman Strike The Pullman Community Eugene Debs

  8. Election of 1896

  9. The Wizard of Oz and the Election of 1896

  10. The Segregated South

  11. Failure of the New South Atlanta Editor Henry Grady

  12. The law of Segregation

  13. The Rise of Lynching States with over 200 lynchings, 1889-1918 http://www.withoutsanctuary.org/main.html

  14. Redrawing Freedom’s Boundaries “The South…has its negro, the city has its slums…The friends of American institutions fear the ignorant immigrant, and the workingman dislikes the Chinese.” --Economist Simon Patten

  15. The New Immigration Immigrationto the UnitedStates, 1880–1920

  16. Nativism

  17. Emergence of Booker T. Washington Tuskegee Institute

  18. The Rise of the AFL Samuel Gompers

  19. The Women’s Era

  20. Prohibition, 1904 and 1917 Only three states were dry in 1904, but by1917 over half of the people in the countrylived in either a state or county that had gonedry—momentum that led to nationwideprohibition in 1919.

  21. Becoming a World Power

  22. The New Imperialism

  23. The Expansionist Argument Alfred Thayer Mahan The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783

  24. Spain and Cuba

  25. A beautiful naked white woman standing defiantly before three overly curious Spanish officers (truth is that female matrons performed the search)

  26. The Spanish-American War, The Pacific Theatre

  27. The Spanish-American War, Caribbean Theatre

  28. The Spanish Brute, 1898 Wartime journalism portrayed the Spanish as bloodthirsty beasts who murdered and mutilated American servicemen.

  29. The Treaty of Paris

  30. China There are 4000,000,000 active stomachs in China, and each cries for food three times a day John Hay: Sec. of State that circulated notes that called for an Open Door Policy

  31. The Filipino Insurrection “Map of the China Seas ... Under the National Flags, 1898” Emilio Aguinaldo

  32. Citizens or Subjects?

  33. Yes, as near as I can make out the Constitution follows the flag---but doesn’t quite catch up with it. Anti-Imperialist League: Attracted a broad coalition of Progressives, politicians, laborers, writers, and activists

  34. Imperialist Cartoon or Anti-Imperialist Cartoon?

  35. Imperialist Cartoon or Anti-Imperialist Cartoon?

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