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Dermatoglyphics Analysis Report for Self-Discovery

Understand yourself, enhance learning, improve relationships, and make better life decisions through dermatoglyphics analysis. Discover your hidden talents and potential. Contact now for a free sample profiling session.

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Dermatoglyphics Analysis Report for Self-Discovery

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  2. Dermatoglyphics(Der_ma_toh_gli_fix) The Scientific Study of Skin Ridge Patterns Derma – skin Glyphics – the lines, patterns and ridges of the skin It reveals the congenital links between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents Your Talents & Personality are reflected in your Fingerprints

  3. Mission Statement To enable each unique individual to discover their Hidden Talents through Self - Awareness and to unlock & develop their Full Potential, so as to pursue their Passion in Life with Purpose, Love & Gratitude

  4. Mission Statement Pursue Passion in Life with Purpose, Love and Gratitude Unlock and Develop Full Potential Enhance Self - Awareness Discover Hidden Talents

  5. Fingerprints Profiling to Know Oneself & Get Ahead in Life How can I find my Hidden Inborn Talents? Inborn Learning Capacity - Total Finger Ridge Count (TFRC) Learning Sensitivity - Axial Triradius Delta and (ATD) 8 Multiple Intelligences How can I understand myself better and how can I relate better with others? Personality Trait (Dominant, Influential, Steady, Compliant) Quotients (Intelligence, Emotional, Creative, Adversity) How can I achieve better Results / Grades? Understanding the Human Brain The Relationship of our Brain to our Hands Left and Right Brain Dominance Acquiring Method (Cognitive, Affective, Reverse, Reflective) Learning Style (Visual, Audio, Kinesthetic) What suits me best and how can I perform better? Correct Extra - Curricular Activities Right Career Choices Discover Hidden Talents Enhance Self - Awareness Unlock and Develop Full Potential Call me now to arrange for a non-obligatory Discussion and FREE Sample Profiling Patrick Lam 9765 9810 Pursue Passion in Life with Purpose, Love and Gratitude

  6. Fingerprints Profiling to Know Oneself & Get Ahead in Life How can I find my Hidden Inborn Talents? Inborn Learning Capacity - Total Finger Ridge Count (TFRC) 8 Learning Sensitivity - Axial Triradius Delta and (ATD) 16 8 Multiple Intelligences 32 to 41 How can I understand myself better and how can I relate better with others? Personality Trait (Dominant, Influential, Steady, Compliant)18to 22 Quotients (Intelligence, Emotional, Creative, Adversity) 17 How can I achieve better Results / Grades? Understanding the Human Brain 12 The Relationship of our Brain to our Hands 13, 7 & 14 Left and Right Brain Dominance 9 to 11 Acquiring Method (Cognitive, Affective, Reverse, Reflective) 23 to 26 Learning Style (Visual, Audio, Kinesthetic) 28 What suits me best and how can I perform better? Correct Extra - Curricular Activities 42 Right Career Choices 43 to 47 Discover Hidden Talents Enhance Self - Awareness Unlock and Develop Full Potential Call me now to arrange for a non-obligatory Discussion and FREE Sample Profiling Patrick Lam 9765 9810 Pursue Passion in Life with Purpose, Love and Gratitude

  7. Fingerprints Profiling to know Oneself & Get Ahead in Life Discover Hidden Talents How can I find my Hidden Inborn Talents? Inborn Learning Capacity - Total Finger Ridge Count (TFRC) Learning Sensitivity - Axial Triradius Delta and (ATD) 8 Multiple Intelligences

  8. How can I find my Hidden Inborn Talents? Discover Hidden Talents Inborn Learning Capacity - Total Finger Ridge Count (TFRC) Total Finger Ridge Count – TFRC TFRC is reflection of a person’s inborn learning capacity. It is commonly known as “Neocortex Brain Cell Capacity”. The value of TFRC doesn’t directly represent a person’s intelligence (IQ), but it is an indication of an individual’s inborn learning capacity. An individual with TFRC lower than 60 needs to be patient in his/her learning process & get sufficient stimulation & reinforcement. An individual with TFRC 150 & above has high learning capacity and a very good short term memory.

  9. How can I find my Hidden Inborn Talents? Discover Hidden Talents Inborn Learning Capacity - Total Finger Ridge Count (TFRC) Your Total Finger Ridge Count is : 177.00 TFRC TYPE INBORN INTELLIGENCE POTENTIAL Below 60 Type G Low Potential 60 to 100 Type F Adequate Potential 101 to 140 Type E Normal Potential 141 to 180 Type D Good Potential 181 to 200 Type C Very Good Potential 201 to 220 Type B Excellent Potential 221 & above Type A Over Active Inborn Intelligence Potential for Patrick Lam is :Type D

  10. How can I find my Hidden Inborn Talents? Discover Hidden Talents Learning Sensitivity - Axial Triradius Delta and (ATD) Axial Triradius Delta - ATD Degree and Learning Sensitivity Speed at which information travels in the brain: There are about 100 billion neurons in the human brain. Information travels between neurons at high speed & the slowest speed is 260 mph or 416 kmh. Axial Triradius Delta - ATD degrees reflects the brain & muscle coordination, ability in conveying and transmitting information. All the information is transmitted through sight, hearing, smell, taste & touch to neurons and delivered to brain for analysis. 43.00 45.00

  11. How can I find my Hidden Inborn Talents? Discover Hidden Talents Learning Sensitivity - Axial Triradius Delta and (ATD) ATD Inborn Learning Sensitivity < 35: Right brain / Left brain has sharp observation powers, agile task performing ability & delicate fine movement skills. It indicates that you are very smart in your personal learning, fast in finding your learning methods & clues and have strong understanding capability. ATD Inborn Learning Sensitivity = 35 - 40: This is within the normal physiological range of ordinary people, indicating that your Right brain / Left brain has stable & fair performance in terms of observation power, task performing ability, movement skills as well as mastering methods and clues in learning new things. ATD Inborn Learning Sensitivity = 41 - 45: Right brain / Left brain has observation power, task performing ability & movement skills, that are suitable for step by step learning to train and enhance your stronger potentials. ATD Inborn Learning Sensitivity > 46: Right brain / Left brain has slower response in learning and you need to be taught with more time & in more stages or steps. This indicates that you are slower in your personal learning, speech as well as eating. Your thinking process is longer & you are slightly weaker in terms of fine movement skills. 43.00 45.00

  12. How can I find my Hidden Inborn Talents? Discover Hidden Talents 8 Multiple Intelligences 8 MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Intrapersonal Intelligence is the ability to assess one’s own strengths, weaknesses, talents & interests. Interpersonal Intelligence is the ability to organize people & to communicate clearly what needs to be done, to use empathy to help others & to solve problems Logical / Mathematical Intelligence enables individuals to use, appreciate & analyze abstract, scientific & mathematical relationships. Verbal /Linguistic Intelligence allows individuals to communicate and make sense of the world through language. Visual / Spatial Intelligence is the ability to deal with space and distance. The way a sailor or airplane pilot navigates the large spatial world. Body / Kinesthetic Intelligenceis the capacity to use your whole body or parts of your body (your hands, your fingers, your arms) to solve problems, make something or put on some kind of production. Musical / Rhythmic Intelligence is the capacity to think in music. To be able to hear patterns, recognize them & perhaps manipulate them. Naturalist Intelligence is the ability to discriminate among living things (Various plants & animals).

  13. How can I find my Hidden Inborn Talents? Discover Hidden Talents 8 Multiple Intelligences 8 MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Multiple Intelligences% 1Intrapersonal (“Self-Smart”) 16.37% 2 Verbal Linguistic (“Word Smart”) 15.23% 3 Bodily/Kinesthetic (“Body Smart”) 14.69% 4 Music/Rhythmic (“Music Smart”) 12.54% 5 Logical/Mathematical (“Number Smart”) 11.97% 6 Interpersonal (“People Smart”) 10.47% 7 Visual/Spatial (“Picture Smart”) 10.21% 8 Naturalist (“Nature Smart”) 8.51% %Status > 13% High Dominant < 12.99% - 11% Dominant < 10.99% - 9% Average Dominant < 8.99% Less Dominant

  14. Fingerprints Profiling to know Oneself & Get Ahead in Life E nhance Self – Awareness How can I understand myself better and how can I relate better with others? Personality Trait (Dominant, Influential, Steady, Compliant) Quotients (Intelligence, Emotional, Creative, Adversity)

  15. How can I understand myself better and how can I relate better with others? Enhance Self - Awareness Personality Trait (Dominant, Influential, Steady, Compliant) Your Personality is: OWL You are logical, mathematically minded, methodical and sometimes seen as a perfectionists. You can be slow to make decisions and inflexible if rules and logic says otherwise. Not a big risk taker, but you love details. INFLUENCE - PEACOCK DOMINANT - EAGLE COMPLIANT - OWL STEADY - DOVE

  16. How can I understand myself better and how can I relate better with others? Enhance Self - Awareness Quotients (Intelligence, Emotional, Creative, Adversity) EQ - Emotional Quotient Emotional Quotient makes us aware of our feelings & that of others. It gives empathy, motivation, compassion and an ability to respond skillfully to pleasure & pain, by understanding own emotions & the emotions of the others and To Act Appropriately IQ - Intelligence Quotient Intelligence Quotient is the ultimate intelligence of a person. It is the ability to carry out abstract thinking & to adjust oneself to one’s environment. Intelligent activity consists of Grasping The Essentials In A Given Situation & Responding. AQ - Adversity Quotient Adversity Quotient is a measure of how one responds to adversity. It indicates how well one withstands adversity & his/her ability to surmount it. This predicts Who Gives Up And Who Fights Back & Wins. CQ - Creativity Quotient Creativity Quotient is the ability to generate innovative ideas & manifest them from thought into reality. The process involves Original Thinking – Taking Planned Action – Producing Results. EQ 26.84% IQ 27.21% AQ 23.20% CQ 22.75%

  17. Fingerprints Profiling to know Oneself & Get Ahead in Life Unlock and Develop Full Potential How can I achieve better Results / Grades? Understanding the Human Brain The Relationship of our Brain to our Hands Left and Right Brain Dominance Learner Acquiring Method (Cognitive, Affective, Reverse, Reflective) Learner Style (Visual, Audio, Kinesthetic)

  18. Unlock and Develop Full Potential How can I achieve better Results / Grades? Understanding the Human Brain Parietal Lobe Center of Kinesthetic Kinaesthetic, Fine & Gross Motor Skills. Space Discrimination, Understanding & Appreciation of Space, Art & Language Capability Inferior Frontal Lobe Center of Thinking & Imagination Emotions, Reasoning, Planning, Movement, Parts of Speech, Creativity, Judgment, Problem Solving & Planning Occipital Lobe Centre of Visual Functions Ability to Recognize Objects, Responsible for Visual Functions Prefrontal Lobe Centre of Personality & Characteristics Executive Functions, Cognitive Functions & Personality Temporal Lobe Centre of Auditory Functions Hearing, Memory, Emotions, Learning, Interpreting & Processing Auditory Stimuli, Language Comprehension

  19. How can I achieve better Results / Grades? Unlock and Develop Full Potential The Relationship of our Brain to our Hands

  20. Unlock and Develop Full Potential How can I achieve better Results / Grades? The Relationship of our Brain to our Hands LEFT BRAIN Right Hand: Analytical R1: Organization and Management Ability R2: Logical Analysis Ability R3: Fine Motor Skills R4: Language / Listening Ability R5: Observation / Reading Ability RIGHT BRAIN Left Hand: Creative L1: Creativity and Interpersonal Ability L2: Visual – Spatial and Imagination Ability L3: Gross Motor Skills L4: Musical & Emotion - Feeling Ability L5: Visual Ability

  21. How can I achieve better Results / Grades? Unlock and Develop Full Potential The Relationship of our Brain to our Hands BRAIN LOBES & TFRC DISTRIBUTION MAP BRAIN LOBES TFRC 100% LEFT BRAIN 53.80% R1: 1 13.11% Organization and Management Ability R2: 6 9.59% Logical Analysis Ability R3: 3 12.10% Fine Motor Skills R4: 2 12.20% Language / Listening Ability R5: 9 6.81% Observation / Reading Ability RIGHT BRAIN 46.20% L1: 8 8.38% Creativity and Interpersonal Ability L2: 7 9.54% Visual – Spatial and Imagination Ability L3: 4 11.43% Gross Motor Skills L4: 5 10.04% Musical & Emotion - Feeling Ability L5: 9 6.81% Visual Ability R1 & L1 21.49% Pre-Frontal – Thumb Center of Personality & Character R2 & L2 19.12% Post Frontal – Index Finger Center of Thinking & Imagination R3 & L3 23.53% Parietal – Middle Finger Center of Kinesthetic R4 & L4 22.24% Temporal – Ring Finger Center of Auditory Functions R5 & L5 13.62% Occipital – Pinky Finger Center of Visual Functions

  22. How can I achieve better Results / Grades? Unlock and Develop Full Potential Left and Right Brain Dominance LEFT BRAIN 53.80% RIGHT BRAIN 46.20% Left Brain Dominance: Analytical brain, more inclined towards self-aware, logical thinking, fine motor skills based activities, language & grammar and may have a hidden love towards nature. These people are generally good in academics. They have convergent thinking and can bring their energy and focus at one point. They prefer to respond to Verbal instructions. They like to solve the problems by looking at the parts of things. They are able to locate the differences in similar things easily. They are more planned and structured. Prefer multiple choice tests. They have the ability to control their feelings and emotions. Right Brain Dominance: Creative brain, more inclined towards interpersonal skills, imagination, gross motor skills activities, music, colours, pictures, dance, art, rhythms, acting, painting, modelling, fashion, outdoor sports etc. They are generally good in extracurricular activities, primarily creative ones. They tend to throw the rules out of the window. They have divergent thinking which is full of creativity and ideas. And they are often lost in their own ideas, thoughts and world. They may be physically present, mentally absent.

  23. Unlock and Develop Full Potential How can I achieve better Results / Grades? Learner Acquiring Method (Cognitive, Affective, Reverse, Reflective) Whorl type COGNITIVE LEARNER: 60.00% Ulnar Loop AFFECTIVE LEARNER: 40.00% Radial Loop REVERSE LEARNER: 00.00% Arch type REFLECTIVE LEARNER: 00.00%

  24. Unlock and Develop Full Potential How can I achieve better Results / Grades? Learning Style (Visual, Audio, Kinesthetic) VISUAL LEARNER: 22.93% AUDITORY LEARNER: 37.44% KINESTHETIC LEARNER: 39.62%

  25. Fingerprints Profiling to know Oneself & Get Ahead in Life Pursue Passion in Life with Purpose, Love and Gratitude What suits me best and how can I perform better? Correct Extra - Curricular Activities Right Career Choices

  26. Pursue Passion in Life with Purpose, Love and Gratitude What suits me best and how can I perform better? Correct Extra - Curricular Activities

  27. Pursue Passion in Life with Purpose, Love and Gratitude What suits me best and how can I perform better? Right Career Choices

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