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The Cold War: A History of Superpower Rivalry

Explore the intense rivalry between the USA and Soviet Union during the Cold War era. Learn about the causes, strategies, weapons used, and significant events such as the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Discover how the Cold War finally ended.

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The Cold War: A History of Superpower Rivalry

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  1. The Cold War Members: John Derrick Lim Francis Ngo Zach AbuanJose PascualJohann Ocampo

  2. Cold War For more than forty years, the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union directly threatened each other with nuclear weapons. This period of time is called “The Cold War.” Started:1945 Ended: 1991

  3. Remote Causes • USA’s fear of communist attack. • US president Harry S. Truman’s dislike of Joseph Stalin • Russia’s fear of the America's atomic bomb. • America’s refusal to share nuclear secrets • Russia’s aim of spreading world communism • Russia and the USA became richer after WWII

  4. Immediate Cause • Incipient conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States began at the peace-time conferences. • Their conflict was intensified after President Truman declared the Truman Doctrine and launched the Marshall Plan in 1947.

  5. Weapons • They manufactured nuclear warheads, long ranged ballistic nuclear devices, chemical warhead and, biological warhead. • The Nuclear bombs were said to be the backbone of American Military power. • The weapons that were used was nuclear warheads; they were used as a threat. They also used words to make each other look foolish.

  6. Strategies • CONTAINMENT - the foreign policy strategy pursued by the United States after the Second World War. • Counterforce and Countervalue -Debates of counter-value and counter-force strategies occurred as a conceptual differentiation of Flexible Response.

  7. Space Race • In October, 1957, the Soviet Union launch Sputnik, the first satellite, it is not bigger than a beach ball. It sends a “beep-beep” pattern that can be picked up by radio all over the world. • After this , US was amazed. Suddenly, there was a satellite seen on US skies, the US thought it can fire an Atomic Bomb.

  8. (Glasnost - It was the political openness and free discussion of issues from Mikhail Gorbachev (the general secretary of the Soviet Communist party in 1985). • Perestrokia- An economic reform program introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985.)

  9. Korean War • Started-1950 • Ended-1953 • June 25,1950-The Republic of Korea was invaded by the North Korean Peoples’ Army(start of the korean war) • The US called the Security council to inform the United Nations Charter to brand North Korea as aggressors and also to call for military assistance

  10. Americans troops were sent to help the resistance against the invaders. British government responded quickly and sent the Far East Fleet but still the North Koreans were advancing rapidly to the south, aiming for the vital port Pusan • General Walton Walker,commanding the 8th United States Army in Korea(EUSAK), rallied his forces and held the Pusan brigdehead until reinforcements began to arrive • In mid 1951 North and South Korea agreed to go to the conference table and amistice talks began • It ended on July1953, Operation Big Switch where thousands of prisoners from each side was returned. A Demilitarized Zone or DMZ was established on the border and a UN commission was set up to supervise the amistice http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/worldwars/coldwar/korea_hickey_01.shtml

  11. Vietnam War • Started on1959 and ended on1975 • Happened during the administration of President Lyndon Johnson • The Vietnam war was a prolonged struggle between Nationalist forces who wanted to unify Vietnam in a Communist rule while the U.S. with the help of South Vietnam wanted to prevent the spread of Communism • U.S. Involvement- August 2 and 4, 1964 when North Vietnamese fired directly on 2 U.S. Ships in international waters this was known as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident

  12. 1969, Richard Nixon became the New US president he had a plan to end the US involvement in the Vietnam war and giving back the fighting to South Vietnam this was called Vietnamization. The withdrawal of US troops began in July 1969. President Nixon also expanded the war to countries such as Laos and Cambodia. This gave way to thousand of protest to work toward peace.New peace talks began in Paris on January 25,1969 • January 27,1973- the peace talks in Paris finally succeeded in making a cease-fire agreement. Last US troops left vietnam on March 29,1973 • Vietnam war ended when in 1975 North Korea made another big push south which defeated the South Vietnamese government. South Vietnam officially surendered on April 30,1975 • July 2,1976-Vietnam was reunited as a communist country

  13. How the Cold War ended. • Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev are remembered for stopping the cold • Glasnost, perestroika, and the INF ended the war. • INF- intermediate-range Nuclear Forces get rid of all weapons with range that can only travel 300 to 340 miles.


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