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The Holocaust Chapter 16-3

The Holocaust Chapter 16-3. The Persecution Begins. As soon as Hitler took power he ordered all non Aryans to be fired from government jobs This was the first move in an attempt for racial purity This would lead to the Holocaust or systematic murder of 6 million Jews

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The Holocaust Chapter 16-3

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  1. The Holocaust Chapter 16-3

  2. The Persecution Begins • As soon as Hitler took power he ordered all non Aryans to be fired from government jobs • This was the first move in an attempt for racial purity • This would lead to the Holocaust or systematic murder of 6 million Jews • In addition 5 million others would be put to death

  3. Jews Targeted • The Jews would not be the only one targeted by the Germans but they would be the focus • Anti-Semitism or hatred of the Jews had a long history in Europe as the Jews were the scapegoat for many German failures • For example the German defeat in WWI as well as the economic crisis of the time • As the Nazi power increased so did the persecution of the Jews • In 1935 the Nuremberg Laws stripped Jews of their German citizenship, jobs, & property • To make identify the Jewish population easier all Jews were forced to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothing

  4. Kristallnacht • On the nights of November 10-11, 1938, became known as Kristallnacht, or night of broken glass • Nazi Storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, & synagogues • Approximately 100 Jews were killed & hundreds injured as well as 30,000 arrested • Hundreds of synagogues were burned • Afterward the Germans blamed the Jews for the uprising & destruction

  5. A Flood of Jewish Refugees • Kristallnacht marked the step up in Nazi policy of Jewish persecution • The Nazi’s tried to speed Jewish emigration but encountered difficulty as many nations were already overwhelmed but the influx • France had accepted 40,000, Britain 80,000, & Palestine (Israel) 30,000 • As far as the U.S. the average Jew had little hope of making it as we were in the midst of the Great Depression & fear of competition for jobs as well as “enemy agents” caused many to call for limits on immigration • In all America accepted 100,000 refugees

  6. Hitler’s Final Solution • By 1939 only 250,000 Jews remained in Germany, but the other nations that Hitler had occupied contained millions more • Obsessed with the desire to rid all of Europe of its Jews Hitler initiated the “Final Solution” • This was a policy of genocide or the deliberate & systematic killing of an entire population

  7. The Condemned • Hitler’s Final Solution rested on the belief that Aryans were a superior people and that the strength & purity of this “master race” must be preserved • Anyone who did not fit the mold of the master race was imprisoned or put to death as enemies of the state • In the beginning those that spoke out against the government were the main targets • Once these targets were silenced the Nazi turned their attention to the Jews, Gypsies, Freemasons, & Jehovah’s Witnesses • Others attacked included homosexuals, mentally ill, physically disabled, & those that had incurable diseases

  8. Forced Relocation • Jews were also forced to leave their homes & businesses & move into deplorable ghettos • These were sealed off areas where they forced to remain • Within the ghettos dead bodies would pile up like wood, people were forced to work in German factories, food & clean water were scarce, & there was always the threat of instant death at the hands of an SS officer for no reason

  9. Concentration Camps • Many of the Jews would end up in concentration camps or labor camps • Here people would be tortured, experimented on, & put to death • Those that were “fortunate” to escape the gas chambers were forced to working for the Germans

  10. The Final Stage • In 1942 Hitler decided that mass execution was costly & slow in the extermination of the Jews • The Germans would turn to the use of poison gas, Zykon B • Here the prisoners would be herded into a shower & gassed

  11. The Survivors • An estimated 6 million Jews would be put to death in the Nazi death camps • Another 6-5 million non-Jews were also put to death • After the fall of the Nazi regime Hitler & his henchmen tried to cover up the atrocities by any means • Many would survive to tell the world of their horror, thus the phrase “Never Forget”

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