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R10 Annual General Meeting. 2-3 March 2013 Chiang Mai, Thailand. Roll Call. Agenda. Welcome Address. Toshio Fukuda IEEE Region 10 Director. Ralph M. Ford Vice President MGA/MGA Board Chair. E. James Prendergast Executive Director. Ceceilia Jankowski Secretary, MGA.
R10 Annual General Meeting 2-3 March 2013 Chiang Mai, Thailand
Welcome Address Toshio Fukuda IEEE Region 10 Director
Addresses by President-Elect Candidates 2014 with Q & A Tariq Durrani Howard Michel Moderator: Lawrence Wong, R10 Past Director
Presentation of Robert’s Rules of Orders Ramakrishna Kappagantu Region 10 Director Elect
Report on the Region 10 Executive Committee Meeting • Date: 5 January 2013 • Venue: Lao Plaza Hotel, Vientiane, Lao P.D.R. 16
January 4: Socializing with Laos local members to form a sub-section
Approval of Minutes of the Previous Region 10 Meeting Hidenori Nakazato Region 10 Secretary
Correction of Minutes 33. Executive Agenda, Lawrence Wong • The 2012 R10 budget was rectified at the session. • The enhancement to the OU petition procedures was also approved. • The change to R10 Bylaw for R10 to increase the number of petitioners for formation of chapter is not approved. A team was formed to improve the chances of chapter vitality after formation.
a. The 2012 R10 budget was rectified at the session. b. The IEEE Region 10 Nomination Committee recommended a revision to the Region 10 Bylaws. The revision is to dissolve the discrepancy of the number of petition signatures between the current Region 10 Bylaws and IEEE Constitution and Bylaws. Therefore, the amended bylaws governing the nomination and election of the R10 Direct-Elect read as follow: “IEEE Region 10 Bylaws Nomination and Election of the Region 10 Director-Elect Individual members may, by petition, propose names of other eligible voting members to be added to the list of candidates for Region 10 Director-Elect. To be valid, such petition for Director-Elect must be signed by 600 eligible voting members plus 1% of the difference between 30,000 and the number of voting members eligible in Region10 as listed in the official IEEE membership records at the end of the preceding year. Such petition must also reach IEEE Headquarters no later than twelve o'clock noon, New York U.S.A. time, on the Friday preceding June 15 of the election year, accompanied by a signed statement from the petition candidate, indicating his/her willingness to serve if elected.”
c. The recommendation to increase the number of petition members for chapter formation is not supported. A team involving Deepak Mathur, James Wang, Borhan Ali, and two section chairs will be formed to continue the discussion. d. Arek Dadej, 2012 Australia Council Chair, represented the Section Chairs in Australia to present a statement of concern on a recent advice on a new reserve gain / loss process. The change is expected to negatively impact the growth and activity of geographic units in Australia and elsewhere. The change did not come with timely warning and adequate consultation with the membership. Such change should come with more communication and higher level of transparency. The management of reserves across the IEEE is an important matter that involves all units; hence if without wide involvement of members in such discussion, the outcome risked disaffection among the members.
Hence, a motion was presented and voted in favor by the section chairs: “We move that the R10 Director is given the responsibility to carry the above message to the MGA Board, with the view of reversing the current reserve sharing decision and replacing it with a decision that is adequately consulted with, and justified to, the R10 membership.” Malcolm Heron, North Australia Section Chair, in response to his and others’ experience in IEEE’s financial reporting system, raised a statement to the R10 committee: “That (a) IEEE headquarters be requested by Region 10 to withdraw and revise the new on-line financial reporting system; and (b) a revised date be set for operating units to submit financial reports for 2011 using L50 report forms.”
2012 Finance Report Michael Ong 2012 R10 Treasurer
Audit Report for 2012 Finance Takatoshi Minami Audit Committee Chair
Presentation of 2013 Budget Takao Onoye Region 10 Treasurer
Membership Activities • Overview of Membership Activities (Darrel Chong, R10 Vice-Chair of Membership Activities) • Awards and Recognition (Kukjin Chun, R10 Awards & Recognition Committee Chair) • GOLD (Rayees Amar Nishad, R10 GOLD ProgramCoordinator) • Individual Benefits & Services (Michael Ong, R10 Individual Benefits & Services Coordinator) • Life Members (Kunio Tada, R10 Life Members Coorinator) • Membership Development (Darrel Chong, R10 Membership Development Coordinator) • Section & Chapter (Elmer Dadios, R10 Section & Chpater Coordinator) • Student Activities (Om Perkash, R10 Student Activities Coordinator& PasanPethiyagode, R10 Student Representative) • Women in Engineering (Takako Hashimoto, R10 WIE Coordinator)
Technical Activities • Overview of Technical Activities, (Takatoshi Minami, R10 Vice-Chair of Technical Activities) • Conference & Technical Seminar (Takatoshi Minami, R10 Conference & Technical Seminar Coordinator) • Educational Activities (SupavadeeAramvith, R10 Educational Activities Coordinator) • Humanitarian Technology Activities (Deepak Mathur, R10 Humanitarian Technology Coordinator) • Professional Activities & History (Hui Zhang, R10 Professional Activities & History Coordinator)
Newsletter Ruey-Beei Wu R10 Newsletter Editor
Launch of New R10 Website Toshio Fukuda & Gowtham Prasad K.N.
Electronic Communications and Information Management Gowtham Prasad K. N. R10 Electronic Communications and Information Management Coordinator
R10 Strategic Planning and Sections Congress 2014 Zia Ahmed R10 Strategic Planning / Sections Congress Coordinator
Presentation by R10 Advisory Committee Lawrence Wong R10 Past Director
Honorary Membership Committee Isao Shirakawa IEEE Honorary Membership Committee
Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) SatishBabu IEEE SIGHT Chair
R10 Annual General Meeting 3 March 2013
Resolution: Tribute to the Memory of Marzuki Bin Khalid • Executive Summary: • Marzuki Bin Khalid passed away on 27 August 2012. A resolution honoring his history of leadership and accomplishment within IEEE is proposed. 48
Resolution: Tribute to the Memory of Marzuki Bin Khalid • Whereas, For more than 25 years, Marzuki Bin Khalid served as a member of and leader within IEEE; • Whereas, His deep and abiding professional commitment was perhaps best evidenced in his leadership roles within IEEE, especially in his efforts as Chair of IEEE Malaysia Section in 1998 - 2000, as Region 10 Student Activities Coordinator in 2001-2006, as Region 10 Secretary in 2007 – 2008, as Region 10 Conference Coordinator in 2009 – 2010 and as Region 10 Vice Chair for Technical Activities in 2011 – 2012; and • Whereas, As we pay a grateful tribute to Marzuki Bin Khalid, IEEE Region 10 marks the closure of a singular chapter of service, accomplishment and endeavor that truly exemplifies what it means to advance technology for the benefit of humanity; therefore, be it 49
Resolved, That the IEEE Region 10 Committee commends Marzuki Bin Khalid for his unparalleled career of leadership and contributions within IEEE and the international professional community, and extends its sincere sympathies to the family of Marzuki Bin Khalid.