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Benefits of Intelligent MailIntelligent Mail Guides Periodicals ProcessDashboardPostage StatementsEdition Weight and Ad % WorksheetsConsolidated Payment RequestFSS Optional PreparationTroubleshooting Full-Service MailingsACSStart-the-Clock . Intelligent Mail Guides. BenefitsDiscount $0.00
2. Benefits of Intelligent Mail
Intelligent Mail Guides
Periodicals Process
Postage Statements
Edition Weight and Ad % Worksheets
Consolidated Payment Request
FSS Optional Preparation
Troubleshooting Full-Service Mailings
3. Benefits
Discount $0.001 per piece
Free Full-Service Address change notices
Visibility of container scans including Start-the-Clock
User Access to Electronic Mailing Information & Reports Guide, Volume II: Access to Electronic Mailing Reports
Section 1.1 STC/Container Visibility, Nixie, etc
Postal Service Mail.XML Technical Specification For Profiles and Full-Service Feedback
Section 2.1 Full Service Data Feedback Overview
4. http://ribbs.usps.gov/index.cfm?page=intellmailguides
A Resource Map to Intelligent Mail Documents (PDF/49KB)A Resource Map to Intelligent Mail Documents lists all the documents, guides and source materials that you will need in transitioning to Intelligent Mail services.
It provides explanations of each document and information on how to find and print these documents. It is a reference source that will help you as you learn the ins-and-outs of Intelligent Mail services.
5. Entire Process
A Beginner's Overview to IMb™ Services
A Guide to Intelligent Mail for Letters and Flats
PostalOne! Release Notes
Postal Service™ Mail.dat® Specific Documents
Postal Service™ Mail.XML® Specific Documents
Test Environment for Mailers (TEM) Checklist & Troubleshooting
Specifications for Intelligent Mail Barcodes
Transportation and Appointments
Customer/Supplier Agreements eDoc Association
A Guide to Customer Supplier Agreements
PostalOne! Transportation Management (TMS) Guide
Verification and Payment
eDoc Process: A Guide for CPP Customers
User Access to Electronic Mailing Information and Reports Guide
IMb™ Error Reference Guide for MERLIN®
IMb™ Full-Service Feedback Sample Data
Full-Service eDoc Verification Invoice Report Prototypes
6. Work with BMEU/DMU to be sure all permit information (displays on your postage statements) is consistent at all original entry and additional entry offices
Title (exact match at all finance numbers)
USPS Publication Number
Publisher Name
Rate Code (Regular, Nonprofit, Classroom)
CPP Mailer
Original entry finance number
Additional entry finance number eDoc Process: A Guide for CPP Customers
Work with BMEU/DMU to be sure all permit information (displays on your postage statements) is consistent at all original entry and additional entry officeseDoc Process: A Guide for CPP Customers
Work with BMEU/DMU to be sure all permit information (displays on your postage statements) is consistent at all original entry and additional entry offices
7. Verification – Full-Service Mailings
Verification of all mailings that contain pieces claiming the Full Service discount
Postage Statements identified with either an “F” or an “M” on the PostalOne! dashboard indicate the mailing contains pieces claiming the Full Service discount.
All current/existing verification processes are still applied to Full Service mailings.
Today we will be discussing verification processes and procedures to be used in the verification of all mailings claiming a Full Service Discount. The Full Service verification process does not replace any of the existing verifications that could be assigned by the PBV module within PostalOne!. All current/existing verification processes are still applied to Full-Service mailings.
We will also discuss:
how you can use the PostalOne! system to identify a Full Service mailing
How you will use the Intelligent Mail Device to verify
Today we will be discussing verification processes and procedures to be used in the verification of all mailings claiming a Full Service Discount. The Full Service verification process does not replace any of the existing verifications that could be assigned by the PBV module within PostalOne!. All current/existing verification processes are still applied to Full-Service mailings.
We will also discuss:
how you can use the PostalOne! system to identify a Full Service mailing
How you will use the Intelligent Mail Device to verify
8. Acceptance personnel use the
Full-Service Intelligent Mail Device (IMD) scan device during the “Initial Verification”
Scans the Intelligent Mail Barcodes on selected Pallet labels (IMcb), Tray or Sack labels (IMtb), and Bundles/Pieces (IMb)
Verify that Full-Service mailings meet barcode, preparation, and data requirements to qualify for Full-Service prices
Usually sample:
3 container labels
5 handling unit (trays/sacks/bundles) labels
30 mail pieces (10 pieces each from 3 separate trays/sacks/bundles)
Verification – Full-Service Mailings
9. Intelligent Mail Device (IMD) Initial Verification
review a sampling of a Full-Service mailing accepted at Staged Mailing, Continuous Mailing or 3rd party Co-palletized Mailing sites
Container Release
scan to record a container’s Start-the-Clock date/time for Origin-Entered mail transported on USPS transportation vehicles BME clerks use the Intelligent Mail Device (IMD) to scan mailings during two key steps in the Full-Service processBME clerks use the Intelligent Mail Device (IMD) to scan mailings during two key steps in the Full-Service process
10. Full-Service scanner sampling rules for mailing Staged mailings
Single mailing presented in its entirety with all electronic documentation (eDoc)
Continuous mailings
Single or multiple mailings produced over an entire day or multiple days
Planned eDoc is submitted at the beginning of the mailing
Postage statements are submitted at the end of the mailing or when the mailing is ready to dropship
Third party co-palletized mailings
Prepared by bundle or tray
This document defines the sampling sizes, content requiring sampling, and business processes for collecting samples necessary for the scanner initial verification process.This document defines the sampling sizes, content requiring sampling, and business processes for collecting samples necessary for the scanner initial verification process.
11. Sampling for Full-Service Staged mailings, Continuous Single Day mailings, and Continuous Multiple Day mailing:
12. The clerk collects IMD scan data samples for each Copal mail job At the Originating Mailer Facility, the BME clerk samples each mail job produced. The sampling process for these mailings depends on the type of mailing process (staged, continuous same day, continuous multiple day)
At the 3rd-Party Copal mailing facility, the BME clerk is required to collect a FS mail sample for each Copal mail job
There are no mailpiece level data sampling scans. The piece level samplings have occurred at the originating verification facility
Each mailing job produced in a continuous mail process must have at least one set of FSIMD scan sampling data.
Each postage statement in a staged mail process must have at least one set of FSIMD scan sampling data. 3rd Party Co-pal Mailing Facilities
The Full-Service initial verification (using the FSIMD scanner to collect sampling scans on Full-Service mailings) should still be performed on mailings even if a sampling has been conducted at the “origin” verification unit for these co-pal mailings. This section of the document establishes the scanner sampling rules for third party co-mail process:
The BME clerk is required to collect a FS mail sample for each mail job produced at the originating Mailer Facility. Depending on the type of mailing process (staged, continuous same day, continuous multiple day) use the appropriate sampling process identified in the above sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3).
The BME clerk is required to collect a FS mail sample for each Copal mail job at the 3rd-Party Copal mailing facility. Depending on the type of mailing process (staged, continuous same day, continuous multiple day) use the sampling process identified below:3rd Party Co-pal Mailing Facilities
The Full-Service initial verification (using the FSIMD scanner to collect sampling scans on Full-Service mailings) should still be performed on mailings even if a sampling has been conducted at the “origin” verification unit for these co-pal mailings. This section of the document establishes the scanner sampling rules for third party co-mail process:
The BME clerk is required to collect a FS mail sample for each mail job produced at the originating Mailer Facility. Depending on the type of mailing process (staged, continuous same day, continuous multiple day) use the appropriate sampling process identified in the above sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3).
The BME clerk is required to collect a FS mail sample for each Copal mail job at the 3rd-Party Copal mailing facility. Depending on the type of mailing process (staged, continuous same day, continuous multiple day) use the sampling process identified below:
13. Initial Verification – Full-Service Disqualifiers No electronic documentation
No IMcb on container placards (>3) OR
Container placards are inside (covered by) the stretch-wrap
Sample size 6; this is more than 50% error
No IMtb on handling unit label (>3)
Sample size 8; this is more than 37% error
No IMb on mail pieces (>3 pcs)
Sample size 30; this is more than 10% error
If any of these errors are found
These disqualifiers are effective November 30, 2009These disqualifiers are effective November 30, 2009
14. Full-Service Disqualifiers – Discount Forfeiture If a mailing contains one of the Full-Service Disqualifiers
Acceptance personnel will process the postage statement as Full-Service
Acceptance personnel will enter a manual adjustment transaction for loss of Full-Service discount*
This process
Enables the Full-Service ACS to process
Other Full-Service benefits may be affected based on barcode error type
15. Containers – Initial Process – Error recording
Record “No Barcode”, Barcode under plastic, or scanning errors on manual PS Form 2866
Manual PS Form 2866 used to “deliver” results to the mailer
Do not calculate an error percentage or additional postage
Do not include these errors with any identified presort errors
Use L6 “Other”
Record container placard error as illustrated below
16. Handling Units – Initial Process – Error recording
Record IMtb errors on manual PS Form 2866
Manual PS Form 2866 used to “deliver” results to the mailer
Do not calculate an error percentage or additional postage
Do not include these errors with any identified presort errors
Use L6 “Other”
Record container placard error as illustrated below
Periodicals flats recorded as sample units: Bundles.Periodicals flats recorded as sample units: Bundles.
17. Mail Piece – Initial Process – Error recording
Record IMB errors on manual PS Form 2866
Manual PS Form 2866 used to “deliver” results to the mailer
Do not calculate an error percentage or additional postage
Do not include these errors with any identified presort errors
Use 8A “Miscellaneous”
Record container placard error as illustrated below
18. Finalizing In-depth Process Disposition
Mailings with Full-Service errors will be accepted as is
Calculating for additional postage began in March 2010
Provide copy of PS Form 2866 to mailer
Mailings with FS disqualifying errors
Process electronic statement for Full-Service
Enter adjustment transaction for loss of Full-Service discount
19. Job ID
Qualification Report
Version Summary Report (version id, weight, ad %)
Reconciliation Report (Qualification to Postage)
Postage Statement
Register, Edition Weight and Ad Percent Worksheets
Postage Statement Statuses
Estimated (EST)
Update (UPD)
Finalized Pending Payment (FPP) – CPP only
Finalized (FIN)
Downloads in xls, cvs, and pdf eDoc Process: A Guide for CPP CustomerseDoc Process: A Guide for CPP Customers
20. Edition Weight Worksheet
Component ID
Component Description
Component Weight Source
Component Weight Status
Component Weight
USPS Verified Weight (Postal Service Update)
Weight Percent Difference
Weight update allowed until FPP or FIN status. eDoc Process: A Guide for CPP CustomerseDoc Process: A Guide for CPP Customers
21. Advertising Percentage Worksheet
Component ID
Component Description
Component Estimated Ad %
Component Final Ad % (USPS or Publisher update)
Component Ad% Difference
Ad % update allowed until FIN status. eDoc Process: A Guide for CPP CustomerseDoc Process: A Guide for CPP Customers
22. Consolidated Payment Request
The Publisher may make a payment request to consolidate the desired Mail.dat jobs together into one payment provided those jobs are in FPP status, at a single acceptance office and for a single publication title and issue. The payment request causes the statements to move to FIN status and one payment is deducted from the CAPs account at midnight central time.
After 28 days from the first date of mailing or after 45 days from the date the BMEU/DMU finalized the postage statement, if no payment request has been requested, the system automatically files the payment request.
The payment request causes the statements to move to status FIN and one payment is deducted from the CAPs account at midnight central time. eDoc Process: A Guide for CPP CustomerseDoc Process: A Guide for CPP Customers
23. Issue Level Postage (Publication Report)
Report in the format of the PS Form 3541 Periodicals Postage Statement for the entire issue.
Shows billable postage statement numbers used to generate the report.
Alternative selection criteria to customize the selection of postage statements for the report. Release 25 Notes p 20. eDoc Process: A Guide for CPP CustomerseDoc Process: A Guide for CPP Customers
24. Effective January 2, 2011
Optional Mail Preparation Standards for Flat-Size Mailpieces on Flats Sequence Sortation
Standard Mail
Bound Printed Matter
Final Federal Register Rule posted on Postal Explorer
Workarounds required due to incorrect postage in PostalOne! release for Jan 2, 2011.
Not yet implemented for MERLIN.
25. The mailer has to meet critical Full-Service requirements and plays a key role in generating an accurate Start-the-Clock and Full-Service ACS
Generate unique IMb on mailpieces
Generate unique IMtb on trays/sacks
Generate unique IMcb on pallets/other containers
Provide accurate electronic documentation
Mail.dat – Any Mailing
Mail.XML – Any Mailing
Postal Wizard – Under 10,000 pieces
May include non-unique IMb within the same mailing
Indicate the induction method
First, let’s make sure we understand Start the Clock. Specifically, it is the date and time when a mailpiece officially enters the postal system mailstream.* Mailers that comply with Full-service requirements will receive information online reports and an automated data exchange.
As a reminder full-service mailers are required to submit electronic mailing information that includes the container barcodes that are associated to their drop-shipments. PostalOne! receives this electronic mailing data and forwards the recurring appointment information and IMCBs to FAST and the expected IMCbs (container barcode) information to Surface Visibility. Mailer is required to provide IMCBs for all pallets on an appointment. One time appointment data for Full-Service requires Mail.XML solution since online web pages of FAST do not allow data entry for IMCbs.
Next, we will discuss the four unique induction methods, which determine the start-the-clock time.
* [A Guide to Intelligent Mail for Letters and Flats, p.55]
First, let’s make sure we understand Start the Clock. Specifically, it is the date and time when a mailpiece officially enters the postal system mailstream.* Mailers that comply with Full-service requirements will receive information online reports and an automated data exchange.
As a reminder full-service mailers are required to submit electronic mailing information that includes the container barcodes that are associated to their drop-shipments. PostalOne! receives this electronic mailing data and forwards the recurring appointment information and IMCBs to FAST and the expected IMCbs (container barcode) information to Surface Visibility. Mailer is required to provide IMCBs for all pallets on an appointment. One time appointment data for Full-Service requires Mail.XML solution since online web pages of FAST do not allow data entry for IMCbs.
Next, we will discuss the four unique induction methods, which determine the start-the-clock time.
* [A Guide to Intelligent Mail for Letters and Flats, p.55]
There are 1700 Computerized Forwarding Service CFS scanner deployed nationwide. The CFS units are prepared to work all the undeliverable-as-addressed UAA non-letter mail. Provided the mailpieces include a Service Type ID STID that requests Full-Service ACS, the full-service automation portion of your mailing will qualify for free ACS.
NIXIES are provided free of charge to qualified Full Service mailings that use a STID that requests Full Service ACS. Fees apply for duplicate Standard and Bound Printed Matter after 90 days and for Periodicals after 60 days. Also, free Full-Service ACS is only available for the full-service automation portion of the mailing. The Basic and non-automated portion may only receive traditional or OneCode ACS which includes a fee and should be identified with the correct non-FS Service Type ID.
31. DMM Advisory 12/28/10 Pricing — keeping you informed about the prices and mailing standards of the United States Postal Service
IMb™ Services Update
As a result of Full Service ACS Fulfillment software changes made on Nov. 7, 2010, two potential issues were identified that affect Full Service jobs finalized in PostalOne!® since November 7.
The first issue impacts mailers who receive their Full Service ACS data via downloadable reports. A problem occurred in the association of Mail Owner information in PostalOne! which prevented Full Service ACS records from being accessible via the downloadable reports channel.
With the software update on Jan. 2, 2011, the Full Service ACS information will be recovered and made available for retrieval via the downloadable channel.
The second issue impacts Periodicals mailers. A problem occurred in a logic module that finalizes containers prior to transmission for processing. This caused the containers to appear as not having been finalized, which prevented the association of Full Service ACS records.
With the software update on Jan. 2, the Full Service ACS information will be recovered for the period Nov. 7 through Jan. 2 and provided via the normal fulfillment channel.
For other questions about this software update, please contact Michael Ohora at Michael.D.Ohora@usps.gov or (202) 268-8083
The Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) is available on Postal Explorer (pe.usps.com). To subscribe to the DMM Advisory, send an e-mail to dmmadvisory@usps.com. Simply indicate "subscribe" in the subject line.
32. Business mail is entered into the USPS in one of four ways today.
It can be entered at origin at Business Mail Entry Units (BMEUs).
It can be inducted at destinating USPS plants such as BMCs, SCFs etc in the form plant-verified drop shipments. This is the case with many of the large catalogs and periodicals.
Mail can also be verified at the Detached Mail Units (DMU) and transported by the mailer under certain conditions for origin entry such as Expedited Plant Load such as Netflix.
Finally mail can be verified at the DMUs and transported by the USPS for origin entry. This is the case for many of your large volume First-Class mailers. Business mail is entered into the USPS in one of four ways today.
It can be entered at origin at Business Mail Entry Units (BMEUs).
It can be inducted at destinating USPS plants such as BMCs, SCFs etc in the form plant-verified drop shipments. This is the case with many of the large catalogs and periodicals.
Mail can also be verified at the Detached Mail Units (DMU) and transported by the mailer under certain conditions for origin entry such as Expedited Plant Load such as Netflix.
Finally mail can be verified at the DMUs and transported by the USPS for origin entry. This is the case for many of your large volume First-Class mailers.
33. For mail that is verified at the BMEU, the Start-the-Clock event is the documented time of arrival at the Business Mail Entry Unit. Upon arrival, the clerk will identify the time of arrival which will then be compared to a Critical Acceptance Time (CAT) to determine Day-0.
For mailers without a Customer/Supplier Agreement in place, if the mailer arrival time is prior to the BMEU CAT for the class of mail, the Start-the-Clock Day-0 will be the day of entry; otherwise, the Start-the-Clock Day-0 will be the following acceptance day.
For mailers with a Customer/Supplier Agreement in place, the Start-the-Clock Day-0 will be the day of entry if the mailer arrival time is prior to the latest acceptance time specified by the Customer/Supplier Agreement.
Here’s an example for Mail Deposited at a BMEU:
The mail arrives at 2:45 p.m.
The Critical Acceptance Time for the BMEU is 3:00 p.m.
The verification start time is 4:30 p.m.
The verification complete time is 5:15 p.m.
The hours of acceptance operation are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The Start-the-Clock Day-0 is the day of arrival.
If the mailing fails acceptance verification, the mailer will be notified and presented with the option of fixing the mailing so that it conforms to the preparation requirements associated with acceptance at the requested price categories or paying additional postage based upon the degree of preparation associated with the mail as presented. A new Start-the-Clock event will occur when mail that initially fails verification is finally released for processing.For mail that is verified at the BMEU, the Start-the-Clock event is the documented time of arrival at the Business Mail Entry Unit. Upon arrival, the clerk will identify the time of arrival which will then be compared to a Critical Acceptance Time (CAT) to determine Day-0.
For mailers without a Customer/Supplier Agreement in place, if the mailer arrival time is prior to the BMEU CAT for the class of mail, the Start-the-Clock Day-0 will be the day of entry; otherwise, the Start-the-Clock Day-0 will be the following acceptance day.
For mailers with a Customer/Supplier Agreement in place, the Start-the-Clock Day-0 will be the day of entry if the mailer arrival time is prior to the latest acceptance time specified by the Customer/Supplier Agreement.
Here’s an example for Mail Deposited at a BMEU:
The mail arrives at 2:45 p.m.
The Critical Acceptance Time for the BMEU is 3:00 p.m.
The verification start time is 4:30 p.m.
The verification complete time is 5:15 p.m.
The hours of acceptance operation are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The Start-the-Clock Day-0 is the day of arrival.
If the mailing fails acceptance verification, the mailer will be notified and presented with the option of fixing the mailing so that it conforms to the preparation requirements associated with acceptance at the requested price categories or paying additional postage based upon the degree of preparation associated with the mail as presented. A new Start-the-Clock event will occur when mail that initially fails verification is finally released for processing.
34. CSA ID
Required to include the CSA ID in the eDoc if a BMEU CSA has been set up
No Start-the-Clock Calculated
Duplicate container barcodes (IMcb)
Duplicate orphan handling unit barcodes (IMtb)
CSA Verification Errors
In the future full-service discount will be removed for dup barcodes. In the current plan, full-service discount will not be removed for the other conditions.In the future full-service discount will be removed for dup barcodes. In the current plan, full-service discount will not be removed for the other conditions.
35. The Start-the-Clock event for Plant Verified Drop Ship mail is based on the FAST appointment at the destination entry facility. For mailings that arrive at the scheduled appointment time, the Start-the-Clock event is the appointment time. For mailings that arrive prior to the scheduled appointment, the Start-the-Clock event is either the appointment time or unload start time, whichever is earlier. For mailings that arrive after the mailer-scheduled appointment time, the Start-the-Clock event is the unload start time.
For mailings that have a Start-the-Clock event prior to the CET, then Day-0 is day of entry. For mailings that have a Start-the-Clock event after the CET, then Day-0 is the next applicable acceptance day. CET will be set nationally for Standard Mail and by the local facility for other mail classes. Mailers can have a negotiated CET agreement for time-sensitive drop-shipment Periodicals.
Start-the-Clock is based upon:
Facility Access and Shipment Tracking (FAST) appointment Time
Appointment must be scheduled prior to CET for Day 0 processing
On Time Arrival (met appointment time) - Start-the-Clock Day 0 is the Arrival Date
Early Arrival - Start-the-Clock Day 0 is Arrival time or Unload start time, whichever is first
Late Arrival - Start-the-Clock Day 0 based on Unload start time; unload start time must be prior to CET for Day 0 processing
Appt Number: The FAST appointment number the mailer created.
Class of Mail: Mail Class (Standard, First-Class, Periodicals or Bound Printed Matter)
USPS Induction Facility Name: USPS induction facility name
USPS Induction Locale Key: USPS Induction facility locale key
Appt Date and Time: Scheduled Date and time of the drop ship appointment
Arrival Date/Time: Date and time the mail arrived at the destination facility
Unload Start: Date/time the clerks began to unload mail for that appointment
Unload End: Date/time the clerks finished unloading mail for that appointment
Appt Status: Appointment status (Open, Cancelled, No Show or Rejected)
Start-the-Clock Date: Date upon which USPS takes custody of mail for processing and delivery (Day 0)
Look at the second line item. The CAT Time is , but the mail is entered after that. So the Start-the-Clock date is the following day.
The Start-the-Clock event for Plant Verified Drop Ship mail is based on the FAST appointment at the destination entry facility. For mailings that arrive at the scheduled appointment time, the Start-the-Clock event is the appointment time. For mailings that arrive prior to the scheduled appointment, the Start-the-Clock event is either the appointment time or unload start time, whichever is earlier. For mailings that arrive after the mailer-scheduled appointment time, the Start-the-Clock event is the unload start time.
For mailings that have a Start-the-Clock event prior to the CET, then Day-0 is day of entry. For mailings that have a Start-the-Clock event after the CET, then Day-0 is the next applicable acceptance day. CET will be set nationally for Standard Mail and by the local facility for other mail classes. Mailers can have a negotiated CET agreement for time-sensitive drop-shipment Periodicals.
Start-the-Clock is based upon:
Facility Access and Shipment Tracking (FAST) appointment Time
Appointment must be scheduled prior to CET for Day 0 processing
On Time Arrival (met appointment time) - Start-the-Clock Day 0 is the Arrival Date
Early Arrival - Start-the-Clock Day 0 is Arrival time or Unload start time, whichever is first
Late Arrival - Start-the-Clock Day 0 based on Unload start time; unload start time must be prior to CET for Day 0 processing
Appt Number: The FAST appointment number the mailer created.
Class of Mail: Mail Class (Standard, First-Class, Periodicals or Bound Printed Matter)
USPS Induction Facility Name: USPS induction facility name
USPS Induction Locale Key: USPS Induction facility locale key
Appt Date and Time: Scheduled Date and time of the drop ship appointment
Arrival Date/Time: Date and time the mail arrived at the destination facility
Unload Start: Date/time the clerks began to unload mail for that appointment
Unload End: Date/time the clerks finished unloading mail for that appointment
Appt Status: Appointment status (Open, Cancelled, No Show or Rejected)
Start-the-Clock Date: Date upon which USPS takes custody of mail for processing and delivery (Day 0)
Look at the second line item. The CAT Time is , but the mail is entered after that. So the Start-the-Clock date is the following day.
36. Container Unload Scan on Wrong Appointment
Container receives an SV unload scan associated to a different appointment than associated to in FAST
No Start-the-Clock Calculated
Containers not associated to appointment
Appointment ID is invalid
Appointment not closed
Duplicate container barcodes (IMcb)
In the future full-service discount will be removed for dup barcodes. In the current plan, full-service discount will not be removed for the other conditions.
In the future full-service discount will be removed for dup barcodes. In the current plan, full-service discount will not be removed for the other conditions.
37. DMU Verified, mailer transported mail will receive a Start-the-Clock based on FAST appointment arrival time at the plant. The FAST appointments for these mailers will be defined in the mailer’s Customer/Supplier Agreement as optional after release 3, till then if they don’t provide the appointment as part of the CSA they will not get a Start-the-Clock record. If the Start-the-Clock event occurs before the latest acceptance time specified by the Customer/Supplier Agreement, the Start-the-Clock Day-0 will be the day of entry. If this event occurs after the latest acceptance time, the Start-the-Clock Day-0 will be the following acceptance day.
The CAT for the USPS facility after release 3 will be defined by the class of mail and facility.
The Start-the-Clock event is documented in FAST at the origin entry facility. For mailings that arrive at the scheduled appointment time, the Start-the-Clock event is the appointment time. For mailings that arrive prior to the scheduled appointment, the Start-the-Clock event is either the appointment time or unload start time, whichever is earlier. For mailings that arrive after the mailer-scheduled appointment time, the Start-the-Clock event is the unload start time.
Day 0 is only available if the arrival time is before the CAT at the facility for the above scenarios
For mailings that have a Start-the-Clock event prior to the CET, then Day-0 is day of entry. For mailings that have a Start-the-Clock event after the CET, then Day-0 is the next applicable acceptance day. CET will be set nationally for Standard Mail and by the local facility for other mail classes. Mailers can have a negotiated CET agreement for time-sensitive drop-shipment Periodicals.
When a mailer schedules multi-stop appointments to drop mail at two or more facilities using the same surface transportation vehicle and mail arrives late at a downstream facility because of a delay caused solely by the Postal Service, the mailer will not be penalized for the delay if they followed appropriate standards when scheduling the appointments.
The Postal Service encourages mailers to account for foreseeable traffic and construction delays in scheduling all drop ship appointments. Mailers who schedule the minimum time for transportation and designated unload times run a higher risk of missing appointments versus mailers who allow for traffic and construction delays.
DMU Verified, mailer transported mail will receive a Start-the-Clock based on FAST appointment arrival time at the plant. The FAST appointments for these mailers will be defined in the mailer’s Customer/Supplier Agreement as optional after release 3, till then if they don’t provide the appointment as part of the CSA they will not get a Start-the-Clock record. If the Start-the-Clock event occurs before the latest acceptance time specified by the Customer/Supplier Agreement, the Start-the-Clock Day-0 will be the day of entry. If this event occurs after the latest acceptance time, the Start-the-Clock Day-0 will be the following acceptance day.
The CAT for the USPS facility after release 3 will be defined by the class of mail and facility.
The Start-the-Clock event is documented in FAST at the origin entry facility. For mailings that arrive at the scheduled appointment time, the Start-the-Clock event is the appointment time. For mailings that arrive prior to the scheduled appointment, the Start-the-Clock event is either the appointment time or unload start time, whichever is earlier. For mailings that arrive after the mailer-scheduled appointment time, the Start-the-Clock event is the unload start time.
Day 0 is only available if the arrival time is before the CAT at the facility for the above scenarios
For mailings that have a Start-the-Clock event prior to the CET, then Day-0 is day of entry. For mailings that have a Start-the-Clock event after the CET, then Day-0 is the next applicable acceptance day. CET will be set nationally for Standard Mail and by the local facility for other mail classes. Mailers can have a negotiated CET agreement for time-sensitive drop-shipment Periodicals.
When a mailer schedules multi-stop appointments to drop mail at two or more facilities using the same surface transportation vehicle and mail arrives late at a downstream facility because of a delay caused solely by the Postal Service, the mailer will not be penalized for the delay if they followed appropriate standards when scheduling the appointments.
The Postal Service encourages mailers to account for foreseeable traffic and construction delays in scheduling all drop ship appointments. Mailers who schedule the minimum time for transportation and designated unload times run a higher risk of missing appointments versus mailers who allow for traffic and construction delays.
38. Appointment ID is included on 8017 at induction
Container Unload Scan on Wrong Appointment
Containers not arriving on the same day and at the same facility as the associated FAST appointment
Required to include the CSA ID in the eDoc if a Origin Verified, Mailer Transported CSA has been set up
In the future full-service discount will be removed for dup barcodes. In the current plan, full-service discount will not be removed for the other conditions.
In the future full-service discount will be removed for dup barcodes. In the current plan, full-service discount will not be removed for the other conditions.
39. Separation to non-USPS facilities
Mail transported to non-USPS facilties (AMF, STC) is shown as entered at USPS facilities in eDoc
Scheduled Induction Date for Recurring Appointments
No Start-the-Clock Calculated
Containers not associated to appointment
Appointment ID is invalid
Appointment not closed
Duplicate container barcodes (IMcb)
CSA Verification Errors
40. The Start-the-Clock event for a DMU Verified, USPS Transported mailing, commonly called plant load is based on the mail ready time as indicated by mailers and verified by postal personnel. Mailers document that mail was ready within the acceptance window specified in the Customer/Supplier Agreement and this is verified by postal personnel. If the Start-the-Clock event occurs before the container ready time specified by the C/SA, the Start-the-Clock Day Zero will be the day of entry. If this activity occurs after the latest container ready time, the Start-the-Clock Day Zero will be the following acceptance day.The Start-the-Clock event for a DMU Verified, USPS Transported mailing, commonly called plant load is based on the mail ready time as indicated by mailers and verified by postal personnel. Mailers document that mail was ready within the acceptance window specified in the Customer/Supplier Agreement and this is verified by postal personnel. If the Start-the-Clock event occurs before the container ready time specified by the C/SA, the Start-the-Clock Day Zero will be the day of entry. If this activity occurs after the latest container ready time, the Start-the-Clock Day Zero will be the following acceptance day.
42. Invalid Scheduled Ship Date
Scheduled Ship Date is set to a different day than the actual date of transportation from the mailer facility
Mail after Container Ready Time
Containers are presented for a trip after the Container Ready Time has passed
No Start-the-Clock Calculated
Duplicate container barcodes (IMcb)
CSA Verification Errors
Invalid CSA ID
43. Key Induction Method Differences BMEU Origin Verified
Customer Supplier Agreement (CSA) is optional
USPS Pick-up is No
DMU Verified USPS Transported
CSA is required
USPS Pick-up is Yes
Trip ID is provided
Scheduled Ship Date & Time are provided
Origin or Destination Entry Mailer Transported Mail
BMEU Origin Verified, Mailer Transported
Appointment ID is provided in eDoc or FAST
Plant Verified Dropship (PVDS)
Entry Facility Type indicates Drop-Shipment
USPS Pick-up is No
44. DMM Advisory 12/17/2010 Letter to MTAC from MTAC Co-Chair
Dear MTACers:
We are delaying Full-Service eDoc postage corrections, which we had planned to deploy on January 2, 2011, to give mailers more time to use information from a new report to help correct errors in their electronic documentation.
The new publication — PostalOne!® Full-Service Error report — allows eDoc submitters to review the quality of submissions, identify jobs with errors, and calculate the correct postage. This report also allows the eDoc submitter to request reconciliation of identified errors.
We encourage mailers to take advantage of the reconciliation process and use the feedback to correct Full-Service eDoc issues.
In addition, enhancements to the MicroStrategy Mail Data Quality reports provide detailed information on piece counts and postage amounts for pieces that are not compliant with Full-Service requirements.
Mailers have begun using these two reports — MicroStrategy Mail Data Quality and Full-Service Error — to assess the quality of their eDoc. We are continuing to work through the MTAC 137 group to address mailers’ concerns.
Please be sure to utilize the MicroStrategy Mail Data Quality reports and the PostalOne! Full-Service Error reports. Also, tell us about any issues you have with the PostalOne! help desk, 800-522-9085.
Best regards,
Steve Kearney
MTAC Co-Chair
U.S. Postal Service
45. Details of field usage, rules and technical information are in the Postal Service Mail.dat Technical Specification for eDoc
CSM Container Type new value for Air Container AB will not be accepted by the Postal Service
Updated fields for container levels of FSS Sort Plan and FSS Facility (require workaround for correct postage) Use HDR IDEAlliance Version value 11-1
SEG eDoc Sender CRID
MPU Standard Flat Type for a Standard Mail flat, designate C = Catalog and N = Not a Catalog
SEG added new field Delivery Statistics File Date
CPT Standard Flat Type Set to same value as in MPU Standard Flat Type.
CPT Postal Price Incentive type If applicable select for First-Class Mail A = Reply Rides Free. If applicable, select for Standard Mail B = Saturation/HD Total or C = Saturation/HD SCF.
Use HDR IDEAlliance Version value 11-1
SEG eDoc Sender CRID
MPU Standard Flat Type for a Standard Mail flat, designate C = Catalog and N = Not a Catalog
SEG added new field Delivery Statistics File Date
CPT Standard Flat Type Set to same value as in MPU Standard Flat Type.
CPT Postal Price Incentive type If applicable select for First-Class Mail A = Reply Rides Free. If applicable, select for Standard Mail B = Saturation/HD Total or C = Saturation/HD SCF.
46. Piece range block validations have been updated
Message transactions will be rejected where upper serialization minus lower serialization plus one is either:
20% or more greater than the larger of either (1) the sum of the .cqt Piece Count for all full-service CQT records or (2) the sum of .cqt Copy Count for all full-service CQT records; or
Less than the smaller of either (1) the sum of the .cqt Piece Count for all full-service CQT records or (2) the sum of .cqt Copy Count for all full-service CQT records.
Full-service IMR records are determined based on the .imr Service Level Indicator of F or M. Full-service CQT records are determined based on the .cqt Service Level Indicator of F.
Cross-Validation of the Host Statement Component ID field
New error codes were added and obsolete error codes were removed.
47. To [eDoc Submitter company name]:
Please be aware that one of your recent Mail.dat Full-Service jobs processing through the system has been identified as non-Full-Service compliant. This job, listed below, contains a large number of IMbs with the same IMb Serial Number, "000000000". Information about this job is listed below.
Full-Service pieces are required to have unique IMbs. This uniqueness is determined by the combination of the MID, Serial Number, and Service Type ID for Piece Detail Records (PDRs) or MID and Serial Number for Intelligent Mail Ranges (IMRs). To receive Full-Service benefits, please ensure your Mail.dat eDocs meet Full-Service requirements including unique barcodes across 45 days of jobs.
For more information on IMb uniqueness, please reference A Guide to Intelligent Mail for Letters and Flats, Section 2.4 – IMb Uniqueness.
Due to the significant impact that jobs of this nature have on our eDoc processing, all of your jobs are currently blocked from being imported into SASP resulting in no Full-Service data generation. Additionally, these pieces are at risk of losing the Full-Service discount. Please confirm what actions are in progress to address this issue as well as a planned remediation date.
Once the duplicate IMbs issue is resolved please notify us so that we can perform analysis on your jobs to determine if there is any impact.
List of jobs by company name, Job ID, Mailing Date, Mailer ID, Serial Number, Count
Associated Help Desk Case Number
Please let us know if the mailer has any additional questions.
PostalOne! Help Desk
The validations of barcode uniqueness in the file for Jan 2 will prevent these occurrences.The validations of barcode uniqueness in the file for Jan 2 will prevent these occurrences.
48. All classes of Mail, when a file generates multiple postage statements for multiple mailing dates, the system will be modified to display the number of pallets by mailing date on each individual postage statement instead of the total number of pallets for the entire mailing. 56477
Consolidated Periodicals postage statements having a single piece weight in the mailing will display the actual piece weight based on the calculation from the weights populated in the Component (.cpt) file. When a mailing has multiple piece weights, the consolidated postage statement shall display “N/A” for the piece weight. 59380
For Mail.dat new mappings for pending Periodicals to the new Standard Mail postage statements.
49. Mail.XML supports three types of messages in various modules and different versions are supported for each module. This January 2011 release focuses on eDoc functionality in Mail.XML 9.0B
eDoc - messages for postage and associated documentation (alternative to Mail.dat). Consult the release notes for mailing dates allowed for each version of Mail.XML.
Data Distribution - Reports back Full-Service data to mailers
FAST - messages for appointment and content management
50. Discussion Questions
Future Enhancements
MTAC 137 Address issues and improvements in Full Service electronic documentation and mail quality reports and assessment feedback.
MTAC UG 1 User Group for the PostalOne! System and SASP.
Mailer Software Development Group
Mail.dat Specification
Mail.XML Specification
51. Release 26 News Training session Release 26 and eDoc Verification Using Micro Strategy (12/22 DMM Advisory)
Thursday, January 7, 2011 – 2:00pm to 4:00pm EST
EVENT Number: 996 233 811
EVENT Address for attendees: https://usps.webex.com/usps/onstage/g.php?d=996233811&t=a