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” Science, it would seem, is not sexless; she is a man, a father, and infected too.“

” Science, it would seem, is not sexless; she is a man, a father, and infected too.“ Virginia Woolf „It is not really necessary to live such a peculiar life as I have, but you see I so love science.“

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” Science, it would seem, is not sexless; she is a man, a father, and infected too.“

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ”Science, it would seem, is not sexless; she is a man, a father, and infected too.“ Virginia Woolf „It is not really necessary to live such a peculiar life as I have, but you see I so love science.“ Marie Curie “There remains the fact - a fact of science itself – that science is a conceptual bridge of our own making.” W.V. O. Quine

  2. Do scientists need an epistemology at all? Marianna Szapuová

  3. Structure of the presentation • Epistemology and science • Concept of gender • Gendered science

  4. Epistemology and science What is epistemology to science and what questions does it investigate? • foundation of science • rules and norms of scientific enquiry • principles and ideals of scientific knowledge

  5. Scientific knowledge as body of knowledge Normative and prescriptive Analysis of structure of knowledge Logical relationships Rejection of the social scientific arrangements Scientific knowledge as a human activity Investigation of construction of theories Social and cultural factors in science Social arrangements inside and outside of science Issues regarding „doing science“ Cognitive authority in/of science Basic approaches to science

  6. What is not gender Abbreviation for „men and women“ Analogy for „sex“ The concept of gender • What is gender • sex and gender • gender as social and cultural construct • gender as social relation “a concept that refers to the social differences between women and men that have been learned, are changeable over time and have wide variations both within and between cultures” One hundred words of equality

  7. Gender dimensions of sciencefeminists perspective Assumptions • Gender as a „property“ of individual identity, institution and symbolic system • Science as body of knowledge + social practice + institutions + symbolic system Consequences the role of gender in science

  8. Ways in which science is seen as gendered • norms of scientific enquiry (objectivity, unemotionality, disinterestedness, impartiality, autonomy) are regarded as the norms of masculinity • science as historically controlled and dominated by men • tendency of modern science making the women invisible in knowledge and marginalised in research • Sexism and misogyny in science

  9. selection of problem selection of methodology confirmation of hypotheses Gender influences in scientific research

  10. How can gender affect not only the practice of science, but also theories • Qiune´s underdetermination thesis: a scientific theory is underdetermined by evidence; any body of observations counts as evidence for particular hypotheses only in conjunction within certain, often hidden, unarticulated background assumptions • gap between theoryand evidence

  11. Gender does matter in science Concretisation • When • In what particular theory, research programme • How to do gendered balanced science Thank you for your attention

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