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Unveiling the Intricacies of Cellular Biology and Organism Adaptations

Explore how atoms combine to form molecules, delve into the functions of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids, and unlock the secrets of genetic control centers in cells. Discover how organisms adapt to temperature, salinity, and more in this journey through the intricacies of life.

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Unveiling the Intricacies of Cellular Biology and Organism Adaptations

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  1. Atoms combine to form molecules • E.g. Water is the most important to life • Other organics …chemicals from C, H, O • Carbohydrates • E.g. glucose, sucrose, fructose, maltose… (disaccharide of 2 glucose molecules)…simple carbs • Starch: polysaccharides; for stored energy…complex carbs • Can be structural • Chitin: exoskeleton of arthropods (insects, crabs, spiders, etc) • Cellulose: gives plants and algae structural fibers • Proteins • Lipids • Fats

  2. Proteins – have many roles Made from 20 different amino acids monomers Structural – hair, cell, cytoskeleton Contractile – muscles, motile cells Storage – sources of amino acids (egg whites) Defense – antibodies, membrane proteins Transport – hemoglobin, membrane proteins Signaling – hormones, membrane proteins Catalyst – free enzymes, membrane proteins

  3. Fats, oils, waxes, steroids Polymers of fatty acids and glycerol Functions include: Energy storage molecules Repel water Prevent desiccation Buoyancy Thermal insulation Lipids

  4. Simpler Smaller size DNA without nucleus Cell wall & other crude protective layers Lack organelles Complex >10x larger DNA in nucleus Cell membrane Some also have cell wall Membrane bound organelles specialization Different types of cells…Prokaryotesvs.Eukaryotes

  5. Genetic control center DNA Replicates during cellular division Genetic fibers = chromatin Sends instructions as RNA (in nucleolus) through pores To synthesize proteins (writes amino acid sequence) Nucleus

  6. Rough ER Studded by ribosomes Assembles proteins (makes polypeptides) for further processing Membrane system Continuous with nuclear membrane Creates compartments Acts as highway or conveyer belt Endoplasmic Reticulum

  7. Continuous with Rough ER Lacks the ribosomes Uses enzymes to make lipids In sex cells, SER makes sex hormones In liver cells, SER detoxifies In muscle cells, SER stores and releases Calcium for muscle contraction Smooth ER

  8. Golgi apparatus • Shipping / Receiving department • Receives proteins from ER, modifies, packages, labels for destination, within or outside of cell

  9. breakdown bodies RER packaged enzymes Golgi modified Digests: Food in vacuole Bacteria in blood Damaged organelle (recycles) Lysosomes

  10. Vacuoles • Membranous sacks w/o digestive enzymes • Carry food in • Storage • Water • Chemicals • Waste • Pigments • Poisons

  11. Water regulation When water continues to seep inside Osmotic properties and differences in concentrations Pumps out excess Prevents cells from over-swelling or bursting Contractile vacuoles

  12. Chloroplasts • Photosynthesis = converts solar E to glucose • Continuous double membrane/compartment system • Fluid stroma • disks or grana = solar power packs

  13. Converts glucose (stored E) into cellular E (ATP) Potential E to chemical E to Kinetic E Via cellular respiration Double membrane & compartment system Fluid matrix Folds or Cristae to increase Surface Area Mitochondria

  14. The green objects represent solutes Dashed line represents cell membrane Molecules in aqueous solution = solute Cell or plasma membrane Passive transport; Diffusion of solutes toward equilibrium Cellular balance: Diffusion…

  15. Osmoregulation = controlling water balance • Isotonic: (iso = same) cell is in a solution of equal solute concentration • Hypotonic: (hypo = below) cell is in a solution of lower solutes • Hypertonic: (hyper = above) cell is in a solution of higher solutes

  16. What about fish?

  17. Higher concentration of solutes outside Water loss by osmosis Drink water to compensate Excrete salts via gills and more concentrated urine Higher concentration of solutes inside Water gain by osmosis Don’t drink the water Prevent swelling Excrete lots of dilute urine to compensate

  18. …take into account the physical parameters Geological Environmental & other characteristics and adaptations that separate groups of organisms from one another… Dealing with Temperature Various reproductive strategies Embryology and genetics Various morphology Various feeding strategies Making sense of the vast Diversity of Life

  19. Most marine organisms are adapted to particular temperature ranges …some metabolize better in cold, some better in warm Enzymes; catalysts to many metabolic processes Ectothermic Loses body heat to environment Endothermic Retains body heat Poikilotherms Core temp. changes with environment Heterothermic Homoeothermic core temperature relatively constant. Endothermic homeotherms physiological mechanism to maintain core temperature Mammals & most birds Ectothermic homeotherms uses behavioral mechanisms to maintain homeostasis (constant internal environment). Endothermic heterotherms Tuna & many sharks poikilotherms?

  20. Heat and salts (solutes) can flow in & out of organisms Thus… SA:V ratio is significant…size matters ↓organisms = ↑ SA:V e.g. In unicellular organisms much can passively diffuse e.g. a whale loses little heat relative to body size Temperature & Salinity Fig. 4.17

  21. Asexual Clones (genetic copies) Prokaryotic cells Binary fission Simple, w/o nucleus Eukaryotic cells Mitosis More complex, starts in nucleus Daughter cells Budding (organismal) Sexual Reproduction Adult typically diploid 2 sets of genetic info (2n) Prokaryotes Plasmid Transformation, Conjugation Eukaryotes undergo Meiosis 2n → 1n gametes Haploid sperm & egg Fusion of gametes Fertilization Forms zygote (1n+1n=2n) Reproductive diversity

  22. ↑ genetic diversity Leads to variability in ability… Feeding Predatory avoidance Reproductive success Produce more offspring Favorable characteristics (best adapted to the environment) Passed on to next generation Become more common Natural Selection Survival of the fittest Evolution Genetic change in the population What is the advantage of sexual reproduction & fertilization? 4.21-4.22

  23. Systematics; studying the diversity Taxonomy to classify organisms & groups We use all that information to help organize all of nature’s diversity

  24. Fouling Community Fieldtrip • Meeting time: 1:45 pm, Feb 10, 2010 …rained option, will meet in class as normal on 2/10… and push Fouling trip to 2/22 • Initial meeting site: South Shores Launch Ramp Next to Sea World Located on Mission Bay San Diego.Please try to carpool if possible. • Directions: Interstate -5 exit Sea World Dr. West toward Sea World. Right at South Shore Launch Ramp. • From Miramar: 163 S, 8 W, 5 N, 1st exit is Sea World/Fiesta Island, West toward Sea World. Right at South Shore Launch Ramp, meander through large parking areas to launch ramp and adjoining docks. • What to bring: lab manual, pencil, non-dressy clothing; optional: snack, water, sunscreen, clipboard • We will split into groups and collect samples from different locations in the harbor. We will measure turbidity, evaluate the plankton abundance and survey the fouling community at each location. All groups will gather at a central location and compare measurements and specimens.

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