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SATISFACTION WITH DEMOCRACY ASIA BAROMETER EURASIA EUROBAROMETER AFROBAROMETER LATINOBARÓMETRO Source: Eurobarometer 2003 GLOBAL BAROMETER: New EuropeBarometer (2001); Afrobarometer (1999-2001); East Asia Barometer (2001-2003,2004); Latinobarómetro (2003)
Table 1: Global Barometer Surveys:Country Coverage by World Region (N=66)
SUPPORT FOR DEMOCRACY AND PIB PER CAPITA1995 – 2010 P. ¿Con cuál de las siguientes frases está Ud. más de acuerdo? La democracia es preferible a cualquier otra forma de gobierno. En algunas circunstancias, un gobierno autoritario puede ser preferible a uno democrático. A la gente como uno, nos da lo mismo un régimen democrático que uno no democrático. *Aquí solo ‘La democracia es preferible a cualquier otra forma de gobierno’. Fuente: Latinobarómetro 1995-2010
SATISFACTION WITH DEMOCRACY (in EU) TOTALS LATIN AMERICA AND EUROPE 1995-2009 Latinobarometer Q. In general, would you say that you are very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in [country]? * Here only ‘very satisfied’ plus ‘fairly satisfied’. Eurobarometer Q. On the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in the European Union? Would you say you are ,,, ? How about the way democracy works in your country ?* Here only “Very satisfied” plus “Fairly satisfied” There are only 10 points difference in Satisfaction with Democracy between EU and Latin America Source: Latinobarómetro and Eurobarómetro 1995 - 2009
SATISFACTION WITH DEMOCRACY (in EU) TOTALS EUROPEAN UNION 1994-2009 – TOTALS BY COUNTRY 2009 Latinobarometer Q. In general, would you say that you are very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in [country]? * Here only ‘very satisfied’ plus ‘fairly satisfied’. Eurobarometer Q. On the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in the European Union? Would you say you are ,,, ? How about the way democracy works in your country ?* Here only “Very satisfied” plus “Fairly satisfied” Source: Eurobarometer 1994 - 2009
SATISFACTION WITH DEMOCRACY (Country) TOTAL LATIN AMERICA 1995 – 2010 – TOTALS BY COUNTRY 2010 Q. In general, would you say that you are very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in [country]? * Here only ‘very satisfied’ plus ‘fairly satisfied’. Source: Latinobarómetro 1995-2010.
TRUST IN INSTITUTIONS TOTALS LATIN AMERICA AND EUROPE 2010 Latinobarometer Q. Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/institutions. Would you say you have a lot (1), some (2), a little (3) or no trust (4)* Here only “Lot” plus “some”. Eurobarometer Q. I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions. For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it. Tend to trust; Tend not to trust; DK. * Here only “Tend to trust” One of the highest differences between EU and Latin America are found in trust in institutions. Source: Latinobarómetro and Eurobarómetro 2010
TRUST IN INSTITUTIONS: Government TOTALS LATIN AMERICA AND EUROPE 2003-2010 Latinobarometer Q. Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/institutions. Would you say you have a lot (1), some (2), a little (3) or no trust (4)* Here only “Lot” plus “some” for “Government” Eurobarometer Q. I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions. For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it. Tend to trust; Tend not to trust; DK. * Here only “Tend to trust” Governments are more trusted in Latin America than in the European Union Source: Latinobarómetro and Eurobarómetro 2003-2010
TRUST IN INSTITUTIONS: National Congress/ The Parliament TOTALS LATIN AMERICA AND EUROPE 2003-2010 Latinobarometer Q. Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/institutions. Would you say you have a lot (1), some (2), a little (3) or no trust (4)* Here only “Lot” plus “some” for “National Congress” Eurobarometer Q. I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions. For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it. Tend to trust; Tend not to trust; DK. * Here only “Tend to trust” Source: Latinobarómetro and Eurobarómetro 2003-2010
TRUST IN INSTITUTIONS: Political Parties TOTALS LATIN AMERICA AND EUROPE 2003-2010 Latinobarometer Q. Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/institutions. Would you say you have a lot (1), some (2), a little (3) or no trust (4)? Here only “Lot” plus “some” for “Political Parties” Eurobarometer Q. I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions. For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it. Tend to trust; Tend not to trust; DK. * Here only “Tend to trust” Source: Latinobarómetro and Eurobarómetro 2003-2010
TRUST IN INSTITUTIONS: Large companies/ Big companies TOTALS LATIN AMERICA 2001-2010 Q. Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/institutions. Would you say you have a lot (1), some (2), a little (3) or no trust (4)? * Here only “Lot” plus “some” for “Large companies” EUROBAROMETER LATINOBARÓMETRO Source: Latinobarómetro and Eurobarometer 2001-2010
TRUST IN INSTITUTIONS: Local Government/ Local Public Athorities TOTALS LATIN AMERICA AND EUROPE 2008-2010 Latinobarometer Q. Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/institutions. Would you say you have a lot (1), some (2), a little (3) or no trust (4)?* Here only “Lot” plus “some” for “Local Government” Eurobarometer Q. I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions. For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it. Tend to trust; Tend not to trust; DK. * Here only “Tend to trust” Source: Latinobarómetro and Eurobarómetro 2008-2010