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Leadership Team Meeting Administration Professional Learning

Join us as we empower potential, engage learners, and make learning visible at Rocky View Schools. Explore our mission to inspire the love of learning and community while nurturing learners to contribute to the changing global community. Discover initiatives driven by specialists promoting 21st-century skills, literacy, and learning support. Witness our commitment to providing inclusive, engaging, and supportive learning environments for every student.

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Leadership Team Meeting Administration Professional Learning

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  1. Leadership Team MeetingAdministration Professional Learning January - 2017

  2. RVS Vision We inspire the love of learning and community, engaging learners for life! Mission We engage all learners through meaningful and challenging experiences, preparing them to understand, adapt and successfully contribute to our changing global community!

  3. Empower the Potential Rocky View Schools Four Year Plan 2015-2019

  4. Make It Visible Across the jurisdiction, we draw upon our students’ inquisitive natures by encouraging them to: • develop and test their own ideas • seek new perspectives • gather and analyze information • draw new insights that help them grow into strong, critical thinkers We believe that when students learn how to learn – this is to acquire, create, connect, and communicate knowledge in a variety of contexts – we are helping them to build the confidence and habits of mind to become life-long learners and successful citizens.

  5. Make it Real Building upon the foundational skills of Literacy and Numeracy, we focus on: • engaging students in investigating relevant topics that provide intellectually challenging experiences • providing them with a sense of belonging • encouraging them to have confidence in their own intellect We aim to engage students in deep learningthat encourages them to… • look at things from different perspectives • see the relationships between their learning in different subjects • make connections to previous learning experiences

  6. Make it for Everyone We believe that every learner deserves to have his/her needs met through learning communities that value inclusion, diversity, compassion, and fairness. In Rocky View Schools, all learners are given the opportunity to expand their potential, overcome challenges and pursue excellence. Our approach is simple – the best interest of students is at the centre of every decision.

  7. Learners are Successful Outcomes: - Learners are literate and numerate. - Learners build 21st Century competencies (skills and knowledge). - Learners take ownership of their learning.

  8. Learners are Engaged Outcomes: - Real-world, hands-on learning experiences engage learners. - Innovation and effective practices enrich learning. - Partnerships enhance and fuel learning.

  9. Learners are Supported Outcomes: - Learners feel well, safe, valued, and respected. - Learning is accessible, individualized, and challenging. - Student-centered decisions propel achievement.

  10. Learning Department Enhancing and improving teaching and learning for every learner in RVS!

  11. Learning Department 21st C Specialists; Driving innovation and engagement by exploring, creating and sharing authentic learning. • Associate Superintendent – Dave Morris • Executive Secretary • RVS Adult Learning Coordinator • Community Partner Program Coordinator • Director of Technology for Learning • Director of Learning Supports • Director of 21st Century Learning • 21st Century Learning Specialists Initiatives – Liaison with Alberta Education, Implement the 4 year Plan, Instructional Design, Design Cohorts, Fellowships, Food for Thought, Breakfast Clubs of Canada, Community Partners, Before and After School Care, Grant writing and Support, Adult Learning, Family Literacy, Making Learning Visible

  12. Technology for Learning Technology Specialists; Enhancing teaching and learning through educational technologies • Director of Technology for Learning • Secretary • Learning Specialists • Student Information System – Power School • Manager of Systems and Networks – IT • Manager of SharePoint / Microsoft office 365 • Education Centre Technicians • School Technicians Initiatives – Web Portal, Instructional Design, PowerSchool, COSL, Help Desk, Support of all digital tools including corporate, IT infrastructure, PL Calendar, Communities of Practice

  13. 21st Century Learning Literacy Specialists; Designing, collaborating and elevating literacy teaching and learning to support success for all students • Director of 21st Century Learning – Pam Davidson • Secretary .5 • Learning Specialists • Literacy Specialists • Literacy Consultant Initiatives – High School Redesign, Literacy and Numeracy Framework, Dual Credit, French Immersion, Curriculum, Locally Developed Courses, PL Calendar, Communities of Practice, Making Learning Visible

  14. Learning Supports ECS Specialists; Uniting home and schools to build and strong foundation for each child’s success! Learning Supports Specialists; Supporting change – Shaping opportunity – Strengthening relationships • Director of Learning Supports – Greg Roberts • Secretaries • Lead Psychologist • Supervisor of Jurisdictional Programs • Family School Liaisons • Psychologists • Occupational Therapists • Speech Pathologists • Speech Assistants • Positive Behaviour Strategists

  15. Learning Supports Continued… • Stepping Stones Coordinator • Success Coaches • Learning Specialists Initiatives – ECS Kindergarten, Preschool Intervention Program PIP, English Language Learners, First Nations/ Metis/ Inuit, Inclusion, Coaching teachers, Direct intervention with students, Jurisdictional Program Supports, Regional Collaborative Services, etc..

  16. Leadership Team Meeting Today: • Exposure to some Design Thinking procedures and protocols • Looking back on powerful Professional Learning • Using tools to explore our Professional Learning needs as Administrators moving forward

  17. Agenda 8:45am Learning Department Intro - Dave Morris 9:00am Looking Back at 2016 - Table Talk 9:30am “What makes powerful PL?” - Brainstorm & Gallery Walk 10:00am Emerging PL Themes - Collaborative Brainstorm 10:30am Coffee & Today’s Meet

  18. Looking Back at 2016 WHAT: What were the 2016 highlights, notable, and iconic moments? PROTOCOL: Table Talk - In your conversation group, each person will have up to 3 minutes to share some of the powerful practice, events, insights, and happenings in your school from 2016. Tell Me More - The rest of the table will have 2 minutes to ask questions to find out more

  19. What makes Powerful Professional Learning? WHAT: What makes professional learning powerful? What do we keep in mind as we design PL opportunities for staff? PROTOCOL: 5 Minute Brainstorm - Each person will quickly jot some of the important elements to keep in mind on Post It Notes. DELIVERABLE: Knowledge Commons - Post your notes to the wall across from the kitchenette. Gallery Walk - Look for patterns. Add a check mark to to top 5 Post Its that resonate with you

  20. Emerging Trends, Themes and Needs WHAT: What are the emerging professional learning needs, themes and trends in your school? How might these be met? PROTOCOL: Ideate (3) - Begin by thinking about and recording some of the emerging needs of your school in the boxes at the top using Post Its Collaborative Brainstorm (10) - Pass your page to the person on your left, they will add a Resource, Idea, Person, Opportunity, Insight, etc… that you might be interested in. Reflect (5) - Follow up at your table with any ideas that may need more discussion. DELIVERABLE: Great ideas to bring back to your school that may inform future PL.

  21. Add your voice to the conversation using https://todaysmeet.com/rvsed Possible Feedback Prompts: I like…What if…We need… Coffee Break

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