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Peacebuilding Fund Update. Presentation to the PBC December 2013. 2013: An increased focus on assisting country programme design. For 2013, the PBF instituted a more proactive approach to assist country programme design
Peacebuilding FundUpdate Presentation to the PBC December 2013
2013: An increased focus on assisting country programme design • For 2013, the PBF instituted a more proactive approach to assist country programme design • Taking into account country-level demand and a country ‘scanning’, identifying priority countriesfor every 6 – 9 month period • Early financial support for preparatory activities (pre-secretariat structures, conflict analysis, PBF sensitization & planning workshops) • Technical assistance by the PBF staff and mobilizing partnerships (InterPeace, PeaceNexus, former PBF Advisory Group members) • In 2013 priority countries were: Guinea, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Niger, Somalia, South Sudan, Yemen • September 2013 to early 2014 priority countries: Burundi, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Yemen • Earlier partnership with other parts of the UN system – including PBC – also key The PBF programme team benefits from assistance from UNHCR
Strengthened M&E unit is focusing on quality 3 All PBF countries now have a programme officer and an M&E support officer Increased field missions offering direct support for development of Theories of Change and Results Frameworks (Kyrgyzstan, Yemen, Guatemala) Organization of first regional workshop and of another revision of Guidelines Quality assurance on periodic reporting on results (i.e. new Joint Steering Committee Annual Reports, feedback on project-level 6 monthly reports) Management and co-management of PRF and IRF evaluations, respectively Collaboration with Policy Branch on three PBF-related thematic reviews: women in peacebuilding (2013); reconciliation (planned); employment (planned) The M&E unit benefits from assistance from Australia and UNDP
* = Peacebuilding Commission ** = Declared Eligible by the Secretary-General
Note: Priority Plan allocations take time to be disbursed against approved projects.
2013 Country Highlights (1) Guinea – Two strategies in 2013: First: Address political crisis around legislative elections Total amount $5.5 million using both IRF and PRF Electoral support through dialogue, election monitoring, support to the mediator (SRSG Djinnit) , political dialogue, youth employment) Second: Organize phase 2 of Priority Plan 2013 – 2015 Total amount requested $15.3 million Areas of work include: political dialogue (central, community), national reconciliation, women & youth employment, parliamentary support. Liberia – Core strategy for 2013: developing phase 2 of Priority Plan 2013 – 2015 $15 million approved in September, 2013 Centered on supporting the National Roadmap for Reconciliation: land commission, national human rights commission, “palaya” huts, national youth programme extension, national resource management in collaboration with the World Bank, women’s economic empowerment Positioning of Joint Steering Committee and Priority Plan more closely aligned with the Government’s Agenda for Transformation (overall national plan)
2013 Country Highlights (2) Kyrgyzstan – $15m Priority Plan approved in September focusing on: a) the rule of law and human rights promotion; b) improving local governance capacity to manage conflict and reduce tensions in collaboration with civil society and community efforts; c) promotion of policies to deal with ethnic relations, national unity and language policy. JSC established in early 2013 co-chaired by the Presidents Office and UNRC and comprising of members of the UN team, government, donors, Civil society. JSC supported the process of preparing conflict analysis, priority plan. Individual projects expected to be approved by the JSC before the end of the year. Mali – Strategic focus: “quick support response” Cantonment project in Kidal expected before the end of the year (IRF $3m) Working closely with MINUSMA – through them government has officially expressed interest in being eligible for PBF PBSO has been organizing meetings across UN system to have coordinated approach with MINUSMA on peacebuilding
Yemen – Strategic focus: supporting national dialogue and scaling-up UN Country Team support outside of Sa’ana Approval of 2 IRF’s in support of national dialogue (participation of women and youth, and focus on the south). Eligibility declared in February 2013; Joint Steering Committee established, chaired by the Prime Minister Priority Plan under development in areas of political dialogue, transitional justice, local governance and local peace dividends Niger – Strategic focus: supporting Government’s peace consolidation plan Eligibility requested formally in November, 2013 $3m IRF programme for youth engagement in border areas started Possible follow-up issues: strengthening security sector, youth employment, women’s empowerment, extractive industries South Sudan – Strategic focus: UNMISS Peacebuilding Support Plan $10m PRF approved February 2013 Decentralized youth engagement & peace dividends (water access) 2013 Country Highlights (3)
Burundi – Strategic focus: 3rd Priority Plan for period before next election Burundi has developed a new Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP), which integrates peacebuilding issues, particularly in governance pillar. Following on the October 2012 Conference organized in Switzerland in collaboration with the PBC, the Fund aims to build momentum for issues aligned to the PRSP. A Priority Plan has been drafted; conflict analysis is being discussed by the Burundi government and the UN, prior to PBSO submission. The approach was agreed also by the PBC. Expected areas of support are: social cohesion/national dialogue, youth participation, human rights, and resolution of land disputes. Meanwhile, 2013 results of the closing year of the 2nd Priority Plan (2011-2013) include: strengthening of government's capacity to coordinate and plan activities in the area of reintegration; reduction of tensions and increase of social cohesion; peaceful resolution of 305 land conflicts; access to revenue for 540 vulnerable persons through community work; finalization of construction of 202 houses for reintegration; equipment of 3 youth centers; training of returnees and ex-combatants in entrepreneurship. 2013 Country Highlights (4)
2013 Country highlights (5) Myanmar – strategic focus: helping UN respond to rapidly evolving peace processes Myanmar declared eligible in mid-2013 In 2013, peace dividends in south-east ($1.6m) and support for Myanmar Peace Centre ($0.5m); another peace dividends project in southern Shan State under development Joint mission with the World Bank on a small grants facility to accompany the Joint Peacebuilding Needs Assessment Sierra Leone – strategic focus: maintaining UN peacebuilding focus as UNIPSIL transitions to a UN Country Team with PBC accompaniment Package of IRF proposals being supported: conflict prevention; security sector reform; constitutional review; human rights
2013 Country Highlights (6) CAR – strategic focus: use IRF to support BINUCA efforts so facilitate exit from crisis PBF suspended all programmes in April 2013. In September 2013 – in collaboration with PBC and, on the ground, with EU – agreed to support civilian police / gendarmerie re-start In November 2013 – agreed to explore support human rights work through OHCHR Guinea Bissau – strategic focus: use IRF to support UNIOGBIS efforts to advance the transition Agreed to $5m package of IRFs to assist transition, including: support high level planning commission, joint with DPA; political dialogue, fight against drug trafficking, women’s programme, symbolic (catalytic) elections support The full (suspended) PRF portfolio postponed after elections take place ASG Cheng-Hopkins and PBC Config Chair to visit in early 2014
2013 Country Highlights (7) Papua New Guinea – Strategic focus: peacebuilding activities in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville as it prepares for its referendum on possible independence (due between 2015 and 2020). Eligibility declared in mid-2013 Possible areas of support include : youth issues, referendum process, women’s participation, arms disposal, peace process management capacity, relationship between national and autonomous authorities, and rule of law/transitional justice. Joint Steering Committee will include Bougainville and national government Conflict analysis being undertaken in collaboration with InterPeace Joint DPA / PBSO mission in November, 2013 Bosnia and Herzegovina – Strategic focus: building on Presidential initiative to counter concerning trends on ethnic relations Support for Presidentially endorsed dialogue platform Support for media / cultural initiatives and outreach into youth and education environments to create space for discussion of ethnic relations Joint DPA / PBSO mission in December, 2013
Collaborating with IFI’s 15 Specific efforts to collaborate with the World Bank/ AfDB Liberia – The PBF is working with the World Bank to undertake a study on natural resource management; follow-up funding foreseen in Priority Plan Myanmar - Joint World Bank/PBF mission to design a small grants facility to accompany the Joint Peacebuilding Needs Assessment Somalia – PBSO mission (Nov 2013) to Somalia meeting with AfDB and the World Bank to review how conflict-related financing instruments can best be aligned in support of the Somalia New Deal Compact Central African Republic – Discussion of how conflict analysis / needs assessment can be jointly undertaken. Visit by the Chair of the PBF Advisory Group to the World Bank – Visit to Vice-President of Africa’s office highlighted the need for early collaboration – recommended in particular joint work on CAR
Looking Forward Colombia – IRF proposal for peace campaign under preparation Cote d’Ivoire – Expression of interest for a second phase of PBF support. Positive response relying on findings of the evaluation (first phase) Somalia – Eligibility request by the President received in early December toto provide support in newly recovered areas, including governance, youth engagement, national dialogue, peace dividends Democratic Republic of Congo – 2009 grant was evaluated in 2013; possible 2nd grant in 2014, focused on 2nd generation ISSSS and ‘Islands of Stability’ approach In addition to actions that follow directly on the country highlights listed in the previous slides, some additional activities foreseen in 2014 include:
Note: Actual transfers are lower than approved Allocations due to time lag associated with project formulation.
Cumulative percentages: PBC 50.5% Non-PBC 49.5%
PBF Cumulative allocations by status of UN presence, 2007 – 2013 (Sept)
Reporting and Planning 24 Global 2013 PBF Review report(February 2014). Analysis and recommendations from the independent investigation into PBF’s achievements and challenges against its 2010-2013 Business Plan, including the functioning of country-based systems. Secretary General’s Report on the Peacebuilding Fund 2013(March 2014). A country-by-country annual examination of PBF’s investments and results. Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office’s Report on the PBF 2013(May 2014). Financial and results reporting according to PBF thematic areas, with special attention to RUNO lessons learned and achievements. Annual PBF Stakeholders meeting and presentation of next Business Plan (June 2014). Based on the 2013 Review, development of next three-year Business Plan. The Stakeholders Meeting will be timed during the same week as PBC event.
2013 Peacebuilding Fund Review 25 Purpose. Launched in July 2013 to assess the implementation of the PBF Business Plan 2010-2013, in anticipation of updating the Plan for the next three years. Broadly Consultative. In addition to feedback from an external Reference Group on key deliverables, consultants provided updates to the PBF Advisory Group (October 2013) and the PBF group of donors (November 2013). Data Collection Progress. Country visits completed (Sierra Leone, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Comoros, South Sudan, Liberia and Guinea); global survey completed; capital visits to top five PBF donors (Canada, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and UK); more than 100 interviews with key stakeholders beyond the country visits. Schedule. First draft anticipated mid-January 2014, with finalized Report expected in February 2014. Subsequently, PBSO will organize consultations with donors, the Advisory Group and other stakeholders as to PBSO’s proposed approaches going forward.
Evaluation Coverage 26 Beginning in 2014, the PBF M&E Unit will manage all evaluations of PRF portfolios to ensure quality, timeliness, and a specific substantive focus on assessing the higher-level peacebuilding contribution of the Fund’s investments. Completed evaluations by end of 2013: 2010 (2): Burundi, Liberia 2011 (6): TheComoros,Guinea-Bissau, Nepal,Sierra-Leone, Sri Lanka, Timor Leste 2012 (4): Kyrgyzstan, Central African Republic, Guinea, Uganda, 2013 (4): Burundi, DRC, Lebanon, Liberia
The New Deal Dashboard (NDD)EU-funded pilot project in Liberia with PBSO to track financing for peacebuilding Project funded by the EU ($700k). Started in 2011 and NDD officially launched September 2013 NDD is an online tool for monitoring peacebuilding assistance with each project mapped to a PSG It draws on data from existing AIMS which now captures almost all donor assistance A group of Liberian experts assessed each project’s relevance to peacebuilding which then NDD uses. Donors are invited to validate the “ranking” 1 of 4
The NDD can show projected spending for peacebuilding https://amu.mof.gov.lr
Users can filter and display data in on the NDD in a variety of ways https://amu.mof.gov.lr
How the NDD can help… The NDD creates accountability and transparency around peacebuilding It provides a “peacebuilding lens” on other frameworks such as the PRSP and the support to government sectors It supports peacebuilding sector working groups and enables priority-setting It helps stakeholders plan for UNMIL transition and identify PB gaps It helps us figure out if we’re doing the right things in the right sectors in the right places 4 of 4