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Joining Together in the Transforming Mission of God

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Joining Together in the Transforming Mission of God

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    1. Joining Together in the Transforming Mission of God

    3. The Edinburgh World Missionary Conference 1910 �the all-time high-water mark in Western missionary enthusiasm, the zenith of the optimistic and pragmatist approach to missions� �The evangelization of the world in this generation�. an ecumenical Protestant gathering (there were no Roman Catholic or Orthodox Christians at this event).

    4. Bosch - moved �From a Theology of Mission to a missionary theology� (p492). Karl Barth 1932 �The church can be in mission authentically only in obedience to God as mission.� Karl Hartenstein 1934 coins term �mission dei� and distinguishes it from �mission ecclesiae�

    5. Willingen Conference 1952 � � The classical doctrine of the missio dei as God the Father sending the Son, and God the Father and the Son sending the Spirit was expanded to include yet another �movement�: Father, Son & Holy Spirit sending the church into the world ... Willingen�s image of mission was mission as participating in the sending of God. Our mission has no life of its own: only in the hands of the sending God can it truly be called mission, not least since missionary initiative comes from God alone.� (D Bosch �Transforming Mission� p390 cited in Bevans & Schroeder �Constants in Context� p290)

    6. David Bosch � �Transforming Mission� Hans Kung�s 6 major paradigms of Christian history Apocalyptic paradigm of primitive Christianity Hellenistic paradigm of the patristic period The medieval Roman catholic paradigm The Protestant (Reformation) paradigm The modern Enlightenment paradigm The emerging ecumenical paradigm

    12. Bevans & Schroeder �Constants in Context� Christ Church Eschatology Anthropology Salvation Culture found in every era and in all 3 major strands of theology (conservative, liberal and radical)

    13. Prophetic Dialogue Witness and Proclamation Liturgy, Prayer & Contemplation Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation Interreligious Dialogue Inculturation Reconciliation

    14. SO WHAT IS THE MISSION OF GOD? �The God revealed in the Scriptures is personal, purposeful and goal-orientated.� (Chris Wright, �The Mission of God� p63) God�s mission is about justice and righteousness. It is about God being the saviour and deliverer. This justice is about transforming people�s lives; it is about transforming communities, society, and indeed the world.

    15. MISSION OF GOD � ISAIAH 56-66 Isaiah 56.1 sets tone:- Justice and righteousness; God is saviour & deliverer Transforming lives, communities & societies � hungry fed, naked clothed, homeless housed, truth in the courts, good news for poor, imprisoned set free, ruined cities re-built Inclusive � but not unbounded Vision of a new heaven and earth � where children & old people play full place, work valued & fruitful Wealth of nations present Gates always open, the Lord is the light

    16. MISSION OF GOD � ISAIAH 56-66 Yet only comes about by God�s action � he is deliverer / redeemer This vision leads to confession, repentance, prayer, lament, & praise This is Fung�s Isaiah Vision plus more - ecological /environmental aspect not in Fung. Fung also lacks eschatological vision of the Isaiah context

    17. MISSION OF GOD � ISAIAH INTO NEW TESTAMENT Isaiah 61.1-3 � becomes Jesus� own mission manifesto:- Luke 4.16ff Jesus� mission becomes our mission rooted in the same scriptures � Luke 24.45-49 Isaiah 60, 65 & 66 form backdrop to Revelation 21 & 22. Eschatology matters Colossians 1.15-20


    22. GROWING DISCIPLES Sharing Good News Worship Prayer Apostles Teaching Fellowship Work World

    23. SEEKING JUSTICE Education Health Housing Hospitality Work Freedom from Oppression Peace Creation Integrity

    26. JOINING TOGETHER With God With one another � in our parishes and institutions In our Deaneries In our Diocese With fellow Christians � locally Regionally

    27. JOINING TOGETHER Globally With those of other faiths With our communities -civic, business and voluntary sectors

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