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This handbook module provides resources and guidance for leadership teams supporting charter school staff to understand the California School Dashboard and use the data to make improvements to programs and services for students with disabilities. It aligns with the handbook for providing technical assistance to local education agencies and includes information on guiding principles and processes for supporting students with disabilities.
Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Module Two: Support for Students with Disabilities Modules Aligned with the Handbook for Providing Technical Assistance to Local Education Agencies
Handbook Contents Includes resources and guidance for leadership teams supporting charter school staff to: Understand the California School Dashboard Use Dashboard data to make improvements to programs and services for students with disabilities Developed by El Dorado County Office of Education and Sacramento County Office of Education for publication by California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Handbook
Handbook Contents Four handbook sections: Section One: California’s Accountability System Section Two: Support for Students with Disabilities Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Handbook Section Three: Improvement Section Four: Toolkit
Handbook Contents Six Guiding Principles derived from: Effective program elements necessary for students with disabilities, and Recommendations from the 2015 Statewide Task Force Report on Special Education “One System: Reforming Education to Serve ALL Students.” Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Handbook: Guiding Principles
Handbook Contents Six Guiding Principles: Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Handbook: Guiding Principles • General Education and Special Education work together seamlessly as one coherent system. • Educational programs are organized within the context of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework to ensure academic and behavioral supports are provided for all students.
Handbook Contents Six Guiding Principles: Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Handbook: Guiding Principles • Instructional programs incorporate high quality, standards aligned, evidence-based practices and use of principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). • Data systems are integrated to combine relevant information from state and local assessments including: formative and summative data, universal screening measures, and anecdotal observations from parents & teachers.
Handbook Contents Six Guiding Principles: Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Handbook: Guiding Principles • Site based teams monitor progress, identify interventions, and adapt instructional practices and behavioral supports to promote success for all students using evidence-based systems of inquiry. • Programs are culturally and linguistically responsive.
Handbook Contents Four modules for charter schools: Module Two: Support for Students with Disabilities • Module Three: Improvement Process Part 1: Prepare Module One: California’s Accountability System Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities: Training Series Module Four: Improvement Process Part 2: Launch, Reflect and Adjust
Handbook Contents Four modules for charter schools: Module Two: Support for Students with Disabilities Module Three: Improvement Process Part 1: Prepare Module One: California’s Accountability System Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities: Training Series Module Four: Improvement Process Part 2: Launch, Reflect and Adjust
This module will include the following topics: ro Background information about students with disabilities in California Support for Students with Disabilities A closer look at the emphasis on creating one system for all students Aligning processes for students with disabilities: An overview of Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Aligning processes for students with disabilities: An overview of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Aligning processes for students with disabilities: An overview of Evidence-based Practices (EBPs)
One Coherent System CA Special Education Task Force Report (March 2015) One Coherent System “In a coherent system of education, all children are considered general education students first; all educators, regardless of which students they are assigned to serve, have a collective responsibility to see that all children receive the education and the supports they need to maximize their development and potential so that they can participate meaningfully in the nation’s economy and democracy.”
Equality vs. Equity Equality vs. Equity EQUALITY EQUITY
Students with Disabilities in California Age 0-22 by Primary Disabilities Category: Students with Disabilities Population for Ages 0-22: 774,665 Source: CASEMIS December 2017
LCAP Unduplicated Student Groups Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) The term unduplicated student group refers to: • English learners • Low-income • Foster youth
LCAP Unduplicated Student Groups Representation of Students with Disabilities withinUnduplicated Student Groups Of students with disabilities are in one or more LCAP unduplicated student groups 71% Source: December 2017 CASEMIS and DataQuest
LCAP Unduplicated Student Groups • Representation of Students with Disabilities withinUnduplicated Student Groups 13% Source: December 2017 CASEMIS and DataQuest
LCAP Unduplicated Student Groups • Representation of Students with Disabilities within Unduplicated Student Groups 17% Source: December 2017 CASEMIS and DataQuest
LCAP Unduplicated Student Groups • Representation of Students with Disabilities withinUnduplicated Student Groups 27% Source: December 2017 CASEMIS and DataQuest
Layers of Support Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) California Department of Education
Layers of Support Layers of Support
System-wide alignment of resources and initiatives School site and grade-level participation in alignment of resources and programs Support for all students including gifted and high achievers Key Elements of MTSS Use of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) proactive lesson planning framework Focus on sustainable interventions that reflect best practice aligned to Common Core State Standards
System-wide alignment of resources and initiatives School site and grade-level participation in alignment of resources and programs Support for all students including gifted and high achievers Key Elements of MTSS Use of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) proactive lesson planning framework Focus on sustainable interventions that reflect best practice aligned to Common Core State Standards
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Source: UDLcenter.org
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Provides students with equitable access to education Optimizes instruction and supports for all students in the general education setting Ensures full access to the general curriculum regardless of disability, English language proficiency, income level, race, academic levels, etc. Key Elements of UDL Includes differentiated instructional strategies in classroom settings Offers explicit and rigorous instruction that is culturally responsive and linguistically appropriate
Evidence-Based Practices Evidence-based Practices Important component of MTSS Research supports their effectiveness in producing results and improving outcomes when implemented
Evidence-Based Practices Evidence-based Practices Benefits Include: Increase in sustainability as data supports the efficiency of these practices Less time and resources devoted to ineffective programs and practices Increased likelihood of positive outcomes
Evidence-Based Practices Tier 1 • Strong Evidence: supported by one or more well-designed and well-implemented randomized control experimental studies. Evidence-based Practices Tier 2 • Moderate Evidence: supported by one or more well-designed and well-implemented quasi-experimental studies. Tier 3 • Promising Evidence: supported by one or more well-designed and well-implemented correlational studies (with statistical controls for selection bias). Tier 4 • Demonstrates a Rationale: practices that have a well-defined logic model or theory of action, are supported by research, and have some effort underway by a State, District, or outside research organization to determine their effectiveness.
Evidence-Based Practices Evidence-based Practices Tools to Support the Selection of EBPs EBP Comparison Sheet Hexagon Tool
This module reviewed the following topics: Background information about students with disabilities in California Support for Students with Disabilities A closer look at the emphasis on creating one system for all students Aligning processes for students with disabilities: An overview of Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs).
Handbook Contents Four modules for charter schools: Module Two: Support for Students with Disabilities Module Three: Improvement Process Part 1: Prepare Module One: California’s Accountability System Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities: Training Series Module Four: Improvement Process Part 2: Launch, Reflect and Adjust