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Using the School Online Assessment Registration (SOAR) Term 2 Before the tests. Quick links. If you are very familiar with SOAR, try these quick links . SOAR checklist here Updating students’ details here Printing Assessment Rolls here.
Using the School Online Assessment Registration(SOAR) Term 2 Before the tests
Quick links If you are very familiar with SOAR, try these quick links. • SOAR checklist here • Updating students’ details here • Printing Assessment Rolls here If you are a new SOAR user, please follow through the SOAR - New User presentation first.
Student Management Use Student Management to update student details including: • adding recently enrolled students • deleting any students who have left the school • indicating students who have are exempt from all tests by changing their status from Participant to Exempt • adding the details of students visiting the school (if known) before printing the Assessment Rolls. If you are very familiar with SOAR - use this link to go directly to Assessment Rolls
Adding a student Click the Add a student button. 2 Add the student details and press 3 Add the parent details and press 4 Press Save on the third screen. • Click to Add a Student. • Click Next to go to the next screen.
Adding a student Student ID • Each student ID must be 9 digits long. • Non-government student IDs will be generated by EMSAD. • If the student’s ID / ERN / registration number is not known, just type nine 0’s in a row 000000000 and email naplan.nsw@det.nsw.edu.au, requesting that a new number is generated. Please provide the school name, student name, cohort. • For the message “duplicate student”, type nine 0’s & email.
Click to delete a student. Deleting a student The Delete option will remove a student completely from the list of students in Student Management. This should only be used for individual students who have left the school permanently.
Deleting a student If a deleted student returns before the tests, you can ‘restore’ them by selecting ‘Only show students with the status Deleted’ and clicking Restore for that student.
Visiting students allows you to enter the details of students who visit your school to complete NAPLAN tests but who are not enrolled in your school.Visiting students may be: - on holidays from interstate or intrastate- enrolled in a Distance Education school/centre- a home-schooled student (the student must show the host school their NAPLAN registration form before the test). Visiting students To add a visiting student, click the Visiting student button.
Visiting students The details to enter for Visiting Students are First name, Last name, Student ID, Gender, Date of birth, Student’s home state and Student’s home school (if the student is from NSW or ACT).
Visiting students Add the student details. Show the student’s home state and/or home school. • Drop-down menu for the home school if student from NSW or ACT. • No drop-down menu for home school if student from interstate (excl. ACT). Press Save.
Visiting students Once a visiting student has been added in Student Managementthey will appear in red font within the student list and the Visiting column will display Yes.
Assessment Roll Use Assessment Roll on the main menu to print out the roll for cohort and for each test: • Language Conventions • Writing • Reading • Numeracy Years 3 and 5 • Numeracy calculator allowedYears 7 and 9 • Numeracy non-calculatorYears 7 and 9
If unsure of the process, click the Assessment Roll Help screen. Assessment Roll A copy of the Assessment Rollsfor each cohort and each test were also included in the package of test materials. The Assessment Rolls are used by Test Administrators to record student participation and special provisions. They are referred to when completing Check In.
Assessment Roll When you enter this screen, you need to choose: • the cohort (Year 3 or 5 or 7 or 9 or ALL) • the assessment type(Language Conventions or Writing or Reading or Numeracy or ALL). • You can organise the Assessment Roll by: • roll class • students’ last name • students’ first name.
Assessment Roll 3, 5, 7, 9 or ALL • Language Conventions, Writing, Reading, Num calculator, Num non-calculator or ALL • The Assessment Roll can be sorted by roll class, surname and first name. • There are drop-down menus for all fields.
Click the view roll icon to view the roll on screen. • Click the print icon to print the roll as a PDF. Assessment Roll The Assessment Rollwill appear on screen. Click View Rollto view the Assessment Rollon screen, Export to Excel to print a spreadsheet or Reset to change the preferences.
Assessment Roll Give the printed Assessment Rolls to the Test Administrators and discuss: • the need for accuracy • recording any students who are absent, exempt or withdrawn from a test • recording any special provisions • recording the barcodes for students using ‘blank’ books • where comments can be added about individual students during the test e.g. illness, behaviour.
Assessment Roll The following codes are used on the Assessment Roll to indicate students who did not participate or who accessed special provisions.
Resources All SOAR resources including manuals, Powerpoints and checklists are available online. Government schools https://detwww.det.nsw.edu.au/directorates/schoimpro/EMD/naplan_publications.htm Non-government schools http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/naplan/nongov EMSAD contact details Phone: 9707 6221 Email: naplan.nsw@det.nsw.edu.au