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A reminder to consider others Please: Turn off your cell phone or set to vibrate only Turn off sound to all electronic devices Use the nursery or cry room if your child is fussy Get up during the preaching only if absolutely necessary (please sit in back if you must leave early)
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
Biblical Principles for Politics Historical Background The “separation of church and state” clause is not anywhere in the U.S. Constitution or its amendments Churches are tax exempt by virtue of being a church - not a 503 (c)(3) organization Politics and Politicians were not always words with negative connotations.
Types of Government The Bible has great tolerance for many types of governments Patriarchal – Abraham Tribal – early Israel Theocratic – Joshua – Judges Kingdom – Saul / David Representative – Sanhedrin Dictator – Jesus in Millennium
The Christian & GovernmentGovernment’s Foundation It is God that establishes or removes those in positions of power - Daniel 4 Those in office should be humble. God put you in office and can easily remove you.
The Christian & GovernmentGovernment’s Foundation Those running for office need to be more concerned about pleasing the Lord than people Believers have hope regardless of who is in office and how good or bad they may be
The Christian & GovernmentGovernment’s Foundation Romans 13:1-2. Christians submit to government as long as it does not require disobedience to God
Government’s Purpose Romans 13:3-4. Government should promote what is good Governments that cause those who do good to fear risk being replaced (Isaiah 5:20)
Government’s Purpose Romans 13:3-4. Government must cause fear to those who do evil because they carry the sword as an avenger Government officials are “a minister of God to you for good” (Romans 13:4)
Government’s Purpose Romans 13:3-4. They will give an account of their stewardship of office to God (2 Chronicles 19:6,7) God has chastised or replaced governments that do not fulfill their God given duties
Responsibility to Government Romans 13:5-8 We are to submit to government out of both fear and conscience We are to pay our taxes whether we like them or not We are to render proper respect to the authorities
Christians & Politics in a Democracy The Christian citizen has a responsibility in selecting our representatives and petitioning them on the issues The people get what they choose
Christians and Politics in a DemocracyResponsibilities We must be serious about voting for who would best fulfill God’s purposes We have a responsibility to see God’s standards upheld and seek a godly government – Proverbs 29:2
Christians and Politics in a DemocracyResponsibilities We must not substitute the quest for a godly human government as a quest for the kingdom of God We are to oppose people and policies that are contrary to the clear teachings of God’s word - as did the prophets
Christians and Politics in a DemocracyPriorities Do not allow the propaganda sway you from God’s priorities God’s priorities are often different from personal ones – Example: Justice over economics Look for the best candidate your conscience allows you to vote for in a multiparty system
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesLife Life is the first moral priority (Gen. 1:26,27; 9:6; Num. 35, 2 Kings 24:2) Human life begins in the womb (Psalm 139:13; Jer. 1:5-6; Luke 1:41-44) Abortion, infanticide and euthanasia are all murder
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesLife Questions: What value does the candidate put on human life? Are they pro-life, indifferent or pro-abortion? What is their position on euthanasia? Do they uphold capital punishment for murder?
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesProtection Protection of its people against internal and external threats is a primary purpose of government
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesProtection Questions: Does the candidate understand the protective role of government both locally and nationally? Does he understand the necessity and proper use of armed force as well as diplomacy
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesJustice Justice: To the degree a government deviates from God’s standard of justice, it fails True social justice is not equal outcome, it is equality of opportunity or fairness in the application of law
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesJustice Micah 6:8 – Justice is to be tempered by mercy. Mercy without justice is injustice.
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesJustice Questions: Does the candidate uphold the rule of law? Is he fair in his dealings with supporters and opponents? Is the candidate subject to political corruption either in or outside of government?
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesMorality Isaiah 5:20 - woe to those who call evil good, and good evil Some things are especially evil and God pronounces them as abhorrent and abominations
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesMorality Leviticus 18 - immoral sexual practices and perversions and child sacrifice Sexual perversions destroy families and spread diseases, some of which are deadly
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesMorality Questions: Do they seek to protect marriage or make divorce easy? Do they uphold the sacredness of marriage or redefining marriage and the family? Do they advocate laws against sexual perversions or do they advocate forcing society to accept them
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesPersonal integrity - Proverbs 6:16-19. Seven things that are abominations to the Lord. Haughty eyes - The condescending look of the proud & arrogant. Is the candidate proud or humble?
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesPersonal integrity - Proverbs 6:16-19. A lying tongue - Liars cannot be trusted. Is the candidate characterized by honesty or lying?
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesPersonal integrity - Proverbs 6:16-19. Shed innocent blood - Accomplices advocate laws allowing it or are complacent in preventing it. What is the candidate’s position on abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, law enforcement, justice?
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesPersonal integrity - Proverbs 6:16-19. A heart that devises wicked plans – Do the candidate’s policies better match the policies of God or Satan?
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesPersonal integrity - Proverbs 6:16-19. Feet that run rapidly to evil – What is their response to evil? Intervene? Watch ? Join in?
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesPersonal integrity - Proverbs 6:16-19. A false witness - done to destroy the other person. Does the candidate lie / slander others?
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesPersonal integrity - Proverbs 6:16-19. Spread strife among brothers - either generate it or perpetuate it by lies, rumor and innuendo Is the candidate known for antagonism or graciousness and cooperation?
Evaluating the Candidates and the IssuesPersonal integrity - Proverbs 6:16-19. Is the candidate able to hold firmly to his convictions and still be gracious and have a spirit of cooperation?
Conclusions Strive to approach politics according to Biblical values and priorities instead of political ones The Christian’s first priority is always to be pleasing to our Lord & trust Him whether voting, running or serving
Conclusions The goal of every Christian should be to one day stand before our Lord and hear “Well done thou good and faithful servant.”
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ