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Aftermath of World War II

Explore the issues faced by the Allies after World War II, the formation of the United Nations, and the development of new conflicts, leading to the beginning of the Cold War.

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Aftermath of World War II

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  1. Aftermath of World War II

  2. Objectives • Describe the issues faced by the Allies after World War II ended. • Summarize the organization of the United Nations. • Analyze how new conflicts developed among the former Allies after World War II.

  3. Terms and People • Nuremberg– city in Germany where Nazi war crimes trials were held • United Nations (UN)– the body of nations formed to promote world peace • Cold War– state of tension and hostility between the United States and its allies and the Soviet Union and its allies; rarely resulted in direct armed conflict • Truman Doctrine– the policy of limiting communism to the areas already under Soviet control

  4. Terms and People(continued) • Marshall Plan– massive aid package that funneled food and economic assistance to Europe to help with rebuilding after World War II • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)–a military alliance among several North Atlantic states to safeguard them from the presumed threat of the Soviet Union’s communist bloc • Warsaw Pact– the Soviet Union’s military alliance with seven satellite nations in Eastern Europe

  5. What issues arose in the aftermath of World War II and how did new tensions develop? As many as 50 million people had been killed in World War II. After it ended, the Allies faced difficult decisions about the future. The United Nations was formed as a peacekeeping and humanitarian group. The U.S. Marshall Plan offered aid in rebuilding Europe. But the Soviet Union and the West quickly developed into worldwide rivals—the beginning of the Cold War.

  6. Estimated Casualties of World War II

  7. In 1945, Germany, Japan, China, the Soviet Union, and other countries were in ruins. • Cities, factories, harbors, bridges, and railroads were destroyed. • More than twenty million refugees wandered through Europe. • Hunger, disease, and mental illness were rampant. The Allies needed to help these devastated countries.

  8. War Crime Trials • The full extent of the inhumanity of the Holocaust was revealed. • At the ___________ trials, a number of Nazi leaders were tried for war crimes and sentenced to death. Similar trials were held in Japan. • The Allies built new democratic governments in Germany and Japan to promote tolerance and peace. After the war, the horrors committed by the Axis powers became apparent to the world. Nuremberg

  9. The privilege of opening the first trial in history for crimes against the peace of the world imposes a grave responsibility. The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored, because it cannot survive their being repeated. That four great nations, flushed with victory and stung with injury stay [stop] the hand of vengeance and voluntarily submit their captive enemies to the judgment of the law is one of the most significant tributes that Power has ever paid to Reason. … — Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson, November 21, 1945, Nuremberg What wrongs are referred to in this passage? According to Jackson, what will be the guiding principle of the trial? What was significant about the trial symbolized in this cartoon?

  10. United Nations The _________________ was another attempt to promote peace and play a greater role in world affairs than the League of Nations. • In April 1945, delegates from 50 nations met in San Francisco to form a United Nations charter. • Each nation had one vote in the General Assembly. • However, the five permanent members of the Security Council —the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, France, and China—could veto any decision. • The Security council had authority to back up its resolutions with economic sanctions. • With a unanimous vote the Security Council could send a peacekeeping military force.

  11. Strengths of the Untied Nations. • Could play a greater role in world affairs than the League of nations. • Had greater power to ensure peace

  12. Provides humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries. Concerned with international public health. The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund United Nations‘ global development network Largest humanitarian organization addressing hunger and promoting food security. Advocates for change and connects countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life.

  13. Weakness of the Untied Nations. • Differences among member nations of the security council, mostly the US and USSR, often kept the UN from taking action • Both the US and the USSR used the UN as a forum to promote their influence

  14. Conflicting ideologies and mutual distrust soon led to the __________: A state of tension and hostility between nations aligned with the United States on one side and the Soviet Union on the other, without direct armed conflict between the major rivals. Cold War Conflicting ideologies: a set of ideas about how a society should be run Capitalism ________ Communism _________ USA USSR

  15. Mutual distrust: a set of ideas about how a society should be run • US kept Atomic bomb a secret from Soviet Union • Stalin broke promises made at Yalta Conflicting ideologies: a set of ideas about how a society should be run Democracy ________ Totalitarianism _________ USA USSR

  16. Stalin ignored his promise. He wanted to spread communism and make Eastern Europe a buffer against Germany. Plans for world peace did not go smoothly as conflicts developed between the former Allies. The United States and Britain wanted Stalin to honor his promise to hold free elections in Soviet-occupied Eastern Europe. Conflicting ideologies and mutual distrust soon led to the __________. Cold War

  17. The peoples of a number of countries of the world have recently had totalitarian regimes forced upon them against their will. The Government of the United States has made frequent protests against coercion and intimidation, in violation of the Yalta agreement, in Poland, Rumania, and Bulgaria. I must also state that in a number of other countries there have been similar developments --Harry S. Truman, from the Truman Doctrine 1947 • Truman Doctrine • The US would aid any country that was attempting to resist a communist takeover • Based on the idea of containment the idea that communism should be limited to areas already under Soviet control According to this excerpt from the Truman Doctrine, why has it become necessary for the United States to send military aid?

  18. He said ‘a shadow’ had fallen on eastern Europe, which was now cut off from the free world by an _____________ • A phrase used to describe an imaginary line that separated Communist countries in the Soviet block. On 5 March 1946, on the invitation of President Truman, ________________went to Fulton Missouri and gave a speech. Winston Churchill Iron Curtain

  19. A phrase used by ____________________ to describe an imaginary line that separated Communist countries in the Soviet block. Winston Churchill Iron Curtain

  20. New conflicts developed outside of Eastern Europe. Stalin was menacing Greece, and also Turkey in the Dardanelles. President Harry Truman set forth the ____________.This policy said that communism should be limited to the areas already under Soviet control. By 1948, pro-Soviet communist governments were ruling in Eastern Europe, backed by the Red Army. Truman Doctrine

  21. … All this means that the people of any country have the right, and should have the power by constitutional action, by free unfettered [unrestrained] elections, with secret ballot, to choose or change the character or form of government under which they dwell; that freedom of speech and thought should reign; that courts of justice, independent of the executive, unbiased by any party, should administer laws which have received the broad assent of large majorities or are consecrated by time and custom. Here are the title deeds of freedom which should lie in every cottage home. Here is the message of the British and American peoples to mankind. Let us preach what we practise — let us practise what we preach. … — Winston Churchill, Sinews of Peace (the Iron Curtain speech) 1946 According to Winston Churchill, what rights should people in the countries of the world have? (List at least 5) Based on the map, what countries in Eastern Europe were denied these rights by the Soviet Union?

  22. The United States helped relieve postwar hunger and poverty in Western Europe. Marshall Plan • The _____________ provided food and economic assistance to decimated countries. • Truman hoped the Marshall Plan would strengthen democratic governments. • Stalin refused the aid and forbade Eastern European countries to accept aid. Why?

  23. What roles are Truman and Stalin playing in this cartoon? What are they doing? What does this cartoon suggest about the Cold War? http://www.johndclare.net/cold_war8.htm

  24. Germany became a focus of the Cold War. • Western Allies united their zones of control and extended the Marshall Plan. • The Soviets were furious at Western efforts to rebuild the German economy. • Stalin held on to East Germany.

  25. In an effort to drive Western powers out of Berlin, Stalin blocked delivery of supplies to the parts of the city they controlled in June 1948. • The United States and Britain organized the Berlin Airlift to drop food and supplies into West Berlin. • After more than a year, Stalin was forced to end the blockade. Hungry Berlin residents greet planes delivering supplies during the Berlin Airlift.

  26. The Soviet Union and its satellites in Eastern Europe formed the ____________. The Soviets often used Warsaw Pact troops to keep its satellites in order. As tensions grew, two competing military alliances took shape. North Atlantic Treaty Organization Twelve countries, including the United States and nations in Western Europe, formed ________. Members pledged to defend one another against Soviet attack. NATO Warsaw Pact Warsaw Pact

  27. The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all. --Article 5, NATO Collective Security: If any member nation is attacked then all other member nations will come to the rescue.

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