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桌球比賽判例 These Examples of the Table Tennis’s Competition. 講 師:鄭 兆 光 Lecture : Zheng Zhao Guang. ◎ 在雙方球員或球隊穿著類似的上衣而均不願更換時. Drawing by lot which player, pair or team shall change their shirt, should opposing players or teams have a similar shirt and cannot agree which of them will change.
桌球比賽判例These Examples of the Table Tennis’s Competition 講 師:鄭 兆 光 Lecture:Zheng Zhao Guang
◎在雙方球員或球隊穿著類似的上衣而均不願更換時◎在雙方球員或球隊穿著類似的上衣而均不願更換時 • Drawing by lot which player, pair or team shall change their shirt, should opposing players or teams have a similar shirt and cannot agree which of them will change.
◎選手中途受傷流血時If anyone in the playing area is bleeding, play shall be uspended immediately and shall not resume until that person has received medical treatment and all traces of blood have been removed from the playing area.
◎球員因當時體力或進行方式導致抽筋過度疲勞時◎球員因當時體力或進行方式導致抽筋過度疲勞時 • A suspension shall not be allowed for a disability which was present or was reasonably to be expected at the beginning of the match, or where it is due to the normal stress of play; disability such as cramp or exhaustion, caused by the player's current state of fitness or by the manner in which play has proceeded, does not justify such an emergency suspension, which may be allowed only for incapacity resulting from an accident, such as injury caused by a fall.
◎發球、接發球及方位的順序並糾 正任何錯誤 • Controlling the order of serving, receiving and ends and correcting any errors therein.
◎決定比賽中的球,是否觸及球檯靠近他那一邊檯面邊緣◎決定比賽中的球,是否觸及球檯靠近他那一邊檯面邊緣 • Decide whether or not the ball in play touches the edge of the playing surface at the side of the table nearest him.
◎決定球員阻擋來球 • Decide that a player obstructs the ball.
◎決定比賽環境受到干擾而可能影響該回合的結果◎決定比賽環境受到干擾而可能影響該回合的結果 • Decide that the conditions of play are disturbed in a way that may affect the outcome of the rally;
◎在個人賽中發生的問題及在團體賽中發生的問題◎在個人賽中發生的問題及在團體賽中發生的問題 • In an individual event an appeal may be made only by a player participating in the match in which the question has arisen; in a team event an appeal may be made only by the captain of a team participating in the match in which the question has arisen.
◎在一場個人比賽中,除非球拍損壞致不能使用,否則不得更換◎在一場個人比賽中,除非球拍損壞致不能使用,否則不得更換 • A racket shall not be replaced during an individual match unless it is accidentally damaged so badly that it cannot be used; if this happens the damaged racket shall be replaced immediately by another which the player has brought with him to the playing area or one which is handed to him in the playing area.
◎如球員或配對及指導者或隊長,對於是否叫停意見不一致時◎如球員或配對及指導者或隊長,對於是否叫停意見不一致時 • If a player or pair and an adviser or captain disagree whether a time-out is to be taken, the final decision shall be made by the player or pair in an individual event and by the captain in a team event.
◎一場團體賽各點間,若有球員需要接續打下一點時◎一場團體賽各點間,若有球員需要接續打下一點時 • There shall be no intervals between successive individual matches of a team match except that a player who is required to play in successive matches may claim an interval of up to 5 minutes between those matches
◎球員及教練或其他指導者應克制可能不公平影響對方、觸怒觀眾或敗壞運動風氣的行為◎球員及教練或其他指導者應克制可能不公平影響對方、觸怒觀眾或敗壞運動風氣的行為 • Players and coaches or other advisers shall refrain from behaviour that may unfairly affect an opponent, offend spectators or bring the sport into disrepute, such as abusive language, deliberately breaking the ball or hitting it out of the playing area, kicking the table or surrounds and disrespect of match officials.
◎球員未告知而自行更換未受損之球拍時 • If a player changes his racket during an individual match when it has not been damaged, the umpire shall suspend play and report to the referee.
◎球員手中的球拍或執拍手腕以下部份觸擊球時稱為擊球◎球員手中的球拍或執拍手腕以下部份觸擊球時稱為擊球 • A player strikes the ball if he touches it in play with his racket, held in the hand, or with his racket hand below the wrist.
◎球除了從球網與球柱或球網與檯面間穿過以外,從任何地方通過均視為越網或繞網◎球除了從球網與球柱或球網與檯面間穿過以外,從任何地方通過均視為越網或繞網 • The ball shall be regarded as passing over or around the net assembly if it passes anywhere other than between the net and the net post or between the net and the playing surface.
◎對方或其任何穿帶物移動比賽檯面 • If an opponent, or anything an opponent wears or carries, moves the playing surface.
◎裁判員一旦發現發球或接發球順序錯誤 • If a player serves or receives out of turn, play shall be interrupted by the umpire as soon as the error is discovered and shall resume with those players serving and receiving who should be server and receiver respectively at the score that has been reached, according to the sequence established at the beginning of the match and, in doubles, to the order of serving chosen by the pair having the right to serve first in the game during which the error is discovered.
◎當球觸及球台的邊緣時,必須認定球是觸及比賽台面的上邊緣還是下邊緣,球觸及球台的前後路線軌跡,可以幫助裁判員做出正確判斷,如果球首先是從台面上方越過,則還擊是合法的;若球是從台面下方上升期觸及球台,則幾乎肯定球觸及的是下邊緣(側面)◎當球觸及球台的邊緣時,必須認定球是觸及比賽台面的上邊緣還是下邊緣,球觸及球台的前後路線軌跡,可以幫助裁判員做出正確判斷,如果球首先是從台面上方越過,則還擊是合法的;若球是從台面下方上升期觸及球台,則幾乎肯定球觸及的是下邊緣(側面) • It is necessary to decide whether a ball which touches the edge of the table makes contact on or below the playing surface, and the path of the ball before and after to touches can help him arrive at the correct decision. If the ball first passed over the playing surface the return is good, but if it touched shile it is still rising from below the level of the playing surface, it almost certainly touched the side.
◎除了規定的休息和批准的暫停外,規程規定一場比賽必須連續進行,如果球飛出場外,顯然比賽就不能繼續,也需要一點時間去檢球,保持比賽連續性的目的是為了防止諸如重複拍球,發球前長時間的停頓,雙打時長時間相互討論等故意拖延比賽時間的行為,應堅決勸阻此類行為.◎除了規定的休息和批准的暫停外,規程規定一場比賽必須連續進行,如果球飛出場外,顯然比賽就不能繼續,也需要一點時間去檢球,保持比賽連續性的目的是為了防止諸如重複拍球,發球前長時間的停頓,雙打時長時間相互討論等故意拖延比賽時間的行為,應堅決勸阻此類行為. • The requirement is for play to be continuous throughout a match, apart from authorized intervals, but if, for example, the ball goes outside the playing area, clearly play cannot continue until it is returned. The intent of the regulation is to prevent deliberate time wasting , such as by repeated bouncing of the ball, long pauses before serving and prolonged discussions with a doubles partner which should be firmly discouraged.