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Emtrack - Employee Tracking & Management System

Employee location tracking Effective management of business = Increased productivity & Business Growth

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Emtrack - Employee Tracking & Management System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EMTRACK Agility Unleashed

  2. AMRITA SHAH Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer

  3. The Transformation Something that would increase efficiency Formerly: An Employee Your employees are the people who work it out for you, so currently they are working the way they can do the best. When it comes to on-field employees, they just have to do so much more around to get the actual things done. Now: A Super-Employee Technology is effective when used in a way which rightfully productive. And we decided to focus on to this and give your employees an edge over their work, so more doing things what they meant for and less worrying else.

  4. The Information This would improve control Updates Route Miscommunications are to be avoided by regular updations It’s not necessary to stop everywhere and ask for locations Mobile Locations Having a meaningful app to increase efficiency and control Do it once and for all, find your locations just once to add them Cellular Offline Even affordable data packages would do the work for you Internet not available but till your phones on, locations would be

  5. Towards Simplicity Something which is easy to adapt Tracking Know the distance, the estimated travelled route and logs Reports Mobile How much work is done and how is it done it all shows It’s all on the web for you to manage and more so, on your mobile as well Locations Tasks Your customers and their locations, just add once and have the convenience Don’t just track, but make it productive with location based tasks

  6. A process can be formed, but it is more productive when it is formed simpler.– by Us

  7. Agility Unleashed All you need is speed Acknowledgements Receive updates Tasks done Allot task Check routes

  8. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.– Peter Drucker

  9. For Tasks, Tracking & Locations Everything to provide convenience Business Ease If you having your employees visiting places and efficiency not matching your expectations, this will work out for you and your employee. Instant Actions No matter how much more you scale up, your new recruit would just have to have a mobile and he could start right from day one. Employee Satisfaction Getting more things done in relatively lesser amount of time is something everyone would like and it would boost your employee’s confidence. Key Insights Have every of the insights available at your disposal, so you’d know what’s happening and where to improve.

  10. Demo

  11. Conclusion Field force management Efficiency Control Ease Convenience Speed Madewith a considerationofeaseofadaptionsominial time mucberequiredtogetalongand start working. Canbeusedbyany business havingthieremployeesgoingonfieldalmostfromanywheretotrack, measureandmanage. Alltheprocesshasbeenkeptveryefficientsoyou do thingsthatmatter more, whichwouldfastenyourgrwoth. It hasbeenfocusedtobebuilttoincreaseefficiencyofyouremployees. Designedtoprovideyouwithallthecontrols for yourwork force to do betterwithconfidence.

  12. Thank You! Happy tracking. Easier the management, greater is the development. Do track us for it!


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