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1 st Formative. By: Christian Reyner Wibisono 6B. Moons. Europa (Jupiter): Galileo Galilei and Simon Marius discovered Europa moon on January 8 th 1610. Earth’s moon: The distance from the moon to our planet is around 384403 kilometres (238857 miles).
1st Formative By: Christian Reyner Wibisono 6B
Moons • Europa (Jupiter): Galileo Galilei and Simon Marius discovered Europa moon on January 8th 1610. • Earth’s moon: The distance from the moon to our planet is around 384403 kilometres (238857 miles). • Deimos (Mars): ). Most people think that Deimos and Phobos are asteroids’ because their irregular shape and small size. • Phobos (Mars): Phobos moon was first discovered by A.Hall, which has been discovered on 1877. • Iapetus (Saturn): The meaning of its name was the son of Uranus. It is the third-largest moon in the planet Saturn. • Miranda (Uranus): . Miranda was named after the daughter of the magician Prospero in Shakespeare's play The Tempest. • Larissa (Neptune): The meaning of Larissa in Greek mythology is a love of Poseidon and eponymous nymph of the city in Thessaly. • Thalassa (Neptune): Thalassa was named after a daughter of Aether and Hemera from Greek mythology.
Saturn • Planet Saturn Name is from the roman god of agriculture. Saturn are also called the gas Giants. Saturn is the second biggest planet on the solar system. Saturn is also famous because of its rings the rings of Saturn are made of mostly rocks and ice in Saturn there is like 53-60 Moon’s. Saturn was the last planet that can been seen without a telescope and the condition in Saturn is really cold probably because of the ice clouds that turn it to water.
Neptune • Neptune is the eighth planet in our solar system. It is the farthest planet from the sun. It is the fourth largest planet in the solar system, and is the third heaviest from the solar system. • It is one of the 4 planets that is called a gas giants, and the other three is Uranus, Saturn, and also Jupiter. Neptune is the smallest amongst these planets, and also the coldest. Neptune is smaller than Uranus. It is 54 times bigger than earth, and it is about 4 times the diameter of Earth
Jupiter • Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet within the Solar System. One of the storm is called the Great Red Spot Jupiter is classified as a gas giant along with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune but it is the biggest of the gas giant and Jupiter have stronger winds and storms than Earth . Together, these four planets are sometimes called as the Jovian or outer planets. • Jupiter have a rough conditions such as the temperature at the inner layer of the clouds, temperatures can reach -145° C, while just above the core, where the planetary pressure has liquefied the hydrogen in the air, the temperature could reach 9,726 Celsius. The weather is also hostile the winds are able to reach 300 mph and above. • Jupiter's average distance from the sun is about 778 million kilometers. Jupiter is about 629 million kilometers away from earth. This is why Jupiter takes 11-12 Earth years to complete a single orbit and why Earth have a complete orbit in 365 ¼ days.
Earth’s Moon • The celestial object which revolves round the earth; the satellite of the earth; a secondary planet, whose light, borrowed from the sun, is reflected to the earth, and serves to dispel the darkness of night. • Diameter: 3,476 km • Size: (the picture) • Mass: 7.349 x 1022 kg • A lunar month is the time the moon takes to pass through a complete cycle of its phases and is measured from New Moon to New Moon.
Comets • A comet is an icy small Solar System body (SSSB) that, when close enough to the Sun, displays a visible coma (a thin, fuzzy, temporary atmosphere) and sometimes also a tail. These phenomena are both due to the effects of solar radiation and the solar wind upon the nucleus of the comet. Comet nuclei range from a few hundred meters to tens of kilometers across and are composed of loose collections of ice, dust, and small rocky particles. Comets have been observed since ancient times and have traditionally been considered bad omens. • Comets have a wide range of orbital periods, ranging from a few years to hundreds of thousands of years. Short-period comets originate in the Kuiper belt, or its associated scattered disc, which lie beyond the orbit of Neptune. Longer-period comets are thought to originate in the Oort cloud, a hypothesized spherical cloud of icy bodies in the outer Solar System. Long-period comets plunge towards the Sun from the Oort cloud because of gravitational perturbations caused by either the massive outer planets of the Solar System (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune), or passing stars. Rare hyperbolic comets pass once through the inner Solar System before being thrown out into interstellar space along hyperbolic trajectories.
Galaxies • Galaxy is the result of more than billions of star combining themselves into shapes that is now known as galaxy. It is a collection of stars, gas, and dust combine together because of gravity. • The name Milky Way galaxy came from the name milky, which means the glowing band in the night sky. Milky way galaxy is he galaxy that belongs to our solar system. It is a barred spiral galaxy, 100,000 – 120,000 light years in the diameter(1 light years is about 9.5x1015 meters)and it consist of 200 – 400 billions of stars. Our solar system is located in just a very small parts of the this galaxy. Milky way galaxy is is a part/ member of the local galaxies. This galaxy doesn’t have a really strong a big gravity and magnet, because the stars only have really thin/ small gravity that is loses from other celestial objects. As a whole, this galaxy is moving 552 to 630 km per second. Milky way is special of it’s darkness and could be the most heaviest galaxy in the galaxy neighborhood.
Venus • Venus is a astronomy mythology, Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty. In Greek, her name was Aphrodite. • The diameter of Venus is 7,519 miles (12,100 km). Venus is the second planet from the sun. • Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System. The temperature in the surface is about 860° Fahrenheit or 460° Celsius. • As we know Venus is the brightest planet in the milkyway galaxy. The color of Venus is more like caramel brown.
Earth • Earth is a small, rocky planet which supports a variety of life! As far as we know, Earth is unique from all other planets. Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun, and the densest, 5th largest of the 8planets in the Solar System. Earth is also the largest of the 4 terrestrial planets. It is sometimes called the blue planet because of its color or its latin name Terra. Earth formed approximately 4.54 billions years ago by accretion. Earth have layers. The layers are: • Core: Innermost part of the earth • Mantle: 2nd layer of the earth • Crust: Outer layer of the earth • Earth interacts with other space objects but mostly it is the Sun and Moon. During one orbit around the sun, the Earth rotates about its own axis 366.26 times, creating 365.26 solar days or 1 sidereal years. The Earth’s axis rotation is tilted 23.4’ degrees, producing seasonal variations and then a one whole year.
Stars • A star is a sphere that is held together by the force of gravity. It is sometimes seen from earth but it is very small because the distance is very far from a solar system to another. • Actually a star’s life cycle is almost the same as human life cycle. First it is born which is called protostar. When the protostar is old enough it will begin fusing hydrogen into helium. The star will start the main sequence or the star will be entering adulthood. • Diameter : 1,390,000 • Mass : 1,989 e 30 kg • Temperature : 5,800 k (surface) 15,600,000 K (core) Even though sun is considered big and huge it is stil a medium sized star. There are many other stars that is almost 10 times our sun.
Mercury • The Planet Mercury is the closest planet to our sun and is the smallest planet in the solar system. It is named after a roman god. • Mercury is the first planet of our solar system and it is next to the sun. • Mercury characteristics it has 2 sides once that is very hot that facing to the sun and one is very cold in facing opposites ways. • Mercury, the innermost planet, is 0.4 A.U. from the Sun on the average. It revolves about the Sun once every 88 days in an orbit that is the most elliptical of any planet except Pluto. • Mercury (Hg) is an element and a natural part of our universe. It has been identified on the sun and found in meteorites and moon rocks • Color of mercury: grey Mercury has practically no atmosphere, so we just see the rocky surface. • Mercury is the smallest planet in both mass and diameter. It is about 18 times less massive than Earth. With a diameter of about 3,032 miles (4,879 kilometers), Mercury is not quite two fifths the size of Earth. It is only about a third larger than Earth's Moon. • Weight: 284 times your weight equals your weight on Mercury • orbit: 57,910,000 km (0.38 AU) from Sun
The Sun • The Sun was named sol after the ancient roman name. The Sun was born in a vast cloud of gas and dust around 5 billion years ago, when that happen, the Sun began to have light and energy and heat because of the spark of the rocks. The sun is the main source of light and heat, all of the planets need it for them to be warm instead of being very cold and freezing. • The history of the Sun is that it has been changing colors and sometimes it get’s hotter and hotter because the seasons and the hotness in the earth is hotter so the sun is getting hotter and hotter .The sun started because of some rocks that form together and when the rocks spark it becomes the sun and it becomes the main source of light and energy. The sun was born four and a half billion years ago.
Mars • Mars name is after the Greek God of war Martius and Martialis.. Mars were called the red planet because most of the rock in Mars in red so that’s why Mars is called the red planet. • Mars has higher mountains, and deeper canyons than any other planet. The largest canyon on Mars would stretch from New York City to Los Angeles on the Earth. That makes the Grand Canyon look tiny. It also has the Solar System's biggest volcano, Olympus Mons, which is nearly 3 times larger than Mount Everest. If you weighed 70 pounds (32 kg) on the Earth, you would weigh about 27 pounds (12 kg) on Mars. The diameter in Mars is 6.780 km(4,213 miles). That makes 53% diameter in earth. Mars is 228.000.000km away from the sun. Martian years is equal to 1.8809 earth years • The properties in Mars are all rocks. The color of the rocks are red. That’s why when we see Mars it looks like the whole planet are full with red. That’s why it called the red planet. All of the gasses are also red. It combined with the rock dust and it mixed with the gasses. So it turned it red. • Mars temperature is -55 c to -133 c. but when it is summer the temperature went up to 27 c • Planet Mars is called Mars because the name is after the Greek god of war. It is also called the red planet because of it’s reddish, iron-rich soil. • 1 year in Mars is around 687 day in earth. • 1 day in mars is 24 hour and 39 minutes earth.
Uranus • Uranus is a gas giant. But Uranus is a little different. Unlike all the other planets and most of the moons in our Solar System, Uranus spins on its side. It is believed that long ago a very large object smashed into this planet. The crash was so powerful that it completely changed the direction of Uranus' planetary rotation.
EARTH VS SATURN • Earth is better than Saturn because Earth is the best planets for humans, animals, and plants to live because Earth have trees while trees produce oxygen 02 we also have a atmosphere that can guild us so that if theirs a meteor the atmosphere can protect the Earth planet by destroying the meteor. Meteor is just an examples. There are many more things like meteor like comets and etc. While Saturn there will be more gravity less oxygen and no atmosphere. We will die if we life there because animal cant live and plants too so we cant eat animal meat or vegetables, so Earth is better than Saturn. But Saturn have a huge and famous rings around him. But the advantage of planet Saturn is that he is the second biggest planet on the solar system but Saturn is an gas giant planet. Saturn are made of mostly rocks and ice in Saturn there is like 53-60 Moon’s