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By Nicolas/6B. 1 st Formative Task. Moons. Europa (Jupiter): Galileo Galilei and Simon Marius discovered Europa moon on January 8 th 1610. Earth’s moon: The distance from the moon to our planet is around 384403 kilometres (238857 miles).
By Nicolas/6B 1st Formative Task
Moons • Europa (Jupiter): Galileo Galilei and Simon Marius discovered Europa moon on January 8th 1610. • Earth’s moon: The distance from the moon to our planet is around 384403 kilometres (238857 miles). • Deimos (Mars): ). Most people think that Deimos and Phobos are asteroids’ because their irregular shape and small size. • Phobos (Mars): Phobos moon was first discovered by A.Hall, which has been discovered on 1877. • Iapetus (Saturn): The meaning of its name was the son of Uranus. It is the third-largest moon in the planet Saturn. • Miranda (Uranus): . Miranda was named after the daughter of the magician Prospero in Shakespeare's play The Tempest. • Larissa (Neptune): The meaning of Larissa in Greek mythology is a love of Poseidon and eponymous nymph of the city in Thessaly. • Thalassa (Neptune): Thalassa was named after a daughter of Aether and Hemera from Greek mythology.
Neptune • Neptune is the eighth planet in our solar system. • It is the farthest planet from the sun. • They have 13 moons, and one of them is called Triton, which is the largest of them all. • Neptune is named the God of sea in the Roman Mythology, and their moons are all named after minor God of Sea from the Greek and Roman mythology. • Neptune’s color is blue is not because their surface is the ocean, but they are full of methane gas • The most inside part of Neptune is made of solid core of rock and possibly ice. The second, icy layer consists of frozen water, ammonia, and methane. The last layer is an atmosphere containing hydrogen, helium, methane gases and other minor compositions • It was discovered by Urbain Le Verrier, John Couch Adams and Johann Galle in the 23rd of September 1846.
Jupiter • Jupiter have a rough conditions such as the temperature at the inner layer of the clouds, temperatures can reach -145° C, while just above the core, where the planetary pressure has liquefied the hydrogen in the air, the temperature could reach 9,726 Celsius. • Jupiter was named after the Roman God Jupiter which mean the Kings Of God in Latin. • Jupiter have the mass of 318 times the size of Earth and twice and a half of all planets in the solar system combined.
Earth’s Moon • The celestial object which revolves round the earth; the satellite of the earth; a secondary planet, whose light, borrowed from the sun, is reflected to the earth, and serves to dispel the darkness of night. • Diameter: 3,476 km • Size: (the picture) • Mass: 7.349 x 1022 kg • A lunar month is the time the moon takes to pass through a complete cycle of its phases and is measured from New Moon to New Moon.
Asteroids • Asteroids are small, airless rocky, dry and dusty worlds revolving around the sun that are too small to be called planets, they also can be silicon based rock, some metals like nickel and iron, and carbon. • Asteroid belts: Astronomers measure distances in our solar system in units of the Earth-Sun distance, which is 150 million kilometers. They call this an astronomical unit or AU, that lies between mars and Jupiter. • TEMPERATURE: The temperature of the asteroid belt varies. It can range from something on the order of 200 K (−73 °C) near the inner edge (about 2.2 AU) down to 165 K (−108 °C) near the outer edge (about 3.2 AU. • The rotations of asteroids larger than 40 km in diameter have a distribution close, that suggests that they are ally evolve crash left. Either original bodies of the asteroid main belt or its largest, Small asteroids show significant excesses of both slow and fast rotations, a “barrier” against spins faster than 12 rotations per day, and some of them are binary systems on inner-planet-crossing orbits with a characteristic fast rotation of their primaries
Galaxies • Galaxy is the result of more than billions of star combining themselves into shapes that is now known as galaxy. It is a collection of stars, gas, and dust combine together because of gravity. • The name Milky Way galaxy came from the name milky, which means the glowing band in the night sky. • Andromeda is the largest galaxy. It contains about 30 smaller galaxies. Although it is the largest galaxy, it may not be the heaviest and darkest of all galaxy in the galaxy neighborhood. • Sunflower galaxy is a spiral galaxy. It is also known as the Messier 63. It is about 25-37 million light years distant in the loyal constellation. It has a bright yellowish core and sweeping blue spiral arms and dotted with pink star. The Sunflower galaxy was discovered by Pierre Mechain on June 14, 1779.
Earth • Earth is a small, rocky planet which supports a variety of life! As far as we know, Earth is unique from all other planets. • In astronomy mythology , Earth’s Greek name was Gaea. • The Earth is the biggest of all the terrestrial planets. A terrestrial planet is a dense planet found in the inner Solar System. • Our planet is an oasis of life in an otherwise desolate universe. • The layers are: • Core: Innermost part of the earth • Mantle: 2nd layer of the earth • Crust: Outer layer of the earth
Stars • Diameter : 0.057 arcsecond • Mass : 1.2 solar mass • Temperature : 2,740 ± 190 K • Its distance from Earth is 178 ± 10 lihght years . • Eventually a star will run ot of hydrogen fuel and will start fusing with helium and other gases and elements. • Medium-sized stars like our Sun will eventually die by shedding their outer layers as a planetary nebula. The core will collapse into a white dwarf, which will eventually cool into a black dwarf. • The oldest star discovered is HE 1523-0901, which is estimated 13.2 billion years old. • Some stars are 600,000 times brighter than our sun. • 65% of all stars are actually doubled stars. • The closest star to earth is Proxma Centauri (except sun), is located 4.2 light years away. • The second closest star to Earth is Barnard star that is 6 light years away. • There are 250 billion stars in the milky way galaxy.
Mercury • The Planet Mercury is the closest planet to our sun and is the smallest planet in the solar system. It is named after a roman god. • Mercury is the first planet of our solar system and it is next to the sun. • Mercury characteristics it has 2 sides once that is very hot that facing to the sun and one is very cold in facing opposites ways • Mercury, the innermost planet, is 0.4 A.U. from the Sun on the average. It revolves about the Sun once every 88 days in an orbit that is the most elliptical of any planet except Pluto. • Mercury (Hg) is an element and a natural part of our universe. It has been identified on the sun and found in meteorites and moon rocks • Color of mercury: grey Mercury has practically no atmosphere, so we just see the rocky surface. • Mercury: This was the name of the Roman god of trade, merchants, and travelers, later equated with the Greek god Hermes. This is also the name of the first planet in the solar system.
Mars • Mars name is after the Greek God of war Martius and Martialis.. Mars were called the red planet because most of the rock in Mars in red so that’s why Mars is called the red planet. • Mars has higher mountains, and deeper canyons than any other planet. The largest canyon on Mars would stretch from New York City to Los Angeles on the Earth. That makes the Grand Canyon look tiny. It also has the Solar System's biggest volcano, Olympus Mons, which is nearly 3 times larger than Mount Everest. If you weighed 70 pounds (32 kg) on the Earth, you would weigh about 27 pounds (12 kg) on Mars. The diameter in Mars is 6.780 km(4,213 miles). That makes 53% diameter in earth. Mars is 228.000.000km away from the sun. Martian years is equal to 1.8809 earth years • Mars spin on it axis every 24.63 hours. Mars orbits Sun in 687 Earth day. Mars spin vertically by 25.2. Mars orbit is highly eccentric compared to that of Earth, which means that its distance from the sun varies more during a Martian year. A Martian day is 42 minutes longer than Earth day. Mars have 2 moons. First moon is called Deimos moon the second is called Phobos moon. The weight of Mars is 639E21kg of 0.107 earth mass
Uranus • Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and the third of the 4 gas giants. Uranus is 14.5 bigger then Earth. It have that blue and green color and it does not have a hard surface and actually the surface was layers of clouds. • The name Uranus, which was first created by the German astronomer Johann Elert Bode.Uranus was also the name of the Lord of the skies and also called Earth husband. • Uranus is 868.124 kg .was When you step on Uranus you will be more lighter because of it’s gravity. Uranus gravity is 8.69 m/s². • The distence of Uranus and the sun are 1,9 billion miles. And the distence of neptune to uranus is 911,453,788 miles.
Saturn • Planet Saturn Name is from the roman god of agriculture. Saturn are also called the gas Giants. Saturn is the second biggest planet on the solar system. Saturn is also famous because of its rings the rings of Saturn are made of mostly rocks and ice in Saturn there are like 53-60 Moon’s. Planet Saturn Name is from the roman god of agriculture. Saturn are also called the gas Giants. Saturn is the second biggest planet on the solar system. Saturn is also famous because of its rings the rings of Saturn are made of mostly rocks and ice in Saturn there are like 53-60 Moon’s. • Volume:744 More than Earth • Mass: 95 times more than earth • Distance from sun: 1.429.000.000. Kilometers • Distance From the closest planet: Jupiter and Saturn are about 680 million miles. • Wide: about 7330 km • Thickness: less than 100 meters • A rings: Distance from Saturn: 75,913 - 84,988, Width: 9,072 • B rings: distance from Saturn: 57,166 - 73,06, width:15,485 • C rings: distance from Saturn: 46,390 - 57,166, width:10,874 • D rings: distance from Saturn: 41,570 - 46,298 width: 4,660 • F ring: Distance from saturn:87,104 width:19-331. • Most of the rings of Saturn are made of ,Dust, ice, and solid rocks. • If you are living on Saturn you will weigh more than you are in earth because the gravity are less than it is on earth so if you weight 20 kl in earth but in Saturn is 22 kl so the difference is only about 2 Kl. • Year’s:29.45 years • Speed: 9.69 km • Revolving: 10,759 Earth days
Meteors and Meteoroids • Meteoroid is a sand to a boulder sized particle of debris in the solar system. The visible path of a meteoroids that enters Earth’s atmosphere is known as the meteor or its called as the shooting star or the falling star. If a meteoroids reach a ground and it survives by not destroyed into a sand it is called the meteorite • There are around 15.000 tons of meteoroids space dusk in the universe. • The meteoroids size is almost the same as an very giant huge rock but some is as small as a normal rock • This meteoroids are also around 30 to 100 kilograms • We can go around 1 meter to 10 meters around the meteoroids • Meteoroids can’t be predicted because sometimes they can move and they can’t move so its hard to predict it its only depend on the nature • There is nothing in the meteoroids rock because it's just a normal rock that has a huge weight, length, and size. • Usually the color of the meteoroids is usually black, grey, brown or even dark red.
Comets • A comet is an icy small Solar System body (SSSB) that, when close enough to the Sun, displays a visible coma (a thin, fuzzy, temporary atmosphere) and sometimes also a tail. These phenomena are both due to the effects of solar radiation and the solar wind upon the nucleus of the comet. Comet nuclei range from a few hundred meters to tens of kilometers across and are composed of loose collections of ice, dust, and small rocky particles. Comets have been observed since ancient times and have traditionally been considered bad omens. • The solid nucleus or core of a comet consists mostly of ice and dust coated with dark organic material with the ice composed mainly of frozen water but perhaps other frozen substances as well, such as ammonia, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and methane. The nucleus might have a small rocky core. The colors of some comets are: • blue/dark blue • White • Red • Purple • Green • We only will se Halley's come once every 76 years • The last time we see Haley's comet was on October 20 1998 so we will see Haley's comet again at October 20 2074
Planet Comparison • If you weighed 70 pounds (32 kg) on the Earth, you would weigh about 27 pounds (12 kg) on Mars. • Mars temperature is -55 c to -133 c. But when it is summer the temperature will go up to 27 c. In Earth the highest temperature is 56.7 c and the lowest will be -86 c • The properties in Earth is rocks and soil, Fossil (underground), animals, living things and wood. The properties in Mars are all rocks. The color of the rocks are red. That’s why when we see Mars it looks like the whole planet are full with red. That’s why it called the red planet. All of the gasses are also red. It combined with the rock dust and it mixed with the gasses. So it turned it red. • In Mars it would be freezing if you were in Mars but in Earth humans can still handle it but on Mars we wouldn’t handle it
Conclusion • Earth is the most sustainable planet for us because it has what a human need oxygen plants animals and shelter. But if humans live in a different planet like Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, Mars etc. We would not live or survive cause the gravity is high and the temperature would be different either hotter or colder and there would not be any oxygen suitable for humans.