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Recent Mexican data sources in the study of international migration. Seminar: The 2013 High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development: Implications for data collection 27 February 2013, United Nations, New York. Purpose.
RecentMexican data sources in thestudy of internationalmigration Seminar: The 2013 High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development: Implications for data collection 27 February 2013, United Nations, New York
Purpose • “The Seminar also provides a platform for sharing country experiences in collecting migration statistics and in using migration data to inform policy makers”.
BACKGROUND • Undocumented flow of Mexican nationals both in and out of the country: • Emigrants, mostly to the USA and Canada, reluctant to take part in surveys and censuses in receiving countries. • Immigrants, mostly return migrants and their foreign-born children. Growing proportion of American and Canadian retirees.
Layout • ENOE, Mexico’squarterlylabourforcesurvey • 2010 Population and HousingCensus
ENOE One of thelongest-runningstatisticalprojects in the country. • Mainpurpose, to produce national and state-levelquarterlyunemploymentrates. • Informationcollectedcontinuouslyoverthree-monthperiods. • Samplesizefixed at 120,060dwellingseveryquarter. • New entries are randomlyselectedwithunequalprobabilitiesfromstratifiedsamplingframe.
Rotationpattern • Eachquarter, 20% of householdsleavesampleaftercompletingfive-interview tour, • replacedby new (semi-)panel withsamesize, • remains in sampleforfiveconsecutive rounds of interviews, onequarterapart. • Hence, 80% quarter-to-quartersampleoverlap. • Useful in determiningquarterlychangepatterns in • householdcomposition, • occupational status of individuals, • etc.
Rotationpattern as meansto gauge change Commonsample in twosuccessivequartersduetoENOE'sRotationPattern
QuarterlyMigrationRates in Mexico, 2006-2012.(per 10,000 inhabitants) • http://www.inegi.org.mx/inegi/contenidos/espanol/prensa/Boletines/Boletin/Comunicados/Especiales/2012/Diciembre/comunica4.pdf
Quarterly Net MigrationRates in Mexico, 2006-2012, (per 10,000 inhabitants). • http://www.inegi.org.mx/inegi/contenidos/espanol/prensa/Boletines/Boletin/Comunicados/Especiales/2012/Diciembre/comunica4.pdf
Year-over-Year Job Growth in MetropolitanAreas, USA, 2001-2012 (Natural Resources, Mining, Construction) Source: http://www.pittsburghtoday.org/view_economy_job_growth_years_change.html, Feb. 19, 2013.
Results. • Decliningtrend in thenumber of outmigrantsfrom 2006 • Burst of thehousingbubble in the US? • Alsodecliningbutlessmarkedlyforimmigration, includesreturnmigrants. • Distinctseasonalpatternexhibitedbybothout- and in-migrantsoverthesameperiod • Regainingmomentum.
International Migration in the Long Form 2010 populationcensus
Overthelastfiveyears, in otherwords, from June 2005 to date, has anyone living withyounowor at that time (in thisdwelling) gonetolive in a different country? Yes (1) No (3) -> Gotosection V Howmanypeople? |_|_| Writenumber Pleasegive me thename of eachpersonwhowenttoliveabroadbetween June, 2005 and today. (Writename in item (4)).
Foreachpersonnamed, inquire: Was (NAME) living withyouwhen he/sheleftlast time? Mark onlyonecode YES … 1 NO … 3 Is (NAME) maleorfemale? Mark onlyonecode MALE … 1 FEMALE … 3 Howoldwas (NAME) when he/sheleftlast time? IF UNDER ONE WRITE “000” |_|_|_| WRITE AGE IN YEARS Stateyear and monthwhen (NAME) leftlast time toliveabroad? |_|_| WRITE MONTH |_|_|_|_| WRITE YEAR