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A New North High School

Toward a Collective Vision and Shared Commitment to Success. A New North High School. Why Are We Here?. To play a part in revitalizing and transforming North High School and uniting the people of North Minneapolis around this work.

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A New North High School

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  1. Toward a Collective Vision and Shared Commitment to Success A New North High School

  2. Why Are We Here? • To play a part in revitalizing and transforming North High School and uniting the people of North Minneapolis around this work. • To help create a compelling and feasible plan with a new leader in place to make this vision a reality.

  3. Who Are We? • Institute for Research and Reform in Education • 15 years of experience partnering with struggling high schools and their communities. • Track record of success and important lessons learned from falling short. • Commitment to listen and adapt to local context and stay true to evidence of what students need to be successful. • Capacity to support all aspects of school reform: from planning to doing to sustaining.

  4. Eleven Year Trend in Urban High Schools’Percent of Disaffected Students All four Kansas City Kansas comprehensive high schools implementing IRRE strategies Source data: Analysis of evaluation surveys of students in KCKPS and Department of Education Research & Evaluation at KCKPS

  5. Trends in Graduation Rate Before and After Implementation of IRRE Strategies All four comprehensive high schools implementing IRRE strategies Source Data: Kansas State Department of Education District Report Card RDA-061807

  6. Trends in Math Test Scores Following IRRE Math Supports in Five Comprehensive Urban High Schools Source Data: Kansas State Department of Education District Report Card and Texas Education Agency, AEIS Report System RDA-022210

  7. Lessons from ResearchKey Ingredients of a Great High School • Small Personalized Learning Environment • Engaging, Aligned and Rigorous Instruction • Effective Advocacy for Students and Families • Effective Use of Data • Local Capacity to Strengthen and Sustain Reform

  8. Who Are We? • Aspen Institute Roundtable for Community Change • Two decades of experience. • Community building and engagement. • Alignment across constituencies within and beyond neighborhoods. • Structural racism framework for understanding community challenges. • Racial equity and learning and practice network.

  9. Audiences and Partners Engaged in Aspen Racial Equity Learning & Practice Network • Baltimore Community Foundation • Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America • Chicago Field Museum • City of Chicago Department of Children and Youth Services • Center for Law & Social Policy • Communities In Schools • Duval County Public School System (Jacksonville, Florida) • The Florida Times Union • Jacksonville Community Foundation • Mayor’s Office, City of Milwaukee • Milwaukee Business Journal • National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship • The New Mexico Forum for Youth in Community • New Mexico State Senators Ortiz and Keller • New Mexico Voices for Children • New Mexico Youth Alliance • NYC Department of Education, Student Placement • NYC Department of Youth and Community Development • Schools Out Washington • United Neighborhood Centers of America

  10. Building Consensus and Commitment • Local partner • Process for engaging community constituents and educators • Broad based • Guiding questions • Iterative process • Work products • New North High School blueprint • Launch plan for 2011-12 • New leadership

  11. Looking Ahead • A New North High School combining exemplary educational practice with full engagement in and by its community – a city-wide and neighborhood asset. • Educators and community residents supporting all students to fulfill their highest potential. • Local leadership with the capacity and will to strengthen and sustain the work.

  12. IRRE Websitewww.irre.org

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