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George Washington’s Socks

George Washington’s Socks. Chapters 18-23. gait. a manner of walking, stepping, or running. forging. to form or make by great effort. grenadier. a specially selected foot soldier. f ormidable . having great strength, powerful. ambush. to attack from a hidden position. bewildered.

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George Washington’s Socks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. George Washington’s Socks Chapters 18-23

  2. gait a manner of walking, stepping, or running

  3. forging to form or make by great effort

  4. grenadier aspecially selected foot soldier

  5. formidable having great strength, powerful

  6. ambush to attack from a hidden position

  7. bewildered puzzled or confused

  8. beckoned to signal or direct by a gesture

  9. turncoat a person who switches sides

  10. exhilaration feeling of extreme joy or happiness

  11. bustling having great energy or activity

  12. frantically wild with excitement, fear, or pain

  13. utmost greatest or highest

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