A School Conflict By Feng Yi
Introduction I t was a beautiful morning and Grade 5 was in in Art class sketching things they like in their sketch books. Syafiqah, Brenda and Jane were sitting together at the same table. On each table, Ms. Russell put one eraser to share but Brenda, who was greedy, got it and said it was hers. So Brenda and Jane started arguing and very soon they started to fight. What should they do? • Continue to fight • Syafiqah mediates for them • The two girl decided to negotiate
Continue to fight. Brenda and Jane started fighting. They punched and kicked and did lot of action fighting. They made lots of noises that disturbed the class. Choose your direction: a) Continue to shout and fight b) They both try to snatch the eraser
Syafiqah came and mediated them. When Syafiqah saw them fighting, she knew that someone will get hurt, so she tried to mediate them Choose your direction: • They do not listen • they listen to syafiqah’s mediation
The two girl decided to negotiate. Soon enough, they stopped fighting and Jane wanted to try to negotiate with Brenda. She said, “Brenda, let’s share the eraser together. Let’s not fight, or else both of us will get in trouble!” Choose your direction: a) Continue to negotiate b) Don’t care and let Syafiqah mediate for Brenda and Jane
Continue to shout and fight. “Why are you making so much noise? Pay attention to the class!” But after Ms. Russell continued to teach the class, they started fighting again! So Ms. Russell came and confiscated the eraser, so Brenda, Jane and even Syafiqah couldn’t use it anymore and couldn’t finish their project.
They started snatching the eraser. “Why are you making so much noise? Pay attention to the class!” After Ms. Russell continued to teach the class, Brenda and Jane started to snatch the eraser because they knew that if they were too loud, they would get into trouble. They both were snatching for the eraser so hard that the eraser broke! Now, neither of them could use the eraser and now they had to go to Mr. Demnar ’s office!
They do not listen to Syafiqah’s mediation. Syafiqah tried to mediate in a small voice before Ms Russell heard them. Syafiqah thought that Brenda should share the eraser. Jane thought Syafiqah was right, Brenda should share the eraser with her and Syafiqah. But Brenda still didn’t want to share, so she pushed Syafiqah away. Jane saw that her best friend Syafiqah was pushed. She continued to fight with Brenda. They were making so much noise and Ms Russell heard them. click here to find out what happened next
The teacher came. “Why are you making so much noise? Pay attention to the class!” But after Ms. Russell continued to teach the class, they started fighting again! So Ms. Russell came and confiscated the eraser, so Brenda, Jane and even Syafiqah couldn’t use it anymore and couldn’t finish their project.
They listen to Syafiqah’s mediation. Syafiqah mediated for them in a low voice before Ms. Russell could hear them. She thought that Brenda should share the eraser with Jane and herself. Jane thought Syafiqah was right and so did Brenda, so they decided to share and were able to finish their art project.
Continue to negotiate. Brenda said, “Well ok, we can share, but we will put it on my desk because I always make mistakes.” Jane agreed to Brenda’s request. So both of them share the eraser.
Don’t care and let Syafiqah mediate for them. Jane sees that Brenda doesn’t look like she wants to negotiate with her, so she decided to call Syafiqah (Brenda and Jane’s trusted friend) to help mediate in their conflict. Click here to find out what happened next