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Adequate Yearly Progress. TACS Launches Statewide Challenge to Federal AYP Ratings. DISTRICTS MOVE TO APPEAL AYP SCORES GUIDELINES UNFAIR, ADMINS SAY Cleburne Times-Review.
TACS Launches Statewide Challenge to Federal AYP Ratings DISTRICTS MOVE TO APPEAL AYP SCORES GUIDELINES UNFAIR, ADMINS SAY Cleburne Times-Review
The Texas Education Agency is planning to submit waiver requests to the U. S. Department of Education of certain provisions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act …
WHEN ASKED ABOUT AYP… • Over the past three years, the AYP system of rating districts/campuses increased passing expectations 16 percentage points in Mathematics and 14 percentage points in Reading/English Language Arts. • AYP ratings addressed “all students” as a group in 2012 and address all students in addition to six subgroups in 2012-African American, Hispanic, White, economically disadvantaged, special education, and limited English proficient (LEP)-for a total of seven subgroups that must meet all established standards on test performance, participation rates, and graduation rates.
WHEN ASKED ABOUT AYP… • With AYP, a district/campus either “meets AYP” or “does not meet AYP.” • AYP regulations permit allow only 3% of its special needs learners to be tested with modified or alternative assessments, which means we are testing more students than ever before. In addition, AYP requires that students with limited English proficiency also be tested and those scores are included when calculated into the ratings.
WHEN ASKED ABOUT AYP… • Texas exceeded the AYP graduation rate of 75% with 85.9% of our students graduating in four years and __% of our district students graduating. Texas has long had an established goal of 90% of our students graduating from high school. The gap is closing! • AYP rating specifies that 95% of designated student groups participate in testing. Our district participation rate was __%. • AYP rating specifies 90% attendance for the entire school year and our district attendance rate was __%.
WHEN ASKED “WHY?”… “When AYP was rolled out as part of NCLB in 2003, the established criterion was that 100% of students be successful on all tests by 2013-2014 and the intent was to have 100% of all students graduate from high school. Our school district is making gains and teachers are working hard to make certain every student in our district receives the best possible education.”
Do’s and Don’ts Avoid: • Emphasis on AYP rating if you “did not meet AYP” and accentuate STAAR scores, graduation/completion rates, increased testing of special education and ELL students, and brag about participation and attendance rates. • Avoid blaming staff and mention of specific subgroups as being responsible for ratings. • Negative comments about AYP and NCLB. Do: • Make all comments positive. • Include a quote from the superintendent. • Brag about student success during the first year of STAAR testing. For more these suggestions and more: www.tspra.org
… Debbie Ratcliffe, a TEA spokeswoman, urged parents not to panic. "Parents need to think about all the other information they know about their schools when they judge the quality of them," she said. "This year to meet AYP, schools had to be performing at the equivalent of about a B-plus level, and that's a long way from failing." Thursday, August 9, 2012
WHAT IS AYP? Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Federally mandated accountability system required by the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 and the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA)
AYP Performance Standards ABOVE STATE
2012 AYP: Standards & Targets • Reading/English Language Arts (STAAR and TAKS) • 87% in Reading/English language arts • Participation: 95% Rate • Mathematics (STAAR and TAKS) • Performance: 83% Proficiency Rate • Participation: 95% Rate • Other Indicator • Secondary Schools:75% Graduation Rate (for every student group) • Elementary/Middle/Junior High Schools:90% Attendance Rate (All Students only)
2012 AYP: Proficiency Rate • AYP Proficiency Rate: • Students who Met the Passing Standard(subject to the 1% and 2% caps) • Total Number of Students Tested • Performance Rate is compared to the 2012 AYP Targets of: • 87% in Reading/English Language Arts and • 83% in Mathematics
What are the student groups that are considered for AYP? • African American • Hispanic • White • Economically Disadvantaged • Special Education • Limited English Proficient
Minimum Size Requirements 50 or more students in the group enrolled on the test date (summed across grades 3-8 and 10) for the subject, and the student group must comprise at least 10% of all students enrolled on the test date; or 200 or more students in the group enrolled on the test date, even if that group represents less than 10% of all students enrolled on the test date.
2012 AYP: Performance Standards • AYP Performance Improvement/Safe Harbor • Meet the performance requirement:
2012 AYP: Performance Standards AYP Performance Improvement/Safe Harbor Continued The actual change must be equal to or greater than the minimum Required Improvement needed to reach a standard of 100% over a 10 year period AYP Required Improvement Target (Standard of 100%) - (Prior Year Proficiency) 10 Excerpt from page 51 of AYP Guide
2012 AYP: Performance Standards • Performance: 10% decrease in percent not passing plus • met the absolute standard for the Other Indicator, or • achieve the required improvement on the Other Indicator • Participation: Two-year average rate of 95% • Other Indicator: • Elementary/Middle/Junior High Schools:Increase in Attendance Rate from previous year. • Secondary Schools: Graduation Rate
2012 AYP: Graduation Rate • Beginning with 2012 AYP, student groups will be evaluated. The minimum size requirement is the same as in past years: 50 / 10.0% / 200. • The graduation rate calculations include five alternatives for districts and campuses to meet the required goal and targets: • 4-year longitudinal Annual Graduation Rate Goal of 90.0%. • 5-year longitudinal Annual Graduation Rate Target of 80.0%.
2012 AYP: Graduation Rate Alternatives • 4-year Annual Graduation Rate Target of 75.0% • 4-year Graduation Rate Alternatives: • Safe Harbor TargetA 10.0 percent decrease in difference between the prior year 4-year Graduation Rate and the 90.0 percent statewide goal • Improvement TargetA 1.0 percent increase from the prior year 4-year Graduation Rate
What is the Federal Cap? • Federal regulations require limits on the number of proficient results that can be included in the 2012 AYP performance calculations. • The federal 1% and 2% caps only apply to the number of proficient results that can be counted in the AYP performance calculations. • The federal cap does not affect the AYP participation calculations. Federal regulations do not limit the number of students that may be tested on either the TAKS-M, STAAR Modified, or STAAR Alternate.
Overview of 1% Cap • Students are selected randomly from STAAR Alternate results. • STAAR Alternate results processed for the cap include: • Meet Standard on STAAR Alternate (only).
Overview of 1% Cap • Exceptions to the 1% cap will be applied to school districts prior to the Preliminary AYP Release in August 2012. • registered with the TEA Special Education Residential Facilities Tracking System (RF Tracker) for school year 2011-12. • included in the 2011-12 Directory for Services for the Deaf in Texas, Regional Day School Programs for the Deaf (RDSPD). • Other Circumstance Exceptions to the 1% Cap are allowable and may be submitted as a regular appeal through the AYP Appeal online system.
TAKS-M and STAAR Modified proficient results are selected and processed for the cap from results that: Meet Standard on TAKS-M and STAAR Modified (only). Overview of 2% Cap 35
The 2% Federal Cap process includes: Step 1) TEA prioritizes campuses by grades served and proportion of students with disabilities enrolled. School districts have the opportunity to review and/or modify the campus rankings. Step 2) Student results are selected in order to maximize the number of campuses that Meet AYP beginning with the campuses assigned the highest priority. Overview of 2% Cap 36
Overview of the Federal Cap Process • Set Federal Cap limits by subject based on Participation • 1% Cap: select students randomly from proficient STAAR Alternate results • 2% Cap: • Request Campus Rankings • Develop AYP Outcome Scenarios for TAKS-M and STAAR Modified by subject: • all TAKS-M and STAAR Modified passing results set to non-proficient (failing) • all TAKS-M and STAAR Modified passing student remain proficient (passing) • In campus ranking order, select students • Compare to the district limit • Compare to the statewide limits and apply Statewide Recapture if needed
Additional Information May 24, 2012: May TETN Accountability Update (PowerPoint file Updated 5/31/12) - This TETN session provides district and ESC staff with detailed information about the federal cap process on STAAR Alternate, STAAR Modified, and TAKS-M proficient results used to calculate 2012 AYP. The session also describes the option for districts to submit changes to the federal cap campus priority list used for 2012 AYP performance calculations for STAAR Modified and TAKS-M. TETN federal cap background information and TETN federal cap examples were also reviewed during the session (PDF downloads). A 508 compliant PDF is available here (PDF Download).
District Results State Summary Table Region 15 Summary Table
Campus Results State Summary Table Region 15 Summary Table
Stage 1 SIP District Requirements • Reserve 10% of the Maximum Title I A entitlement for professional development to address the areas missed for AYP • Revise the campus improvement plan within 3 months of the AYP notification • Notify parents of the AYP Stage 1 designation and how they can be involved http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=2147508286
Stage 2 SIP District Requirements • Continue all Stage 1 requirements (notification, reservation of 10% for pd, revise DIP) • Implement the District Improvement Plan developed in Stage 1 http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=2147508285