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Training Agenda

Training Agenda. Continuous Quality Improvement Section Federal CFSR Oklahoma CFSR Oklahoma Program Improvement Plan (PIP) CFSR/Case Review Instrument. Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Section. Amy White - Programs Administrator Cindy Miner - Programs Manager II

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Training Agenda

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  1. Training Agenda • Continuous Quality Improvement Section • Federal CFSR • Oklahoma CFSR • Oklahoma Program Improvement Plan (PIP) • CFSR/Case Review Instrument

  2. Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Section • Amy White - Programs Administrator • Cindy Miner - Programs Manager II • Supervises Contract Performance Review (CPR) Team • Mark Nitta – Programs Manager I • Supervises Practice Model Implementation (PMI) Team • Cheryl Coponiti – Programs Manager I • Supervises Children and Family Services Review (CFSR) Team – Area III CFSR Support

  3. CQI Teams • CPR Team • Brad Montgomery, PFR • Lisa Sosbee, PFR • Jean Wood, PFR • PMI Team • Justine Dowell, PFR • Stacey Mayle, PFR • Lisa Cary, PFR • CFSR Team • Tina Frazer, PFR – Area I Support • Robby Hadden, PFR – Area II Support • Angela Ivey, PFR – Area IV Support • Jeff Sanders, PFR – Area V Support • Linda Jones, PFR – Area VI Support

  4. Child and Family Services Review(CFSR) Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families (ACF)

  5. Purpose of CFSR To assess state conformance with specific title IV-B and IV-E state plan requirements such that: The state is achieving desired outcomes for children and families The state system is functioning at a level that promotes achievement of the identified outcomes

  6. Statewide Assessment: Prepared by a team of state agency personnel and external partners On-Site Review: 3 sites including largest metro 65 cases By team of federal and state agency personnel and state external partners Process to assess outcomes and systemic factors

  7. Outcomes DOMAIN: Safety • Outcome: Children are, first and foremost, protected from abuse and neglect • Outcome: Children are safely maintained in their own homes whenever possible and appropriate DOMAIN: Permanency • Outcome: Children have permanency and stability in their living situations • Outcome: The continuity of family relationships and connections is preserved for children DOMAIN: Child and Family Well-Being • Outcome: Families have enhanced capacity to provide for their children’s needs • Outcome: Children receive appropriate services to meet their educational needs • Outcome: Children receive adequate services to meet their physical and mentalhealth needs

  8. Systemic Factors • Information System Capacity* • Case Review System • Training* • Service Array • Agency Responsiveness to Community* • Quality Assurance System* • Foster and Adoptive Parent Licensing, Recruitment, and Retention* *Achieved for 2007 Federal Review

  9. Data Composites • 2 Safety Measures (NCANDS) • Absence of Maltreatment Recurrence • Absence of Maltreatment in Substitute Care • 4 Permanency Composites (AFCARS) • Timeliness to reunification • Timeliness to adoption • Permanency for children in foster care long periods • Placement stability

  10. For more detailed information on the federal CFSR: http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ccb/

  11. Oklahoma Child and Family Services Reviews(CFSRs) Children and Family Services Division in conjunction with Field Operations Division

  12. Purpose of Oklahoma CFSRs Promote joint planning, technical assistance and program improvement processes among County, Area and State offices and external stakeholders; Provide timely and specific feedback that is directly related to program performance and outcomes; and Assemble data that will inform state policy and procedure as well as Federal reporting requirements.

  13. Oklahoma CFSRs designed to replicate essential features of Federal CFSR • Collaborative effort (CFSD and Area staff) • Assess outcomes and system functioning

  14. On-Site Reviews • One review in each DHS admin. Area each quarter • Each review will include multiple (2-4) sites • A review will usually begin on Monday and last through Thursday • Each site (i.e., County Director) will be included 1x/year (in Oklahoma & Tulsa Counties, combinations of supervisory groups comprise site) • Cases selected randomly for review at each site • Review teams include Area staff, CFSD staff and external stakeholders

  15. Client Selection (x Site) • Universe = records of clients who: (1) are children; (2) were subject of a referral at some time; and (3) received services anytime during preceding 3 months • On-Site Over-Sample = 30 records including: 10 prevention and 20 permanency • Client reviews per site = 6 assessments/ investigations, 2 in-home and 4 out-of-home (in-home cases are defined as a case where no child has in the family has been in substitute care during the 12 month period under review)

  16. Review Teams • Team of 4 at each site, including 1 CFSD- CQI staff acting as site team leader and 3 Area members and/or CFSD program staff • Area members of each site team include CWS staff (not case involved), CDs and CWFLs • At least one of the Area members of site teams during any review is an external stakeholder

  17. External Stakeholders Foster Parents Juvenile Court Judges District Attorneys Tribal ICW Local Providers (incl. CHBS) GALs / CASAs / Attorneys PARB Members

  18. Client-Specific Outcomes (all reviewers) Record Review Interviews PRFC Child Child Welfare Specialist Substitute Care Provider Service Provider(s) CASA / GAL ICW Other(s) as needed Systemic Factors (CQI Area Support-Separate from CFSR) Individual Interviews County Director Judge District Attorney Tribal Representatives Representatives of Resources (CASA, PARB, CHBS, etc.) Focus Groups CW Specialists Foster Parents On-Site Process

  19. Outcomes x Measure x Indicator x Outcome Systemic Factors Composite report Results(Individual Site and Area Levels)

  20. Flow of CFSR • Opening meeting • Record review • Child-specific interviews (all reviewers) • Briefings (as needed) • Input of information from instruments • County Exit meeting • Area Exit Meeting

  21. Materials available on Outlook Schedule Handbook Instruments Navigation Public Folders > All Public Folders > STO DCFS > Continuous Quality Improvement >Case Review or Child and Family Services Review

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