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How to present

How to present. Emotional Intelligence A Scientifically Proven Method for Developing the Skills of Success. Course Objectives. This course will increase your ability to: Manage your emotions by recognizing how thoughts and emotions are connected.

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How to present

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to present

  2. Emotional Intelligence A Scientifically Proven Method for Developing the Skills of Success

  3. Course Objectives This course will increase your ability to: • Manage your emotions by recognizing how thoughts and emotions are connected. • Improve your self-control by identifying physical cues that indicate your emotions may be taking over. • Discover how emotional intelligence can help you develop more positive relationships at work and a more optimistic outlook.

  4. Course Objectives (cont.) This course will increase your ability to: • Learn how to use assertive communication to express your needs and feelings appropriately. • Explore how to use emotional intelligence to bounce back from setbacks.

  5. IQ EI Personality

  6. I “feel” here I think rationally here Information enters here

  7. Definition (Mayer and Salovey 1990): “The ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions.”

  8. Lower Lower Higher Lower Higher Higher Practical Exercise – Lower vs. Higher EI • Unaware of emotions • Shows little empathy • Able to resolve conflict productively • Has trouble recovering from setbacks • Adapts to changing circumstances • High degree of self-awareness and self-control

  9. Aspects of Emotional Intelligence Intrapersonal Skills Interpersonal Skills Self Awareness Social Awareness Adaptability Resilience

  10. Intrapersonal SkillsModule 1* Self-awareness involves our ability to recognize our emotions as they occur.

  11. Slide 1

  12. Slide 2

  13. Slide 3

  14. Slide 4

  15. Recognize Your Physical Cues • Increased heart rate • Butterflies • Flushed skin • Tense muscles • Sweating • Voice rising, getting louder Don’t Get Emotionally Hijacked

  16. Interpersonal SkillsModule 2* Being socially aware is the ability to recognize others’ emotions.

  17. Demonstrate Empathy • Do: be understanding without necessarily agreeing • Do: use words and gestures to show you care • Don’t: offer advice, judge, tell them how to feel

  18. Connecting and Communicating • Meet them where they are. • Watch for non-verbal cues. • Prepare them for negative information.

  19. Assertive Communication • Use the Assertive Communication Process • Employ Assertive Communication Techniques • What do you do when you don’t get the response you’re looking for?

  20. Conflict Management

  21. Conflict Resolution • Be aware of your emotions while remaining composed. • Be aware of others’ emotions. • Communicate your needs clearly and respectfully. • Make your priority getting your needs and the other person’s needs met.

  22. Emotionally Intelligent “Fighting” • Listen without getting defensive. • No “jabs!” • Leave unrelated issues out. • Deal in reality. https://youtu.be/e54bSacwAIU?t=313

  23. AdaptabilityModule 3* Flexibility is the ability to adapt to changing conditions.

  24. Cultivating Different Perspectives • Listen to people who disagree with you. • Eliminate “either/or” thinking. • Question yourself. • Play devil’s advocate. • Look from different altitudes. • Use intuition and logic.

  25. Soothing Activities Stimulating Activities Choose the Opposite

  26. Problem Solving Process • Define the problem. • Gather information. • Brainstorm options. • Evaluate potential solutions. • Choose and implement the best option.

  27. ResilienceModule 4* The ability to bounce back from setbacks.

  28. Analyze Your Thinking • Consciously stop to evaluate thinking. • Ask three questions: • “What am I feeling?” • “What do I want to feel?” • “What do I need to feel that way?”

  29. Reframe Your Thinking • Change your perspective • Translate your negative thoughts into neutral or positive statements. • Change “We’re never going to find a way to pay for this.” • To this: “I have dealt with budget shortfalls before and will use my experience to find a solution to this challenge.”

  30. Optimist's Explanatory Style Permanence:Setbacks are temporary and positive events are permanent. Pervasiveness: Setbacks are compartmentalized. Personalization: Positive events due to personal ability; negative events due to external circumstances.

  31. How to Develop an Optimistic Outlook • Use healthy self-talk. • Keep a gratitude journal. • Minimize negative influences. • Act “as if.” • Exercise your sense of humor.

  32. Action Plan

  33. Test Your Knowledge

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