1. Philadelphia Partnership Schools Single Sex Educationby Benjamin J. Wright
2. 2 A Solution to the Crisis Confronting Boys in America
Particularly Black Boys and Hispanic Boys
3. 3
The following happened-----
I was assigned to transform one of the most troubled elementary schools in the city. The demographics were 87% black with 97% on Free or Reduced lunch at the Thurgood Marshall Elementary School, a school plagued by low test scores for over a ten year period.
In Seattle, Washington 1999,
4. 4
There were disproportionate suspension rates for boys.
Many, if not all of the reform practices had been implemented by mandates- not collaboration.
Neither boys nor girls were meeting State or District standards from an academic prospective.
5. 5 The Impact of Separation!!! I decided to separate the boys and girls that were having the most difficulties with each other!
With input and agreement from two fourth grade teachers we piloted two single sex classes.
We wrote and got approval for our Transformation Plan with hopes that this would become a school wide model should it be successful.
For the first time in over ten years the test scores for the boys increased significantly.
6. 6 Listening: Reading: Writing: Math:
73% 66% 53% 27% (boys)
47% 63% 40% 0% (girls)
These percentages were meeting District or State Standards per the Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL)
7. 7 Why We Separated! Suspension rates for boys were running 3 to 1 because of inappropriate behavior
Name calling and hip hop interferences
Negative self images being portrayed by both genders
Lack of focus on class work
8. 8 The Impact of Separation!!!
9. 9 The Data: Listening:: 1999 2000 2001 2002
Female 35% 42% 42% 65%
Male 36% 38% 73% 62%
Female 0% 11% 0% 53%
Male 0% 13% 18% 46%
Female 24% 32% 42% 65%
Male 21% 25% 59% 69%
Female 12% 18% 37% 53%
Male 21% 13% 33% 62%
10. 10 The Data continued:
Listening: 2003 2004
Female N/A N/A
Male N/A N/A
Female 68% 84%
Male 52% 4%
Female 63% 100%
Male 59% 45%
Female 58% 68%
Male 58% 46%
11. 11 Black Students total:
2001 2002 2003 2004
Math: 3% 48% 68% 34%
Reading: 45% 69% 59% 45%
Writing: 33% 61% 61% 60%
Free/Reduced Lunch
Math: 0% 46% 50% 35%
Reading: 38% 58% 50% 68%
Writing: 32% 54% 47% 49%
12. 12 Special Education:
2001 2002 2003 2004
Math: 11% 52% 68% 37%
Reading: 58% 70% 70% 70%
Writing: 39% 63% 68% 57%
Math: 10% 54% 66% 31%
Reading: 50% 71% 53% 64%
Writing: 36% 67% 61% 62%
13. 13 Essentially, the academic achievement gap has been closed.
Advantages for Black and Hispanic boys:
Reduction in suspension for normal behavior that is considered negative or anti-social
Allows teachers to be more flexible in curriculum design, classroom management, and eliminating the need to label boys of color for special education.
(Statistics suggests that 20% are classified as mentally retarded, 21% emotionally disturbed, 15% placed in resource rooms, and 12% with special learning disabilities. A rather large number since Black boys only make up 8.6% of national public school enrollment. A couple of other alarming statistics would be the expulsion and suspension rate for Black boys-22% and 23% respectively.)
14. 14 The drop out rate for high school students surpass 50%, and
of those who remain in school only 50% graduate compared
with 61% of their female counterparts, and 80% for white males.
There is concern about the 20% of white males not graduating as
Relationships can become, and do become more authentic.
Less competition around athletics, false pride, and ego.
Authentic conversations and lessons on character.
Changing the self fulfilling prophecy and blame for lack and limitations.
15. 15 Short comings or disadvantages
Shortage of trained teachers and leaders to maintain a system of educating a single sex setting until funding becomes equitable.
Single Sex Education may not work for all Black boys, and should only serve as an option.
16. 16 To date very few Universities or Colleges train with the
Hispanic or Black boy in mind.
We must do so through philanthropist efforts
Current urban school leadership models do not address this issue
Academy for Leadership and Transformation is designing a leadership program to create teachers and leaders for single sex schools in public education.
In public education unless a foundation is established for the sole purpose of promoting and developing opportunities for improving education for Black and Hispanic boys
Philanthropist should only donate when there is a plan for sustainability.
17. 17 Contact information:
Academy for Leadership & Transformation