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COLD WAR. Warm-Up: Grab Packet & Define vocab at top of page 1. Schedule Warm-Up PowerPoint Cold War Europe Map Primary Source Analysis—Iron Curtain, Stalin’s Rebuttal Closure: How did the Cold War come about? How did the Cold War escalate? Assignment: Assignment Packet page 1.
Warm-Up: Grab Packet & Define vocab at top of page 1 • Schedule • Warm-Up • PowerPoint • Cold War Europe Map • Primary Source Analysis—Iron Curtain, Stalin’s Rebuttal • Closure: How did the Cold War come about? How did the Cold War escalate? • Assignment: Assignment Packet page 1
Origins of the Cold War • After WWII ended, political relationships became tenuous • US and Soviet Union allied against Nazi Germany (world threat) • After war, didn’t trust each other political + economic differences • The future of Eastern Europe was the most contentious issue
As Soviet Union was pushing back Nazis armies on the eastern front, they came to control various European countries • Stalin promised US and Britain to hold free elections • Instead he installed communist governments • US & Soviets accused each other of trying to conquer these states • The alliance deteriorated into a 40+ year feud Cold War • No direct fighting between US and Soviet Union • If US was fighting, Soviet Union supply enemy and vice versa • Other countries were battleground for supremacy Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Afghanistan
Berlin airlift • First showdown between US and Soviet Union • 1945, Allies agreed to divide Germany into 4 zones British, French, American & Soviet • Western countries merged their zones to planned to create West Germany • Stalin worried West Germany would threaten Soviet Union
German capital, Berlin, was in Soviet zone • But city was divided into East and West Berlin • 1948, Stalin blocked all routes into Berlin • Wanted to starve people in West Berlin and force them to accept communism and Soviet rule
In response, President Truman ordered air-force to drop food, fuel & equipment into the city • Lasted for a full year Stalin gave up blockade • Divided Germany East Germany (communist) v. West Germany (democratic)
Truman’s strategy in Cold War was containment—stop spread of communism through military and nonmilitary ways • Truman Doctrine—promise help to countries fighting to keep democracy • Marshall Plan—tried to stop spread of communism by helping Europe’s economy ($13 billion)
1949, countries formed NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization fight communism • US, Canada, Western European countries • In response, Soviet Union and Eastern European countries formed their own military alliance—Warsaw Pact
Warm-Up: Truman doctrine pro/con pages 6-7 • Schedule • Warm-Up • PowerPoint • Reading Analysis—Immigrant Bill & HUAC interrogation of Walt Disney • Closure: How did the US domestically change post WWII (5-6 things)? • Assignment: Assignment Packet page 1
Peacetime adjustments: workers • After war, most industries reduced work forces • Factories closed & thousands of workers (mostly women) laid off • In addition, 10 million veterans needed jobs • They replaced many women workers • Women went back to more traditional jobs (nursing, teaching) • During WWII, unions agreed not to strike or ask for raises • But 1946, 4 million union workers went on strike (better pay) • President Harry S. Truman threatened to break it up • Strike settled before he did
Peacetime adjustments: economy • Instead of slowing down, postwar economy boomed • People wanted to purchase goods they could not during war • Increased demand for goods = higher prices • High demand for houses after war • William Levitt used assembly-line techniques to mass-produce cheap houses
Peacetime adjustments: civil rights • African Americans (especially veterans) hoped for better equality after war • But little changed • In South, blacks were threatened or killed if tried to vote • So Truman created civil rights commission • Also outlawed racial segregation & discrimination in military • This was US govt.’s 1st attempt to deal w/ racial issues • Truman then proposed Fair Deal – extension of New Deal • Called for new housing & jobs & end to racial discrimination in hiring • Congress fought against him – ruined most of his plans
Cold war at home: red scare • Many Americans feared communism would spread inside U.S. • Two famous spy trials confirmed their fears • Alger Hiss (former State Dept. official) accused of passing military secrets to Soviets • Jailed for perjury (lying under oath) in 1950 • Ethel & Julius Rosenberg (American Communist Party) convicted for giving atomic bomb secrets to Russians • Both were executed 1953
1947, Truman had 4 million govt. workers undergo loyalty checks • Several thousand workers forced to resign • House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) started targeting movie industry • Many careers ruined by blacklists – unofficial lists of suspected Communists • Fear of communism spread through America in 1950s
Warm-Up: read 2 documents on pages 12-13 and answer questions • Schedule • Warm-Up • Majestic clip—Blacklist • PowerPoint • Reading Analysis—McCarthy’s Wheeling Speech, HUAC testimonies, American spy files • Closure: What impact did McCarthyism have in shaping US history? • Assignment: Assignment Packet page 2
Joseph McCarthy • Senator Joseph McCarthy was Republican • He led fight against Communist conspirators • Thousands of people lost jobs & reputations b/c of him
McCarthyism & communism • Senator Joseph McCarthy used America’s frustration w/ govt.’s efforts to stop communism • February 1950, McCarthy said he had list of 205 State Dept. officials who were Communists • Charges were never proven • His claims launched hunt for communists, ruining lives of thousands of people • McCarthyism – reckless charges against innocent citizens
Army-McCarthy hearings • 1954, Senate held televised hearings • McCarthy accused army of “coddling Communists” • Army lawyer asked McCarthy: “Have you no sense of decency?” • Senate criticized McCarthy’s behavior • He eventually faded out of the spotlight
Warm-Up: political cartoon analysis on page 20 • Schedule • Warm-Up • PowerPoint • McArthur v. Truman • Modern Korean Conflict Crisis • Closure: How does Korean War in the 1950s relate to current history? • Assignment: Assignment Packet page 2 Quiz Tuesday
Cold war & Korea • Following Japan’s defeat in 1945, Soviet troops occupied Korea north of the 38th parallel while US troops occupied area south of the line • By agreement, both Soviet and American forces withdrew from Korea in 1948 • By this time, Korea had been practically separated at 38th parallel into two distinct countries: • Communist North • Democratic South
1949, Chinese Communist Party (led by Mao Tse Tung) defeated Nationalists in civil war in China • Nationalists (led by Chang Kai-shek)fled to Taiwan (island off coast of China) • American fear of communism continued to grow Domino Theory • Events in Korea only increased these fears
Conflict erupts in Korea • June 1950, North Korean forces crossed 38th parallel into South Korea • Truman saw this as threat to containment • U.S. asked United Nations to stop Communists • In the Korean War, U.N. supplied soldiers from 16 countries • U.S. troops made up most of force • Led by WWII hero General Douglas MacArthur • North Koreans forces close in around tip of South Korea • MacArthur landed troops at Inchon (behind N. Korean lines)
China enters the war • Surrounded, N. Korean forces retreated • UN forces pushed them back to Yalu River (boundary of Communist China) • China thought UN threatening them – China threatened to enter war if US continue advancing • MacArthur ignored them
November 25, 1950, hundreds of thousands of Chinese soldiers entered N. Korea • By early 1951, both sides stuck at 38th parallel • MacArthur wanted to bomb & blockade China • Truman said no (worried it would cause Soviet Union to join war) • MacArthur disagreed & criticized Truman publicly • Truman fired MacArthur & told him to come back to US
War ends in stalemate • Truman started truce talks July 1951 • 1952 election: • Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower – criticized war • He promised quick end to war • Democrat Adlai Stevenson – lost in landslide • Eisenhower kept his promise • He compromised w/ N. Koreans & Chinese to end war • But he warned them he was ready to use nuclear weapons • N. & S. Korea remained split even after war • South Korea, US & N Korea sign truce NOT peace treaty still technically at war
Cnn • http://goo.gl/WBf4O • Kim clip, Missile Capability clip, Military hotline clip • http://goo.gl/0OUFU • -Strong response clip, public sentiment clip, Ready for war clip
Warm-Up: Truman Doctrine v. brinkmanship doctrine page 23 • Schedule • Warm-Up • PowerPoint • US Interactions Readings Guatemala & Egypt • Closure: How does the Cold War have global implications? • Assignment: Assignment Packet page 2 Quiz tomorrow
Arms race • Eisenhower’s Secretary of State – John Foster Dulles – did not like containment • He said US would go to brink of war to fight communism – brinksmanship • 1949, US learned Soviet Union had made an atomic bomb • Two countries began an arms race – developing weapons w/ more destructive power • 1952, US built a hydrogen bomb – H-bomb • 1955, Soviets tested own bomb • Fear caused both sides to build up nuclear weapons
Foreign intrigues: Cuba • US & Soviet Union both tried to help allies & weaken enemies (readings) • US attempts a coup in Cuba • US was friends with dictator Batista who favored US businesses and interests Cuban majority impoverished and suffering • Fidel Castro in 1953 charged the government with corruption and tyranny and led revolution based on communist ideology • Redistribute land to poor • Take businesses and land away from US companies and give to Cuban people (nationalization) so Cuban can profit
President Kennedy ordered Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 • Use ex-Cuba exiles to overthrow Castro’s government • Easily stopped Huge humiliation for US • Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev + Castro believed US try again in 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 • Soviet Union begin sending Cuba nuclear missiles (only 90 miles from Florida)
US response • US establish naval blockade around Cuba (to stop shipments) • demand Soviet Union remove others • claim that if the Soviets continue, there will be war • Soviet Union demanded that the US remove their missiles in the Middle East aimed at the USSR while sending a ship with more nukes to Cuba • Last minute dealing to prevent WWIII US agreed to not attack Cuba, Soviet Union agreed to take nukes out of Cuba
Space race • 1957, two superpowers began space race • Soviet Union launched Sputnik – 1st space satellite • US was shocked – scientists scrambled to catch up • Congress set aside billions for space research + education reform (science & math)
U-2 incident • Eisenhower wanted to ease tension by talking w/ Soviet Union • But two weeks before meeting Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, Soviets shot down American U-2 spy plane • Eisenhower denied the pilot was spying – until he found out pilot was captured • Khrushchev demanded apology – Eisenhower said no
Warm-Up: Cold War quiz • Schedule • Warm-Up • Cold War and US society in the 1950s Assignment reading & questions • Closure: How does the Cold War have global implications? • Assignment: Assignment Packet page 3
Warm-Up: grab dbq from cart • Schedule • Warm-Up • Cold War DBQ • Outline + Begin writing Wednesday • Finish Essay Thursday • Closure: How was the Cold War illustrated around the world and how was the US impacted as a result? • Assignment: Assignment Packet page 3 Outside information (3 pieces)
Warm-Up: answer question on page 28 • Schedule • Warm-Up • PowerPoint • 1950s Commercial Analysis • Closure: How did America stay the same/change in the 1950s? • Assignment: Assignment Packet page 3 Cold War Test Wednesday
American dream • Eisenhower’s presidency brought growth & prosperity • This prosperity allowed many people to achieve “American dream”
1950s prosperity • Eisenhower hated govt. spending • But he kept most New Deal programs • Expanded Social Security • Created Dept. of Health, Education, & Welfare • Increased minimum wage & started new programs • Highway Act of 1956 – spent $32 billion to build 41,000 miles of roads • This act started highway system in America • After war, many wanted comfortable, secure life • Strong economy allowed them to buy new goods, get married, start families, move to new areas
Baby boomers & suburbization • During 1950s, US population grew by 30 million • This growth came from baby boom – sharp increase in US birthrate after WWII • Baby boom led to growth of suburbs – residential areas surrounding a city • Families left crowded cities for larger, single-family homes • As suburbs grew, car sales increased • 1946 – 28 million cars • 1960 – 60 million cars
A surge of Americans moved from N & E to S & W • This movement to Sun Belt increased population of warmer states • By 1970, California was most populous state
consumerism • For millions of white Americans, life in suburbs was American dream • Advertising industry convinced consumers to buy new products • TV & magazine ads showed perfect homes w/ washing machines, vacuum cleaners, TVs, record players
Social conformity • Critics argued Americans being forced to conform – go along w/ ideas & beliefs of majority • Magazines praised women for being housewives • But not all women liked this role • Only jobs open to women – nursing, teaching, office work • Allen Ginsberg & Jack Kerouac led group of writers who resisted conformity • These “beatniks” gave speeches & wrote songs attacking society
Those left behind • Not everyone had good life in 1950s • Many people lived in poverty
Neglected cities • 1957, 1/5 of Americans were poor (most lived in cities) • As Americans moved to suburbs, shops & businesses moved with them • Fewer people stayed in cities (meant less tax money for roads, firehouses, garbage) • W/ no one to care for them, cities began to decay
The forgotten poor • 1950s, immigration from Mexico increased (many illegal) • Others came in bracero – temporary worker – program • Found jobs on farms for low wages & bad living conditions • Employers took advantage of them – long hours for little pay
A new generation of Americans • Some Americans enjoyed economic prosperity • Teenagers loved new form of entertainment – rock ‘n’ roll music • Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Fats Domino & other black musicians had as much success as white musicians like Jerry Lee Lewis • But the most popular was Elvis Presley – king of rock ‘n’ roll • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ofD9t_sULMhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpzV_0l5ILI
TV • 1950s, Hollywood produced westerns, musicals, & romances • But movie attendance fell as more people watched TV • 1960s, 9/10 of American homes had TV • Kids watched Lassie, The Mickey Mouse Club, The Lone Ranger • I Love Lucy was one of most popular shows • Most shows in 1950s showed perfect wives keeping perfect homes • But they were unrealistic