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Early Civilizations of Ancient India

Early Civilizations of Ancient India. The Harappan Civilization. 3300 BCE - 2400 BCE. Citadel Of Mohenjo-Daro. Aerial View of Mohenjo-Daro. Wide View, Mohenjo-Daro. The Great Bath, Mohenjo-Daro. Bath Area, Mohenjo-Daro. The Aryan Migration Age (1500 BCE - 1200 BCE).

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Early Civilizations of Ancient India

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Early Civilizations of Ancient India

  2. The Harappan Civilization 3300 BCE - 2400 BCE

  3. Citadel Of Mohenjo-Daro

  4. Aerial View of Mohenjo-Daro

  5. Wide View, Mohenjo-Daro

  6. The Great Bath, Mohenjo-Daro

  7. Bath Area, Mohenjo-Daro

  8. The Aryan Migration Age (1500 BCE - 1200 BCE)

  9. Aryan Migration • pastoral  depended on their cattle. • warriors  horse-drawn chariots.

  10. Varna (Social Hierarchy) Brahmins Kshatriyas Vaishyas Shudras Pariahs [Harijan]  Untouchables

  11. The Caste System Brahmins WHO IS… Kshatriyas • The mouth? • The arms? • The legs? • The feet? Vaishyas Shudras

  12. Sanskrit writing

  13. Gupta Empire:320 CE – 647 CE

  14. Gupta Rulers • Chandra GuptaI • r. 320 – 335 • “Great King of Kings” • Chandra Gupta II • r. 375 – 415 • Profitable trade with the Mediterranean world! • Hindu revival. • Huns invade – 450 CE

  15. International Trade Routes during the Guptas

  16. Extensive Trade:4c spices silks cotton goods spices rice & wheat horses gold & ivory gold & ivory cotton goods

  17. Gupta Achievements 1000 diseasesclassified 500 healingplants identified Printedmedicinal guides Kama Sutra Kalidasa Literature PlasticSurgery Medicine GuptaIndia Inoculations C-sectionsperformed SolarCalendar Astronomy Mathematics DecimalSystem The earthis round PI = 3.1416 Conceptof Zero

  18. The British in India

  19. The World in 1600

  20. British East India Company1600-1857 • A money making venture. • Trading in cotton, silk, indigo dye, salt, saltpeter, tea and opium. 1-E

  21. British East India Company Agents 1-E

  22. Sepoy soldiers Many would be given land and titles because of their caste level • Strong beliefs in the caste system • Made up of Muslims and Hindus 1-F

  23. Road to revolution Outlawing Suttee (sati)

  24. Fighting the Thuggees

  25. The Final Straw

  26. The Sepoy Mutiny: 1857 2-A

  27. Areas of the Sepoy Mutiny, 1857

  28. The Raj: "Jewel in the Crown" of the British Empire

  29. A LifeofLeisure!

  30. Lady Curzon, 1904

  31. Living Like a Maharajah

  32. Darjeeling Railroad, 1880s

  33. Railroad

  34. The Rise of Indian Nationalism

  35. the Indian National Congress • 1885  The Indian National Congress was founded in Bombay. • swaraj  “independence.”* the goal of the movement.

  36. the Muslim League • 1905  partition of Bengal based on religions and languages. • 1906  creation of the Muslim League.

  37. Amritsar Massacre, 1919 379 dead; over 1200 wounded!

  38. Gandhi spinning cloth Indian weaving was ruined by the competition of British machine-made textiles!

  39. The End of the Raj: August 15, 1947

  40. Partition!

  41. Pakistan and India Conflict

  42. the Indian subcontinent Since 1947: The Legacy of Independence

  43. Border problems

  44. Jawarlal Nehru • Ally of Gandhi. • 1st Prime Minister of India, 1947-1964. • Advocated Industrialization. • Promoted “Green Revolution”. • Mixed Economy. • Nonaligned Movement.

  45. Non-Alignment Movement

  46. India’s “mixed economy” • The “mix” refers to private and public ownership. • Foreign aid and foreign investment are crucial. • Urban areas have high-tech companies. • Three quarters of the population are farmers living in small villages. • India's "Green Revolution" allowed farmers to triple their crop by using modern science and technology.

  47. India’s “Green Revolution” • Introducing higher-yielding varieties of seeds in 1965. • Increased use of fertilizers & irrigation. • GOAL make India self-sufficient in food grains.

  48. Major problems & Issues in india today • Overpopulation  1 billion & climbing. • Economic development. • Hindu-Muslim tensions. • Gender issues  dowry killings. • Caste bias  discrimination against untouchables continues. • The Kashmir dispute and nuclear weapons. • Political assassinations.

  49. Tamil Separatism:The “tamil tigers”

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