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Types and Parts of Sentences

Types and Parts of Sentences. By: Shaun Heim, Bryce Smith and Zach Barley. Types of Sentences . Declarative Interrogative Exclamatory Imperative. Declarative . Makes a statement Uses a period

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Types and Parts of Sentences

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Types and Parts of Sentences By: Shaun Heim, Bryce Smith and Zach Barley

  2. Types of Sentences Declarative Interrogative Exclamatory Imperative

  3. Declarative Makes a statement Uses a period Ex: Destiney is going to the store.

  4. Interrogative Asks a question Uses a question mark Ex: What are you doing after school?

  5. Exclamatory Shows strong feelings Uses a exclamation mark Ex: Oh gosh I’m so excided about today!

  6. Imperative Gives a command Uses a period or exclamation mark Ex: Go clean your room! The subject is often implied and therefore not included Sally,

  7. Parts of Sentences Subject  noun Predicate  verb

  8. Subject Is the do-er or the be-er of the sentence Ex: John jumped over the cow. Ex: Sally moved over a seat. John Sally

  9. Predicate Does the rest of the work for the sentence Ex: John jumped over the cow. Ex: Sally moved over a seat.

  10. On a separate sheet of paper: • Write: • 2 declarative sentences • 2 exclamatory sentences • 2 interrogative sentences • 2 imperative sentences

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