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The American Legion Warrington Post 240 8666 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL 32507-2639 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED. Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385. The Victor’s Voice. FOR GOD AND COUNTRY DECEMBER 2012. Post 240 website: www.americanlegion240.org.
The American Legion Warrington Post 240 8666 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL 32507-2639 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 TheVictor’s Voice FOR GOD AND COUNTRY DECEMBER 2012 Post 240 website: www.americanlegion240.org COMMANDER Mike Holdener 291-6922 ADJUTANT Ron Woolsey 293-9396 1ST VICE COMMANDER Ron Woolsey 293-9396 2ND VICE COMMANDER Bill Stouffer 3RD VICE COMMANDER Jake Taffaro 251-987-5848 FINANCE OFFICER John Edens 492-7082 HISTORIAN vacant SERGEANT-AT-ARMS John Sego 288-0609 CHAPLAIN Stu Baker 292-9215 SERVICE OFFICER Randy McGhee 698-4171 ALR DIRECTOR Richard Raborn 380-4814 SAL COMMANDER Brian Nichols 723-0464 HOUSE COMMITTEE Hal Eyerly 944-7741 John Frenzel 437-1215 Bill Eastman 457-8419 Marilyn Merkle POST LOUNGE 455-6111 Commander’s Corner – December is a joyous time of year. Let US give thanks for all the generosity and comradeship we have enjoyed throughout the year. This wonderful season reminds US to be thankful for OUR family, OUR Post and OUR fellow comrads while remembering to help those who are less fortunate. Please keep in your prayers the soldiers and sailors who are unable to be with their families so that we can be with OURS. Thanks to everyone that volunteered to make November’s events enjoyable. A special thanks to Sue Terry for her delicious brisket on Veteran’s Day and Terry Noble for his organization of OUR Troops and Singles Thanksgiving gala. We have two vacant Post Officer positions, Chaplain and Historian. If you are interested please come to the General Membership meeting on 11 December. Since the 4th Tuesday falls on Christmas, The Executive Committee meeting will be on 18 December. Immediately following the EC, we will hold the Planning Board to review January through June agendas. Remember ALL OUR meetings are open to anyone that wants to attend. 6 December will be the last day for CDR’s Kitchen until 7 February 2013. Remember to be courteous and considerate of your fellow Comrades, we are ALL on the same team!!! If you can’t say something positive about OUR Post, please keep your opinions to yourself!!! For God and Country Mike Holdener 1st Vice Cdr – Thanks to 67% of you who have paid your dues up to now. We welcome Dwayne Vinnet, John Sparren & George Smith as new members and John Kranak, Anthony Crisostomi & Ted Maki as transfer members to our Post. We need for the rest of you to pay your dues so we can attain our 100% (968 members) Membership. Just come into the Post and put your money for 2013 into the Adjutant/Membership box. We are trying to get our Post at 100% well before the March 2013 goal date. Just think if only half of our current membership brought in one new member we would hit our 100% goal with ease. I have resigned my position as your 1st Vice Cdr and Ron “Bull” Woolsey will take over as 1st Vice and Adjutant. I signed on to help the new Commander with the transition and now it’s time I took some time off. I have held a position with the American Legion in one office or another since 2001. The Commander has a good team to help him, so please continue to support them all. will still be around. Thanks for allowing me to serve you. Please support your Post and Lounge. For God and Country Bull Woolsey 3rd Vice Cdr– Apparently we are doing something real good because your response to our Post Fish Fry has been great. We had another wonder turn out for our November Fish Fry. Your Fish Fry crew appreciates your continued support and we thank all of you. Remember: Serving starts at 2:PM and served until food is gone.........Come Early!For God and Country – Jake Taffaro LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Edie Herrington 456-8026 CHAPLAIN Mary Kowalski 791-6748 Victor’s Voice – I am sorry to say that this will be my last monthly bulletin. We need someone who can step in to take over with the January bulletin. Please let the Commander or 1st Vice know if you are interested. Happy Holidays Marsha Martin Legion Riders,Our next ALR meeting will be on December 9th at 1000 AM, please be there. The Wreaths Across America escort ride will be from Harley Davidson on Hwy 29 on the 15th of December, be there at 0730 AM. It is a longer ride and Wreaths will have to be distributed prior to the ceremony at 1100 AM. Don’t forget to renew your Post and Rider dues for 2013; you only have until December 31st. Ride safe and Happy Holidays. For God and Country Richard Raborn Dir Auxiliary – Membership is growing, but remember to pay your dues by December 31, 2012 or you will be delinquent. The Angel tree is up in the lounge area. Remember those children who may not have a Christmas with out your generosity. Our children's Christmas Party is Dec 22nd from 1PM til 3PM. Ages 1yr. to 10 yrs. of age. The sign-up sheet is in the Lounge. Please sign up before Dec 15th so we have time to buy for the children. Next Regular meeting is Dec. 11th @ 6:30 PM. Please attend, we have some important issues to vote on. HAPPY Holidays to each of you.Edie Herrington President Unit 240 Bingo: Bingo continues to prosper. We need volunteers to help call Bingo, work the floor or sell cards. OUR current volunteers are getting burned out and can really use some time off. I would like to have enough volunteers to work out a rotating schedule to keep Bingo going smoothly. There will not be any Bingo on 26 December. For God and Country – Mike Holdener