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Welcome to BTSA The Stanislaus County BTSA Induction Program Orientation

Welcome to BTSA The Stanislaus County BTSA Induction Program Orientation. Please silence all technology!. Sign In. And please be sure to. Did you pick up a PowerPoint handout and training calendar?. Goals for this Orientation. What is BTSA?

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Welcome to BTSA The Stanislaus County BTSA Induction Program Orientation

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  1. Welcome to BTSAThe Stanislaus County BTSAInduction ProgramOrientation

  2. Please silence all technology!

  3. Sign In And please be sure to Did you pick up a PowerPoint handout and training calendar?

  4. Goals for this Orientation • What is BTSA? • Give you information about program goals, program format, schedules, and Grade Alike • Give you the Formative Assessment Binder and Supplies (Bring them to all BTSA meetings!!) • Who are you and what are you doing here? • Talk about credential options and collect the Induction Program Responsibilities and Options form • Go over BTSA Induction requirements and answer questions.

  5. What is BTSA? • The Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment program is funded by the state. • BTSA is considered university coursework. • You can even earn units to help advance you on the pay scale.

  6. The complexity of teaching A teacher makes over 3,000 non-trivial decisions daily! Think of teaching as similar to not one, but several other professions, combining the skills of:

  7. Business manager Human relations work Theater arts

  8. Even more demanding than its complexity, is the level of stress that teaching generates. Planning for the productive activity of 20 – 32+ individuals, • Successfully executing those plans, • All within the context of multiple demands from the school, district, community, and state …

  9. Leaves many teachers – particularly novices, buffeted, confused, and discouraged.

  10. The BTSA Program that all Participating Teachers experience: • Serves teachers with Ryan preliminary or clear, 2042,Voc.Ed., and Special Ed. credentials during their first two years working under that credential in a California public school. • RENEWAL CODES R141 R14R-R14T Out of State Ryan

  11. The BTSA Program that all Participating Teachers experience: • Pairs new teachers with trained support providers (SP’s = mentors or coaches)

  12. The BTSA Program that all Participating Teachers experience: • Utilizes a LOCAL formative assessment system based on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (the CSTP): The Two Year Binder

  13. Program Standards • There are approximately 155 BTSA Induction programs in the state. They are all different, but they share common standards which determine the programs accreditation. • Let’s at those program standards.

  14. Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs • The six program standards are the foundation for all multiple subject and single subject induction programs.

  15. BTSA Induction Program Standards • Rationale and Design: The induction program is designed to incorporate a purposeful, logically sequenced structure of EXTENDED preparation and professional development.

  16. Communication and Collaboration: The induction program collaborates and communicates with preliminary credential programs an districts to ensure relevant and systematic opportunities for the application and demonstration of skills already acquired.

  17. Support Providers and Professional Development Providers: Support Providers (SPs) are chosen and trained to provide not only support of best practices, but also general support of the Participating Teacher (PT) through trainings, observations, reflective conversation, etc.

  18. BTSA: All the support you need to reach your goal!

  19. Formative Assessment System: The program’s inquiry based system, characterized by a plan, teach, reflect and apply cycle.

  20. PTs and SPs will work together for a minimum average of hours per month. The Lead SP and the District Coordinator are the liaisons between you and the SCOE BTSA program staff. Opportunities for new PT & SP match ups are available if needed.

  21. The Stanislaus County BTSA Induction Program • Every participating teacher completes the locally designed formative assessment system binder. “If it’s in the binder, DO IT!” This binder is designed to show growth; it is not a showcase portfolio.

  22. Year One & Two of the ProgramMandatory Training Schedule • Orientation • Four full training days spread over the year 8:30 a.m.-4:00 pm • Spring afternoon meeting: “Checking on the IIP” 3:45-5:15 p.m”

  23. Year One & Two of the ProgramMandatory Training Schedule • Each training day is offered multiple times • Saturday trainings are always an option - units available • Support Providers will RSVP at the current event for the one upcoming. • Support Providers will only RSVP for those physically in attendance at that time. • The focus is on different components of teaching based on the CSTP, for example management or engagement • Trainings prepare teachers to complete some portion of the formative assessment binder

  24. Induction candidates will complete the following beyond the 2 year Formative Assessment Binder: • Three verification forms (located in your Induction Handbook) • Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting • English Learner Program • Transition of a Special Education (IEP) Student (Send the white original to BTSA program staff and keep the copy in your binder behind the Induction Handbook tab) • Formal Observation

  25. Pedagogy: Each participating teacher builds upon the knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired during the preliminary preparation. Each is also a fluent, critical user of technology, able to provide relevant and differentiated instruction to students in this information-based society.

  26. Year One & Two of the ProgramVoluntary Trainings Voluntary training schedules are made available or publicized throughout the year. - Grade Alike - Professional Development COMP Fred Jones Etc.

  27. Universal Access: Participating teachers protect and support all students by designing and implementing equitable and inclusive learning environments. Teaching English Learners Teaching Special Populations

  28. Support Providers... • Please come get: • A bag for each new participating teacher you support – Please do not open yet. • A packet for each participating teacher you support (white) AND one for yourself (yellow). • You will have minutes to take a break, fill out the participant information form COMPLETELY and place the WELCOME page in the front of your binder.

  29. Participant Information Forms • All Participating Teachers(White: double sided)• All Support Providers(Yellow: double sided and stapled) Stanislaus County BTSA Induction Program Beginning Teacher Support & Assessment When complete, please pass the forms forward so we can review them and address any issues immediately.

  30. Let’s address the BTSA Induction Handbook

  31. Program Goals • In your handout, please locate the BTSA Induction handbook and find page 2. • Read the program goals and mark two or three that matter the most to you as a new teacher. • Prepare to share which goals you identified and why. • With your table, share your thoughts about these goals.

  32. The Stanislaus BTSA Induction Program • Recommends multiple and single subject preliminary credential holders for their Clear Credentials upon completion of all of the Induction Program requirements

  33. Who holds what credential? If you brought a copy of your credential, go ahead and get it out now! • “Old” Ryan preliminary credential • “New” 2042 preliminary credential • Ryan clear credential • Educational Specialist Credential, Level 1 or Level 2 • Designated Subjects Credential (Voc. Ed.) In order to know what is required of you and what is optional for you, you must know which credential you hold:

  34. Requirements and Options • The type of preliminary credential and your employing district’s “conditions of employment” determine requirements and options. • Teachers who have earned a new 2042 preliminary credential MUST earn a Clear Credential through completion of an approved induction program. • Teachers who have earned a Ryan preliminary credential issued after January 1, 1999, MAY earn a professional credential through completion of an approved induction program or utilize the existing practice of taking “clear” courses through a university.

  35. Holders of “clear” credentials and Voc. Ed. credentials • Districts may enroll you in the BTSA Induction program to work with a support provider and complete the formative assessment system as a condition of employment. • You are not required to complete: - The verification forms - The Formal Observation

  36. Holders of Educational Specialist Credentials, Level I or II • Districts may enroll you in the BTSA program to work with a support provider and complete the formative assessment system as a condition of employment. • You are not required to complete: - The verification forms - The Formal Observation • Some providers of Level II credential programs credit your time in the BTSA Induction program toward acquisition of the Level II credential.

  37. Some teachers are eligible for the Early Completion Option IF a Participating Teacher (PT) meets the criteria, it is the district’s decision as to whether or not you participate in the Early Completion Option The district must write a letter of recommendation to the SCOE BTSA program citing that you meet the criteria and are approved for the Early Completion Option. This decision needs to be made and the letter submitted before attending the first training.

  38. Early Completion Option • An approved Early Completion Option participating teacher will participate in BTSA as a year-two teacher. • The training days will be those listed on the Second Year Schedule. • The formative assessment system will include the year-two binder with additions in technology and Entry 8.

  39. The Early Completion Option Criteria • SB 57 authorizes teachers who have two or more years of successful teaching as the classroom teacher of record in CA, in another state or country to be considered for the Early Completion Option. Must have a current CA Preliminary Credential • Could be a graduate from a two-year intern program or • Taught five or more years by an accredited private school • Must be recommended by current district of employment • Emergency permit holders are not eligible for this option.

  40. Verification Forms • English Learner Program • Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting • Transition of a Special Education Student Plus copies of notes from the meeting!

  41. Support Providers... Please come get: The BTSA Induction Participating Teacher Responsibilities and Options form One for each PT

  42. What will you do? • Let’s address the NCR form signaling your credential status, decisions you have made concerning your participation BTSA Induction and your responsibilities as a Participating Teacher.

  43. initial Please each item on the line to the left as we go down the list. Stay with us and be sure to ask any questions you may have! JH

  44. 1.Fill out and submit the Participant Information form. • 2. Electronically submit the state BTSA Consent form to register for BTSA through the state BTSA website (www.btsa.ca.gov). (Year 1 and ECO only) • 3. Submit a copy of your preliminary credential to the BTSA program as well as house one in your binder. • 4. Fully attend, participate in and complete all required staff development/trainings. (4 full day + 2 afternoon trainings per year.)

  45. 5. Meet regularly with your support provider (six hours a month on average) to work on your Formative Assessment Binder, your curriculum, and other teacher support issues while maintaining a positive, productive and thoughtful relationship. • 6. Complete and retain all BTSA Formative Assessment Binder documentation, including student work samples, in cooperation with your assigned support provider.

  46. 7. Submit all Individual Induction Plans (IIPs). • 8. Electronically submit the state BTSA survey toward the end of each formative assessment year through the BTSA website (www.btsa.ca.gov). (All PTs) • 9. Submit a complete and thoughtful Induction Formative Assessment Binder. • 10. Complete and submit three verification forms: English Learners, Child Abuse Reporting and Transitioning of a Special Education Student.

  47. 11. Request a Formal Observation of your teaching from BTSA program staff. • 12. Submit the application for your professional clear teaching credential, including payment of any fees. • 13. If you have any questions or concerns, ask your support provider or contact the SCOE BTSA Induction Office.

  48. 14. Today I received notice of the requirements for completing the Stanislaus County BTSA Induction program and acknowledge that I must complete them in order to be recommended for a Clear Credential. • 15. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to keep the Stanislaus County BTSA Induction staff apprised of any changes in my surname, employer, or address in order to receive information about the program, updates of my progress, flyers for required professional development, etc.

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