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Buddhism and Hinduism. Asian Religions. What are some of the reasons that Hinduism is misunderstood by many people?. It is very complex It is different from western religions Westerners have little contact with Hindu followers. Who were the Dravidians? The Arians?.
Buddhism and Hinduism Asian Religions
What are some of the reasons that Hinduism is misunderstood by many people? • It is very complex • It is different from western religions • Westerners have little contact with Hindu followers
Who were the Dravidians? The Arians? • Dravidians-the earliest inhabitants of India • Arians-people from Central Asia and Southern Russia who conquered the Dravidians
What do the Hindus consider the quickest way to achieve release from the pain of earhtly existence? • Following the path of ascetic (deny earthly pleasures)
What was one of Mahatma Gandhi’s main teachings? • Non-violent resistance
Name one of the most sacred features of the Indian landscape. • The river Ganges
What is the purpose of following a Guru? • To better understand the principles and teachings of Hinduism • To intensify one’s spiritual practice
What is one of the intentions of the raga? • To produce a meditative state
Why do many Indian men leave home after their children are grown? • To renounce worldly life • To begin a spiritual journey
How is a person’s caste determined? • By birth
What is one reason for the violence between Hindus and Muslims? • Historical conflicts that have not been forgiven or forgotten • Being so close together • Disputes over land ownership
Tell me what you think when you see these pictures and hear the words: Buddhism, Hinduism, India, and China.
Hinduism • God is one-but goes by many names • Brahman-not all-powerful and all-knowing…we all come from Brahman • No single founder-combination of beliefs • There are hundreds of deities that they worship but Brahman is the main God (Polytheistic)
Goal of Life • Achieve Atman-the essential self… every person has one (the belief in self-importance). Focus on oneself rather than on the illusion of sin • Achieve Moksha-being one with Brahman • Go through reincarnation until they get it right…
Karma and Dharma • Karma-actions in this life that affect the next. • Dharma-the religious and moral duties of an individual…peacefuland passive resistance towards all. • Caste system- • Group you according to class, occupation, or gender.
What was the reason Siddartha decided to leave home and become a sadhu? • He encountered a Hindu holy man (a Sadhu)
What is karma? • Your actions of today determine your fate tomorrow • Your actions in this life determine your fate in the next life
How were the teachings of Buddha preserved after his death? • In a collection called the Tripitika or Three Baskets written on palm leaves
What is the difference between the two main branches of Buddhism? • Theravadists are orthodox Buddhists who claim to preserve the original interpretation of Buddha’s teachings. • Mahayanists incorporate a much broader interpretation of the teaching into their faith. They believe that Buddha was a god and worship many Buddha-like deities who came to earth in the form of men
What is one of the reasons many young men in Thailand become monks? • To make their parent happy • So they will go to Heaven • To learn discipline • To go to school
How is the community of monks supported? • By offerings from the people of the community
What do monks give in return for their support? • Religious education for the people • Examples of right conduct
What does their religion provide for some Buddhists? • A spiritual oasis
What is your understanding of what it means to be a Buddhist? • A way to inner peace • Freedom from pain • Realization of the nature of the mind • Compassion for all living things
Buddhism • Founded by Siddhartha Guatama Buddha • Buddha was an Indian Prince who lived in luxury and comfort inside the palace. • One day he left the palace gardens and saw an Old man, a sick man, and a dead man.
Buddhism Buddha realized: Life is full of suffering. He became the Enlightened one. He explained the 4 noble truths: • All life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow. 2. The cause of suffering is desire for things such as riches, power and long life. 3. The only cure for suffering is to overcome desire. 4. The way to overcome desire is to follow the 8-fold path.
Cure for suffering The Eightfold Path is a middle road between a life devoted to pleasure and a life of harsh self-denial. It is important to live a moral life. Enlightenment is achieved through meditation. God is not relevant. The ultimate goal is nirvana, union with the universe and release from the cycle of rebirth (reincarnation)