Islam An anti-Christian religion
Musharraf and Afghan President Hamid Karzai met in the Pakistani capital Islamabad on Wednesday and appealed for European and other western countries to condemn the cartoons, saying freedom of the press did not mean the right to insult the religious beliefs of others. – 15 Feb 2006 Wednesday • Islam has been insulting Christian Faith since its inception. • Islam based its legitimacy for existence on smearing Jews and Christians as corruptors of their Holy Book and Covenants. • The Islamic World has been occupying the Temple Mount, and obstructing Jews worshipping there. • Islamic people do not bless Israel but curse them.
Earlier Wednesday, the European Union condemned both the cartoons and what it called “systematic incitement to violence” against European diplomatic missions by some unidentified governments — an apparent reference to Iran and Syria. The U.S. has accused Tehran and Damascus of stoking the violence against western targets. Wednesday 15 Feb 2006 • Attitude of Tehran and Damascus is not one of tolerance or peace.
Islamic tradition explicitly prohibits any depiction of Allah and the Prophet. • Islam is trying to insert and exert its power, rule, and sovereignty on non-Islamic people, nations and traditions. • Muslims are trying to displace and substitute reasonings of non-Muslims with theirs. • We are on our way to a slippery slope where no-one can tell how the self-censorship will end - Jyllands-Posten editorial - 2006
God's curse be on those who insulted the prophetDemonstrators in Karachi – Feb 2006 • Christians are not trying to voice out threats, but blessing others in prayers and in goodwill. • Christians fear not the curses and threats voiced by other gods,Allah. • Christians ought to fear Yhwh El-Shaddai only; and praise His Holy Name.
Thousands of supporters of hardline Islamic groups marched up to the main business district in the north-western city of Peshawar and attacked shops and businesses, setting a KFC outlet on fire. The office of a Norwegian mobile phone company was also attacked. • The most moderate Muslim will go to the street and talk against it because this hurts the sentiments of every Muslim • Pervez Musharraf – 13 Feb 2006 • We have 2 conflicting views of Pakistan – Most moderate Muslim vs. supporters of hardline Islamic groups
The paper chose as its central image a visual joke about the Prophet among other turban-wearing figures in a police line-up and the witness saying: "I don't know which one he is". It is presumably an ironic appeal for calm over the issue, the suggestion being that, if a Danish illustrator were to portray the Prophet, it is not known what he looks like and is therefore a harmless gesture. The humour comes from the fact that the line-up also includes people like Jesus Christ, the far-right Danish politician Pia Kjaersgaard and Mr Bluitgen himself. • No Christian took the inclusion of Jesus Christ as intolerable insult, or abuse. • No Humanist express the inclusion of Danish politician as intolerable insult, or abuse. • Muslims scorned Jesus/God, and Christians, and Danish politician by insisting that their Mohammad stand out above all other figures.
Muslim writer Ziauddin Sardar likens them to anti-Semitic images published in Europe in the 1920s and 30s, with Muslims being demonised as violent, backward and fanatical. – Feb 2006 • How many buildings have been burnt? • How many men died? • How many demonstrators broke through police barriers? • How many demonstrators shouted out threats of death and curses? • How many demonstrators stormed Christian areas/neighbourhood? • How many demonstrations caused shops to close up from normal daily business? • How many still believe such people are not demonised, violent, backward in tradition(as referring to 3rd World, and 3rd World tradition), and fanatical? How many?
"Freedom of expression is not about doing whatever we want to do because we can do it," Muslim writer Ziauddin Sardar wrote in the Independent on Sunday. – Feb 2006 • Who caused deaths, voiced threats and curses, burnt and stepped on flags, burnt and stormed embassies their countries ought to protect, and expressed anti-semitic sentiment? • Who attempt to dominate expression and rights of expressions? • Who express invasion of their religion into the countries of other systems of belief? • Who restrict freedom of millions of people? • Who have been doing all these as they seem to be getting away with it?
"Freedom of expression is about creating an open marketplace for ideas and debate where all, including the marginalised, can take part as equals." - Ziauddin Sardar 2006 • Where is this freedom of expression between Muslim men and Muslim women? • How are marginalised Christians treated as equals in ghettos? • How are Christians in Malaysia freely expressing themselves under Malay Islamic law forbidding them to voice their believes to Muslims and anyone who claim to be Muslims? • How are Christians in Saudi Arabia freely expressing themselves under Arab Islamic law forbidding them to worship openly, and voice their believes to Muslims and any Arab? • When and where are people being treated as equals in Islamic World? • Where do you find security guards armed with firearms outside churches? Where is peace and goodwill?
The Iranian Ambassador to Germany is demanding a written apology from a Berlin newspaper that printed a cartoon of Iranian soccer players dressed as suicide bombers. The cartoon, published in Friday's edition of Der Tagesspiegel [February 10], shows four soccer players wearing Iranian shirts, with bomb belts strapped to them, standing beside four German soldiers in a soccer stadium. The ambassador is threatening legal action if no apology is offered. (By Arutz Sheva, February 14, 2006) Pray that the Lord will deal with the confrontational ways of the Islamic fundamentalists, which is designed to destroy life for any peoples who do not live according to their restrictions. Germany challenging Iran
Peshawar cleric Maulana Yousaf Qureshi offers 7.5m rupees ($125,000) and a car to anyone who kills the cartoonist who drew the cartoons. The reward is later reportedly raised to $1m - 17 Feb 2006 Pray that the Lord will deal with the confrontational ways of the Islamic fundamentalists, which is designed to destroy life for any peoples who do not live according to their restrictions. Islamic action to murder
On September 19, 2005, a superior court in Malaysia upheld an earlier decision that ethnic Malay people cannot convert from Islam. No legal exit
A delegation representing Protestant and Evangelical churches in Denmark travels to Cairo in order to express solidarity with Muslims. - 17 Feb 2006 United Church of Canada says prophet's name has been ‘tragically misused,' - Friday 17 Feb 2006 The Church keeps looking to God/Yhwh. Action of apostate churches
Correspondents say many of the targets attacked in Pakistan have nothing to do with the cartoons and the demonstrations have been more of a show of strength by the country's hardline Islamic parties. - 17 Feb 2006 The Church keeps preaching Christ Jesus. Show for strength of hardline
Bakeries across the capital, Tehran, are covering up signs advertising the pastries and replacing them with ones bearing the dessert's new name. - 17 Feb 2006 Friday The Church keeps preaching Christ Jesus. Christians are bearing their crosses. Iranians rename Danish pastries
Satan-inspired term “Palestine” was used by the pagan Romans to spite the Jews after defeating and dispersing them, renaming the holy land after Israel's ancient enemies, the Philistines. • Muslims and Arab Muslims favor Palestine and disown Israel(a real historic state).
"Palestine" reflects the dark mind that would erase the name of Israel off the map (Psalms 83:4,5), as the wicked Iranian leader has recently called for, and the use of "Palestine" is totally unscriptural! We ought to call the Promised Land of Israel what God in His Bible has clearly named it:Israel - not Ishmael, not Philistine.
"We believe that the intention of publishing the cartoons has little to do with freedom of expression and much to do with incitement to racial and religious hatred," senior church representatives said in the letter released to the media on Friday. The letter was signed by Rev. James Sinclair, general-secretary of the church's general council and Rev. Bruce Gregersen, general council minister for programs for mission and ministry. "The answer to your question of 'why publish such cartoons?' we believe is simply racial hatred," they told the Islamic Council. "In other forms, it has been called Islamophobia. These attitudes should have no place in Canada." - 17 Feb 2006 Friday 1Sam 12v21 Psalm 78vv30-33 Ephesians 4vv17-19 The United Church of Canada
Death for Afghan conversion • It doesn't look good for Abdul Rahman. The judge in his case says the 41 year old clearly violated Islamic law by converting to Christianity. "If he doesn't regret his conversion, the punishment will be enforced on him," the judge said. "And the punishment is death." • The Chicago Tribune has changed its headline from "Afghan man faces death for being a Christian" to "Afghan man faces death for abandoning Islam." But both the judge and prosecutor (Rahman doesn't have a defense attorney) have said his crime isn't just conversion. • "It is illegal to be a Christian and it should be punished," the judge was quoted as saying in the Toronto Globe and Mail. Prosecutor Abdul Wasi told The Times of London, "We are Muslims and becoming a Christian is against our laws. He must get the death penalty."
Afghan protest greets freeing of Christian convert KABUL, Afghanistan — Hundreds(700) of people protested in a northern Afghan city Monday against a decision to free a man(Abdul Rahman) who faced a possible death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity, officials said. - Mar. 27, 2006. 05:18 AM ASSOCIATED PRESS • The constitution in Afghanistan is based on Sharia law, which states any Muslim who rejects his or her religion should be sentenced to death.
"Abdul Rahman must be killed. Islam demands it," said senior Cleric Faiez Mohammed, from the nearby northern city of Kunduz. ``The Christian foreigners occupying Afghanistan are attacking our religion." • Senior Muslim clerics have been united in calling for Raham to be executed. • Several Muslim clerics have threatened to incite Afghans to kill Rahman if he is freed, saying that he is clearly guilty of apostasy and deserves to die. – 28 March 2006 AP
“If he(Abdul) is allowed to live in the West, then others will claim to be Christian so they can, too. We must set an example…He must be hanged” (Said Mirhossain Nasri, senior cleric at Hossainia Mosque, one of the largest Shiite mosques in Kabul, Afghanistan (AP)) 2006
“If anyone changes his religion, kill him” – The Prophet Muhammed . . . , baddala deenahu faqtuhu, Bukhari vol. 9, bk. 84, no. 57
The Chicago Tribune: • "One Afghan liberal scholar, Ali Mohaqeq Nasab, spent almost three months in jail last fall after publishing a magazine challenging many traditional views on Islamic law, including the belief that Muslims who convert to other religions deserve to die."
Santoro(Roman Catholic Priest), 60, was shot and killed Feb. 5 while he prayed in his parish in the Black Sea city of Trabzon. Witnesses said the killer, a 16-year-old boy, screamed "Allahu Akbar," Arabic for "God is great," before firing two bullets into Santoro's back.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon has photographs that show Iraqi and U.S. forces were fired on from buildings filled with weapons in an operation that has generated controversy after Shi'ite accounts of a mosque massacre, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Warner, said on Tuesday. 28 March 2006 • U.S. commanders in Iraq have accused Shi'ite groups of moving the corpses of gunmen killed in battle to encourage such accusations. • Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld showed photographs taken immediately after the raid, "and clearly you can see all types of armament and other military paraphernalia there," Warner, a Virginia Republican, said.
Countless Web sites and password-protected forums -- most of which have sprung up in the last several years -- now cater to would-be jihadists like Irhabi 007. The terrorists who congregate in those cybercommunities are rapidly becoming skilled in hacking, programming, executing online attacks and mastering digital and media design.
To Our Brother Irhabi 007. Our brother Irhabi 007, you have shown very good efforts in serving this message board, as I can see, and in serving jihad for the sake of God. By God, we do not like to hear what hurts you, so we ask God to keep you in his care. - a member of Ansar in August 2004 • The God of Israel is greater than any false god. Irhabi 007 could not be protected by Islam or Islamic god, neither did they have power to escape destruction. Within a few years Irhabi was caught. - 2006
On Tuesday [March 28] the parliament of the Palestinian Authority [PA] approved the new Hamas government and its guidelines: "The Koran is our constitution, jihad is our path, and dying as martyrs our biggest wish.“ – 2006 • His call was answered by a standing ovation and calls of "Allahu Akbar."
The new PA Minister of Information, Yusuf Rizka, said that the new Hamas government "is a government of shahids [holy martyrs] that will take the path of Dr. Abdel Aziz Rantisi [a ruthless terrorist leader killed in 2004]." – March 2006
After the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) publicized that the Hamas children's Web site was encouraging children to seek martyrdom, the Russian server (CORBINA TELECOM Network Operations) immediately closed down the Web site on March 9. However, the site reopened a couple of days later and is now being hosted by a Malaysian Web host.
Islamicisation in Malaysia • The president of the Consumers Association of Subang and Shah Alam in Selangor State has been helping to organise efforts to stop the local authorities in the ethnic Malay-Muslim dominated city of Shah Alam from demolishing a 107-year-old Hindu temple. • A church in Johor was demolished recently – May 2006
Just before Christmas a newly completed church of an indigenous community near Skudai in Johor state was reduced to rubble, closely monitored by Islamic department officials and the police. • In all cases the Muslim-dominated local authorities say the buildings were illegal. Many such buildings are deemed as such because they pre-date land records. Others are put up illegally because some local authorities seem reluctant to grant permission for temples and churches, but worshippers build them regardless.
The Malay police recently ordered non-Muslim policewomen to wear Muslim headscarves for their annual parade, something that many non-Muslims felt set a worrying precedent. • And then there have been moves by some local authorities to ban or restrict dog ownership - conservative Muslims see dogs as unclean - and prosecute couples for holding hands or kissing in public.
On May 12-2006, a Christian radio station in Nairobi, Kenya broadcast a Swahili-language program comparing the Bible to the Quran. Shortly afterwards, eight gunmen attacked the station, killing a security guard, injuring three others and setting fire to the building. The radio station, HopeFM, is owned by Christ is the Answer Ministries and is based at the Nairobi Pentecostal Church. According to one news report, the attackers accused the radio station of refusing to take their calls. Kenyan authorities, along with Christian and Muslim leaders, have condemned the attack. The radio station was able to resume broadcasting the next day.
In Sudan 2006 • A Sudanese Anglican priest has been arrested on charges of kidnapping a woman who came to him wanting to convert from Islam, according to a May 15, 2006 report from Reuters. Reverend Elia Kumundan and at least four other Christians were arrested on May 14 following the disappearance of the 23-year-old woman in March. The authorities believe that the church helped the woman to either hide or to leave the country.
In Sudan 2006 • One church leader recounted how many Christians have been forced into hiding in fear of death. Authorities regularly harass and threaten Christians but are careful to avoid any indication that the harassment is for religious reasons.
In Indonesia - 2006 May • More than six months after three teenage girls were beheaded and another seriously wounded in Central Sulawesi (see http://www.persecution.net/news/indonesia54.html), police have arrested seven Islamic militants for the attack. According to the Jakarta Post, three of the men have confessed on video and expressed remorse for their actions. One of the men, Irwan Irano, also confessed to being a part of other attacks, including a deadly attack on the Efatha Presbyterian Church in Palu in July 2004 (see http://www.persecution.net/news/indonesia18.html) • and the bombing of a market in Tentena which killed twenty-one people in May • 2005 (see http://www.persecution.net/news/indonesia36.html).
Added: Sunday, 20 August, 2006, 06:20 GMT 07:20 UK • There is not much that the UN can do without the co-operation of the warring countries and their backers.Here I would like to ask my muslim bretheren, were they in a state of coma when the taliban blasted a vital relic of buddhistic heritage, in Bamiyan, Afghanistan during the taliban rule? When a mosque is demolished in India, the entire islamic world rises up with a violent protest and issuing fatwa! so, let islamists first learn the basic civilising nature of tolerance towards other faith • changirachari lakshmi, chennai, India • Recommended by 10 people
Muslims killing Muslims • Snipers shoot hundreds of Shiite pilgrims • Security forces, militias battle insurgents along route • BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) — Snipers fired on a major Shiite religious procession in Baghdad Sunday, killing at least 16 pilgrims and injuring 230, officials said. Four suspected gunmen were shot dead by police.- Aug. 20, 2006. 07:30 AM – T.S.
Sit in the ruins of a nation and declare victory • Added: Sunday, 20 August, 2006, 05:40 GMT 06:40 UK • Only a terrorist organization like Hezbollah can sit in the ruins of a nation and declare victory for simply surviving. Hezbollah is willing to take any number of casualties to prick Israel much like a mosquito would a man. So, no, there will be no peace as long as long as Israel's opponents think they have acheived "victory" when they lose 10 of their own for every Israeli. Do Hezbollah (and for that matter all Islamists) think they can win a war with suicide bombers alone? • Shashi, New Orleans • Recommended by 22 people