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Energy Management

Energy Management. Network Manager. Economy. Power System Control Objectives. Limits and constraints Avoid disturbances Fast detection Rapid restoration. Q = V and f Continuity of supply Customer service. Security. Quality. Safety. Employee Public Environmental impact.

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Energy Management

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  1. Energy Management Network Manager

  2. Economy Power System Control Objectives • Limits and constraints • Avoid disturbances • Fast detection • Rapid restoration • Q = V and f • Continuity of supply • Customer service Security Quality Safety • Employee • Public • Environmental impact • Optimal Dispatching • Energy exchange-trading • Planning • Maintenance • Deferred investments

  3. Basic EMS Grouping Transmission Production Training

  4. Overview of Power Application Functions Training Simulator Study Database Power Import/Export Weather Forecast Warning and Alarm Messages Network state and power flow Load Forecast Production Planning Functions Penalty Factors Production Plan Network Analysis Functions Production Control Functions Measurements and Indications Setpoint Controls P O W E R S Y S T E M

  5. Network Manager - Network Applications Monitoring Status & Analog Retrieval(SAR) Network Model Builder (NMB) Scheduler Function (SF) State Estimation (SE) Network Sensitivity (NS) Bad Topology Detection (BTD) Network Parameter Update (NPU) Network Modeling Assistant (NMA) Decision Support • Interlocking with LF & SA • Study Data Base • Network Save Cases Analysis Dispatcher Power Flow (DPF) Security Analysis (SA) Short Circuit Analysis (SCA) Operations Enhancement Optimal Power Flow (OPF) Security Constrained Dispatch (SCD) Voltage Stability Analysis (VSA) Thermal Security Analysis (TSA) Available Transmission Capacity (ATC=VSA+TSA) Equipment Outage Scheduler (EOS)

  6. SNP - Telemetry SNaPshot Takes an instant copy of the actual power system telemetered state i.e. breaker states and measured values. SAR - Status and Analog Retrieval Combines the telemetry snapshot data with retrieved from the schedules, to obtain a consistent network state. BTD - Bad Topology Detection Checks switch position indications vs. measurements in order to detect erroneous switch positions and checks quality of measurement by power balance test. NMB - Network Model Builder Builds the bus/branch network model based on the actual retrieved network state. EMS - Network Functions

  7. BSK - Bus Scheduler Calculates individual loads, dispatches generating units economically and determines regulation constraints. SE - State Estimator Calculates the most probable state of the network. NPU - Network Parameter Update Updates the time-dependent adaptive scheduling parameters. EMS - Network Functions

  8. SCA - Short Circuit Analysis Evaluates the effects of different types of short circuit faults at different locations of the system. DPF - Dispatcher Power Flow Executes the power flow studies for analyzing the results and provides a base case solution for other applications. OPF - Optimal Power Flow Solves power flow problems and schedules power system controls to optimize some objective while ensuring that the system operating constraints are not violated. EMS - Network Functions

  9. ISR - Interlock Status and Analog Retrieval Merges the proposed action into a fresh copy of the current network solution to obtain the resulting network configuration. INMB - Interlock Network Model Builder Evaluates the resulting network bus model according to switching actions proposed and determines changes in the network and the equipment availability. IDPF - Interlock Dispatcher Power Flow Computes a power flow solution to obtain the simulated base case while determining possible overloads and voltage violations. ISA - Interlock Security Analysis Evaluates the effects of outages in the simulated case and determines which ones will become harmful. ISCA - Interlock Short Circuit Analysis Evaluates the magnitude of short circuit current in the simulated case and determines if the switch-gear capacity is adequate to interrupt them. EMS - Network Functions

  10. NS SCD SE SNP SAR SA NMB BSK NPU OPF SCA Interlock EMS - Network Functions

  11. Top seven EMS applications year end 2003 Top favourites in order of priority: • Operator’s load flow • State estimation • Network topology • Short circuit analysis • Contingency analysis • Load forecasting • Automatic generation control (source Newton-Evans 2001-3)

  12. Real Time Power Flow

  13. STPF

  14. Network Manager - EMS Value Presentation • Value select • Tabular displays • Status lists • Result summaries • Event & alarm lists

  15. . . .   . . .   ( ) 137 kV -1.43 ( ) 29.5 50 ( ) 30 50 ( ) 33.2 -28.6 126 kV 0 27.5 48 126 kV ( ) 30 50 ( ) 61.6 19.4 ( ) ( ) 29.5 50 28.4 48 SCADA measurements ( ) 119 kV -5.44 60 15 ( ) ( ) 60 15 60 15 State Estimator - Overview Measure-ments U = R * I Solution   Error Physical laws Bus/branch model X Voltages & angles V1,1,V2,2...Unn) Input: Output: Complete & consistent network representation State and flow variables

  16. Overload Voltage violation Cascading Benefits: Identifying bottle-necks Adds confidence to the operator Improved reliability Aid in maintenance planning Real time evaluatjion of security G Case 1 L L P > Limit G L V > Limit Security Analysis - Solution & Benefits !

  17. G L L G L Short Circuit Analysis - Solution & Features • Unbalanced faults (single-phase to ground, double-phase to ground, phase-to-phase) • Balanced three-phase faults • Bus short-circuit violations& voltages in one-line diagrams • Sub transient currents • Three fault classes: • standard faults - bus faults • intermediate faults - along lines • phase-open faults

  18. P+jQ = ? G P+jQ = ? • What if line 1 is disconnected? • Consequences if a load is increased? G Line 1 L L V L L L P+jQ = ? P+jQ = ? Benefits: • Evaluation of operational situations • Identifying bottlenecks • Evaluation of security constraints • Operational and emergency training • Calculation of losses Dispatcher Power Flow

  19. Network Modeling Assistant - verification tests • Parameter test Warning: SERIES_REACT in line TROY400BLOD TIE has a valuethat is out of range, it is 35.689999 andit should be between 0.05 and 30.0 • Complete model test • Topology test • Term test • Loose end test • Island test

  20. P = 100 MW V G L P12 - P21 = 0.2 L G L P = 50 MW P12 Optimal Power Flow & SCD - Objectives & Benefits Objectives: • Evaluate power system performance • Reduce production costs • Security constrained EDC • Reduce transmission losses • Operation closer to network limits • Improve security • Field proven • Cost minimization • Loss minimization • Security improvement • Corrective rescheduling • Control efficiency Benefits: !

  21. Equipment Outage Scheduler

  22. Savings • Security Analysis: • Identify System Bottlenecks in Real-Time- Indirect avoid 3-5 overload situations per year • State Estimator: • Reduced Field Maintenance or Telemetry ­ 0,5 person year of maintenance cost - More Accurate Penalty Factors - 0,2% - 0,5 % of losses • Optimal Power Flow: • Loss Optimization / VAR Scheduling­3% - 5% of losses

  23. Economical Justification - an example Svenska Kraftnät (Sweden): Grid Owner Used functionality: Optimal Power Flow Transmission: 18 000 MW Transmission Losses: 350 MW Loss reduction: 5% --> 17,5 MW Yearly savings: $20 / Mwh --> ~3 MUSD 125 456 678 345 567 678 B8 B9 Station A C1 C2 T1 T2 B1 B2 B7 B3 B4 B5 B6 C7

  24. Cammesa (Argentina) Transmission losses 3% 200 MW Reduction of losses with 0.5% 35 MW Yearly savings ( 0.02 $/KWh ) ~6 MUSD Economical Justification - an example 125 456 678 345 567 678 B8 B9 Station A C1 C2 T1 T2 B1 B2 B7 B3 B4 B5 B6 C7

  25. Process Real-Time Data Base(RDB) Operation Study Data Base(SDB) Study Data Base(SDB) Simulation Maintenance Study Database for Training

  26. Tractebel Engineering • Tractebel, Belgium • is owned by Suez, Fr • produces 50GW, where 30GW in Europe • owns power resources all over the world • Project Benefits: • EMS supplier with proven EMS • End user Electrabel • Control System • in full operation by 2003 • ABB Supply • Energy Management System

  27. TransGrid is responsible for the New South Wales main grid 500/130 kV ABB supply 8 Control Centers incl. emergency control center Energy Management System including a Data Warehouse & a full scope of EMS functions Inter-company communication Customer benefits Improved supervision and control Improved disturbance analysis In Operation 2000 TransGrid, Australia – Transmission Network Sydney

  28. ADWEA, Abu Dhabi • ADWEA – Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority • Four Control Centers • National Control Center for HV network • Two Regional SCADA for the electrical network • One SCADA for water distribution in Abu Dhabi • 107 RTUs in substations • ABB supply • Energy Management System • Turn-key delivery • Benefits • Improved overall remote monitoring and control • Detection of outages reduce customer interruptions • Optimum Co-Generation of electricity and desalinated water • In Operation 2000/2001

  29. Sydkraft Nat, Sweden • Sydkraft Nat is a large distributor • Network - 130 kV to end consumers • 600,000 customers • ABB supply • Distribution Management System • Replacing 19 existing SCADA systems • Utilizing existing databases • Customer benefits • Flexible system operation – day/night time • Improved network monitoring and control • Seamless outage management • Easy to use switch order management • Historical information for network • Network information system for assets • Interface to enterprise SAP R/3 • In Operation 2004

  30. MEW, Oman • Power System • Voltage Levels: 132/220 kV • Total no of information points:50 000 • SCADA applications, e.g: • Authority Assignment • Sequential Control • Utility Data Warehouse • EMS applications, e.g: • Load Frequency Control • Economic Dispatch Calculations • Load Forecasting • Reactive Power Scheduling(Optimal Power Flow) • Network Analysis(Topology and State Estimation) • Security Assessment • Short Circuit Analysis • Bus Load Forecast • Operator Training Simulator • Client/Server configuration • 7 ES40 servers; redundancy • Graphical User Interface • 7 FG workstations; 3 CRTs • 5 Office workstations • Large overview screen, 3x4 meters • Communication System • Optical Fiber; 38 kbps redundancy • PLC; 1200 bps • RTU Communication • IEC 870-5-101 • 32RTU560 • 7 Substation Automation Systems • 1 existing GE Harris

  31. SONELGAZ, Société Nationale d’Eléctricité et de Gaz, Algeria Sonelgaz - ”Renouvellment des Dispatchings” • Objectives • To improve efficiency of national power supply • Establish 5 new load dispatch centers and IT-systems • Benefits • Matching national energy supply with demand • Improved monitoring and control of power generation and transmission network • Cost savings in network operation • Project • National Control Center and an emergency NCC • 4Regional Control Centers • Control Center Buildings • Master Stations and RTUs • Training • 5 year support contract • 6 SPIDER™EMS • In operation beginning of 2004

  32. CNC National CC CNCR Emergency CRC Oran Region CRC Alger Region CRC Annaba Region CRC Setif Region CRC (existing) Sud Region CRC (Future) Sonelgaz EMS Configuration • Six Client/Server configurations • 8 Application servers for each region; Redundancy • User Interfaces • 13 operator workstations per region; 3 remote • Communications • PCU400 servers for RTU communication IEC870-5-101 HNZ • IEC 870-6 TASE.2/ICCP • RTUs • 47 RTU560 • 200 existing ECP85 (Alstom)

  33. CNC National CC CNCR Emergency CRC Oran Region CRC Alger Region CRC Annaba Region CRC Setif Region CRC (existing) Sud Region CRC (Future) Sonelgaz EMS • SCADA Functions; e.g. • Inter-Center Communication • Dynamic Network Coloring • Disturbance Data Collection; Sequence of Events • Utility Data Warehouse • Generation Scheduling and Control • Load Forecasting • Thermal Unit Commitment • Interchange Scheduling • Transaction Evaluation • Automatic Generation Control • Production Costing • Generation Reserve Calculation • Network Analysis • Network Topology Calculation • State Estimation • Dispatcher Power Flow • Short Circuit Analysis • Security Analysis • Network Optimization • Optimal Power Flow • Operator Training Simulator

  34. CCI Venezia CCI Torino CCI Napoli ABB GMS&EMS Control Centers for Italy • ENEL invests in upgrade of its control center structure • NewSPIDERäControl Centers ISO - National Control Center 3 Regional Control Centers 3 Generation Mgmt Systems • 22 Communication nodes,SPIDERä • Upgrading of 245 new RTU560ä, in 400/220 kV S/S • Communication with 200 existing RTUs • Communication with ETrans, Laufenburg

  35. Terna(ENEL), Italy • Reason for CC upgrades • Inflexible existing architecture • Obsolence/Saturation of computer platforms • New electricity liberalised market requirements • Difficult communication with the external world • ABB supply • TSO - National Control Center • 3 Regional Control Centers • 3 Generation Mgmt Systems for GENCOs • 22 Communication Nodes • 245 new and 200 existing RTUs • Customer Benefits • Security and economy of operation • Consolidation of control centers • Improvement of performance/cost • Independence of electric market model • One single “network” structure for any present and future application • In Operation 2001

  36. RCC N (Alta) RCC M (Sunndalsöra) RCC S (Oslo) NCC (Oslo) Statnett - Control Center Project • Statnett is TSO for main grid in Norway • Building of new Control Centers • National Control Center • 3 Regional Control Centers • Control of 110 RTUs, in 400/220 kV S/S • Communication with 54 Control Centers • Handling of 105 000 data points • Contract value 15 MUSD

  37. 125 456 678 345 567 678 125 456 678 125 456 678 1252 123 123 123 123 123 DEC 3000 AXP Alpha 125 456 678 345 567 678 125 456 678 345 567 678 125 456 678 125 456 678 125 456 678 125 456 678 1252 123 123 123 123 123 1252 123 123 123 123 123 DEC 3000 AXP Alpha DEC 3000 AXP Alpha 125 456 678 345 567 678 125 456 678 WAN WAN WAN WAN WAN WAN WAN 125 456 678 1252 123 123 123 123 123 DEC 3000 AXP Alpha Statnett - System Configuration Multi-site Control Centers 125 456 678 345 567 678 B8 B9 125 456 678 125 456 678 345 567 678 Station A C1 C2 T1 T2 125 456 678 B8 B9 B1 B2 B7 125 456 678 Station A C1 C2 C7 T1 T2 125 456 678 B3 B4 B5 B6 B1 B2 B7 C7 B3 B4 B5 B6 DEC 3000 AXP Alpha DEC 3000 AXP Alpha 20,000 points RCC M RCC N 25,000 points ELCOM RCS ... ELCOM RCS Statnetts own Wide Area Network ... 5 Control Centers 30 RTUs 15 Control Centers 31 RTUs 125 456 678 345 567 678 125 456 678 345 567 678 B9 B8 125 456 678 Station A C1 C2 125 456 678 T1 T2 B8 B9 125 456 678 B2 Station A B1 B7 C1 C2 T1 T2 125 456 678 B3 B4 B5 B6 C7 B1 B2 B7 C7 B3 B4 B5 B6 DEC 3000 AXP Alpha DEC 3000 AXP Alpha 105,000 points 60,000 points RCC S NCC ELCOM ELCOM RCS ... 30 Control Centers 4 Control Centers 46 RTUs

  38. Statnett - EMS Applications Generation Control & Scheduling • Load Frequency Control • ACE Calculation • HVDC Set-point Control • Manual / Scheduled • Scheduling • HVDC Set-point Scheduling • Interface to Power Plant Control Systems • Daily Accepted non-metered Interconnect Schedules • Daily Accepted Load Forecasts • Equipment Outage Scheduling Real -Time & Study Network Analysis • Network Model Builder • State Estimator • Dispatcher Power Flow • Contingency Analysis • Reactive Control • Optimal Power Flow • Security Constrained Control • Voltage Collapse Analysis • Short Circuit Analysis

  39. Voltage Stability Analysis • Provides PTC transfer limits (maximum MW capacity) - in the current topology and with the worst contingency! • On-line contingency list from SA used • Voltage Limits monitoring in the key station for each PTC • Binary search to identify point of voltage collapse (when the load flow diverges)

  40. Voltage Stability Analysis

  41. Thermal Security Analysis • Provides PTC transfer limits (maximum MW capacity) in the current topology, calculated for the selected PTCs • Individual branch limits in the PTC not exceeded at the event of “n-1” contingencies • PTCs to be analyzed specified in the PTC list • Overload-Initiated Protection Schemes

  42. Available Transmission Capacity • Calculates power transfer through the selected PTCs in the current topology • Compares with the available (maximum) power transfer • Provides the spare capacity to increase the power transfer through the selected PTCs • ATC = TSA + VSA • Optionally, can use Operator Defined Limits (ODLs)

  43. Statnett - EMS HV Network Applications Network Analysis • Real-time / Study mode functions • PTC limit calculations / Bottleneck costs • Automatic Generation Tripping Schemes • Automatic Breaker-triggered Generation Tripping Schemes • Automatic Grid-Splitting Schemes • Fault Current Compensation in 132 kV Network via Petersen coils Additional application functions • Power transfer corridors • Automatic disconnection of generation units (PFK) • Graphic displays • Load shedding (BFK)

  44. Vedlikeholdsplaner: Region Syd Region/Område Status Type Region Syd Alle Alle Stasjon/Linje Spenning Skala Alle 1996 300kv Uker Nr Stasjon/Linje Anl.Del Årsak Status 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 Juli August 96S432-1 Hasle 10 G2 Ombygging I Gang 96S530-2 Flesaker G1 Årlig Revisjon Utsatt 96S532-1 Lysebotn F1 Mekanisk OK Reg. 96S541-1 Rendalen G3 Utskifting OK Land Lukk Ny plan Detaljplan Utskrifter Hjelp Statnett - Operational Information System OIS functions: • Personnel and personnel schedule information • Working orders • Scheduled maintenance • Switching agreements • Static information displays OIS Maintenance Plans

  45. 125 456 678 345 567 678 125 456 678 345 567 678 125 456 678 345 567 678 B9 B9 B8 B8 B9 B8 125 456 678 345 567 678 125 456 678 345 567 678 125 456 678 345 567 678 B8 B9 B8 B9 B9 B8 Station A Station A Station A C1 C2 C1 C2 C1 C2 T1 T2 T1 T2 Station A Station A T1 T2 Station A C1 C2 C1 C2 C1 C2 125 456 678 125 456 678 125 456 678 T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2 B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 B2 125 456 678 125 456 678 125 456 678 B7 B7 B7 125 456 678 125 456 678 B1 B2 B1 B2 125 456 678 B1 B2 B7 B7 B7 125 456 678 B4 C7 125 456 678 B4 C7 B3 B5 B6 B3 B5 B6 125 456 678 B4 C7 B3 B5 B6 B4 C7 B4 C7 B3 B5 B6 B3 B5 B6 B3 B4 B5 B6 C7 125 456 678 345 567 678 B8 B9 125 456 678 345 567 678 B9 B8 Station A C1 C2 T1 T2 Station A C1 C2 125 456 678 T1 T2 B1 B2 125 456 678 B7 125 456 678 B1 B2 B7 125 456 678 B4 C7 B3 B5 B6 B4 C7 B3 B5 B6 Statnett - Development System RCC S RCC M RCC N Data maintenance/EMS/SCADA Test system Data maintenance/EMS/SCADA Test system Data maintenance/EMS/SCADA Test system Picture maintenance Picture maintenance Picture maintenance Picture-database Picture-database Picture-database Statnett Internal WAN NCC Data maintenance/EMS/SCADA Test system Picture maintenance Global MaintenanceDatabase (ORACLE) Common Picture Database Picture-database

  46. Statnett - Development System Functionality • Geographically distributed Data Engineering • Centralized Repository Server in NCC • Work Flow Manager • SCADA EMS Data Management • SPL code management • Picture management • Documentation Management System • Incremental Database update • Repository Server including SPICM Code Management System

  47. Statnett - Development System Functionality • Tests are performed in DS SPIDER • Separate RCS for local testing • Process data updates in DS from real-time system • Pictures can be linked in online server • Separate ELCOM s/w server • No need to disconnect/connect ELCOM partners at EMS/SCADA switch-over

  48. EMS Benefits • Optimum allocation of generation resources, incl. reserves • Optimum transmission network utilization • Identification of transmission bottlenecks & transfer capacity • Maximization of security; reduced black-out probability • Improved quality of supply • Architecture features • Complete set of EMS-modules adaptable to any need • Leading edge technology & algorithms • Operator oriented operator guidance • Peak performance • Field proven • ABB knowledge & experience Network Manager - The best choice for scheduling, monitoring and control of energy systems: Generation systems HV networks

  49. SIMPOW – Power System Simulation Software Main functions: • Load Flow • Fault Analysis • Stability Analysis incl. - Transient Stability - Voltage Stability - Load Shedding - etc. • Resonance Freq. Analysis • Harmonics Analysis Models: • Standard Library • Dynamic Simulation Language for user defined models of: - regulators - primary components

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