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Service Property Priorities 2006 - 2007 for schools

Learn about Hertfordshire school property services, strategic aims, key outcomes, and priorities for high-quality school buildings.

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Service Property Priorities 2006 - 2007 for schools

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  1. Service Property Priorities 2006 - 2007for schools Presented by Lindsay Martin and Keith Hutt www.hertsdirect.org/property

  2. Service direction - long & short termaims & objectives The key outcomes set out in Every Child Matters in the Children Act (2004) are: Being healthy Staying safe Enjoying and achieving Making a positive contribution Achieving economic wellbeing As an excellent authority, ensure that all our children are in excellent properties to contribute to: • Raising the achievement and life chances of children and young people in Hertfordshire • Safeguarding children and young people and reducing the need to take into care; developing integrated and preventative practice • Enabling children and young people to participate and engage with their learning, care, families and communities so as to realise their potential and life chances • Improving the wellbeing and life chances of children and young people through supporting families and communities www.hertsdirect.org/property

  3. Service direction - long & short term aims and objectives • Ensure that no buildings have to be closed for health & safety, other legislative or basic amenity reasons • Develop the asset management planning process to ensure the quality of data and its interrogation improves year on year in orderto increase the resources available to CSF, target them effectively and drive the implementation of spending programmes • Using AMP data as the starting point, set out an investment programme to bring the fabric of all schools to an acceptable standard • Create new schools built to high standards of design within area and cost guidelines and within streamlined development and procurement processes www.hertsdirect.org/property

  4. Service direction - long & short term aims and objectives • Develop a shared vision of Schools for the Future • Create benchmarks for well-designed schools • Push forward the boundaries of innovation and inspiration • Support the delivery of ‘Building Schools for the Future’ • Work with key property partners to develop new ways of delivering school buildings • All early years settings in Hertfordshire are overall amber or green • Implement an ongoing review of the provision of school places in the primary and secondary phases to meet demographic change, to ensure effective use of resources and enable all schools to maintain the capacity to improve • Prepare for the property implications of the 2006 Education Bill www.hertsdirect.org/property

  5. Big property issues • Ensuring schools exist in the right number, of the preferred size, and in the right locations (20% surplus places currently in primary schools) • Too many properties at or near the end of their planned life (over 300 built in the 1960’s and 1970’s) • Permanent provision is still provided in too many temporary buildings (currently almost 250 temporary buildings on school sites) • Accommodation for special schools remains unsuitable • In many secondary schools specialist provision such as food technology and science needs to be modernised to meet current needs www.hertsdirect.org/property

  6. Big property issues • Implementation of the strategy to develop Key Stage 4 centres and more appropriate Key Stage 3 Education Support Centre accommodation • Gearing up to staffing and financial challenges to enable a rapid response to the anticipated availability of ‘Building Schools for the Future’ funding • Development of standardised accommodation briefs and room / space schedules for new schools • Development of 50 Children’s Centres by 2008 and 82 by 2010 to ensure early education provision is available for all children aged 3 and 4, for 15 hours per week over 3 to 5 days, 48 weeks per year (6 Centres open at present) • Extended school provision by 2008 for all children between 3 and 14, with all schools open from 8am to 6pm for 48 weeks a year www.hertsdirect.org/property

  7. Big property issues • Meeting changing statutory requirements e.g. Buildings Regulations Parts E (Resistance to passage of sound), Part F (Ventilation), Part L (Conservation of fuel & power in buildings other than dwellings), Part M (Access to & use of buildings) • Providing accommodation, fit for 21st century requirements, that is: inspirational; flexible; sustainable; energy efficient, community friendly; adaptable; accessible for people with disabilities; safe and secure; construction efficient • Provision of high quality data and guidance on property maintenance to school managers www.hertsdirect.org/property

  8. State of schools www.hertsdirect.org/property

  9. Meeting Property Plan target 1 www.hertsdirect.org/property

  10. Broad areas of priority for action • Programme of area reviews to rationalise accommodation and maximise levels of usage • Meeting basic need (ensuring sufficient places are available in the right schools) • Replacement of temporary premises where appropriate • Relocation of some Education Support Centres: e.g. The Links, St Albans • Modernisation of science laboratories and food technology provision • Remodelling of open plan classrooms in primary schools • Creation of Key Stage 4 learning centres

  11. Broad areas of priority for action • Repairs and maintenance programme priorities: kitchens, boilers, roofs • Responding to legislative changes: e.g. Accessibility programme, kitchen ventilation upgrades • Gearing up for ‘Building Schools For the Future’ • Improving staff and administrative accommodation in response to workforce remodelling • Successful integration and enhancement of property data within HCC • Provision of high quality guidance on property maintenance www.hertsdirect.org/property

  12. Property Matters website on Hertsdirect

  13. School site plans online

  14. School floor plans online

  15. Condition survey data online

  16. Net capacity online analysis

  17. Supporting and collaborating with schools Devolved Formula Capital spending Business continuity planning

  18. GIS data online Primary Secondary

  19. Maintenance monitoring

  20. Online suitability survey

  21. Accommodation schedules for new schools Room / space schedules for new schools Room data sheets

  22. Significant actions for individual properties: capital programme 2006-07 www.hertsdirect.org/property

  23. Significant actions for individual properties: capital programme 2006-07 www.hertsdirect.org/property

  24. Significant actions for individual properties: R & M www.hertsdirect.org/property

  25. Funding issues • Significant funding shortfall to overcome R&M backlog • How to respond to the challenge of CLASP / SEAC buildings beyond their planned life • Extended schools • Building Schools for the Future • Sustainability:- initial higher capital costs but savings in ongoing revenue, plus environmental benefits • Developing accommodation schedules and room data sheets (based on national and HCC standards) to allocate funding for new and refurbished schools • Working within an environment where increasing devolution of property related funding goes directly to schools • Town planning consent is causing delays which increase costs for some schemes www.hertsdirect.org/property

  26. Summary & conclusions • Building Schools for the Future provides huge potential but also huge challenges • There is a major backlog of R & M work • There is a challenge to deliver sustainability but retain cost-effectiveness • There is a great deal more to do to deliver targets on developing Children’s Centres and extended school provision • Anticipating appropriate responses to the new Education Bill proposals • Area reviews bring opportunities for change, but considerable challenges • The context of organisational change including property centralisation • Ensuring premises are appropriate to 21st century standards and educational needs www.hertsdirect.org/property

  27. Service Property Priorities 2005 - 2006for schools www.hertsdirect.org/property

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