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TOPIC : Nutrition AIM : What are the parts and functions of the digestive system?

Learn about the two types of digestion, mechanical and chemical, and the breakdown of food in the digestive system. Discover the path of food through the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and small intestine, and understand the roles of accessory organs like the liver, gall bladder, and pancreas.

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TOPIC : Nutrition AIM : What are the parts and functions of the digestive system?

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  1. TOPIC: NutritionAIM: What are the parts and functions of the digestive system?

  2. 2 Types of Digestion

  3. 1.Mechanical Digestion Large pieces of food are physically broken down into smaller pieces

  4. Increases surfaceareaof food to speed up chemical digestion

  5. Makes food easier to swallow Example: Teeth

  6. 2.Chemical Digestion Complex molecules are broken down into smaller molecules

  7. HOW? By using digestive enzymes

  8. Carbs (starches)  simple sugars (glucose)

  9. Proteins  amino acids

  10. Digestive System One way tube

  11. The tube starts here: You are a tube inside a tube… And although there are a few twists and turns along the way… Anything that goes into the mouth does not become part of the body until it is absorbed (taken in) in a part called the small intestine. It comes out here:

  12. Function Breakdown of food into pieces small enough for nutrients to diffuse into cells

  13. Path of Food

  14. 1. Mouth (oral cavity) TEETH Incisors Canine Premolars Molars “Wisdom”tooth Tongue Salivaryglands Opening of asalivary gland duct

  15. Mechanical digestion (teeth)

  16. Saliva – produced by salivary glands a. moistens food

  17. b. Chemical digestion • Enzyme that digests starch  sugar

  18. Epiglottis Small flap of tissue Closes over windpipe when you swallow To prevent choking

  19. 2. Esophagus esophagus

  20. Connects mouth to stomach • NO DIGESTION

  21. Peristalsis: muscular movement that pushes food along

  22. 3. Stomach - Where protein digestion begins

  23. Where gastric juiceis made.

  24. Gastric Juice contains: 1.Hydrochloric acid  makes stomachacidic

  25. 2.Enzymes that chemically breaks down PROTEINS

  26. b. Mucus= protects stomach wall

  27. c. Mechanical digestion = food churned and mixed  chyme(mixture of partially digested food)

  28. 4. Small intestine

  29. Length = 4-7 meters

  30. Where most chemical digestion occurs • ALL digestion ends after the first part of the small intestine called the Duodenum. In the 2nd part Of the SI, Absorption of Nutrients Occurs.

  31. Intestinal juice = • Contains enzymes that digest food

  32. Accessory organs Food DOES NOT pass through these organs Help the SI

  33. Liver Stomach Gall bladder Duodenum Pancreas

  34. Liver

  35. Produces bile • Bile travels to SI

  36. Emulsification of fats breaks down fat into smaller droplets Big fat droplet

  37. Gall Bladder

  38. Stores bile

  39. Pancreas

  40. Makes pancreatic juice into SI • Contains enzymes to chemically digest food

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