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Coaching a Winning Team

Coaching a Winning Team. Presenters: Paul G. Anderson Jordana Shakoor Anderson. Setting The Stage. PosiPower Introductions Breaks, Lunch & Rules What’s in the handout? Idea Catcher (Write it down and plan to use it.). What's the right attitude?. Our Learning Objectives are to:.

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Coaching a Winning Team

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  1. Coaching a Winning Team Presenters: Paul G. Anderson Jordana Shakoor Anderson

  2. Setting The Stage • PosiPower Introductions • Breaks, Lunch & Rules • What’s in the handout? • Idea Catcher (Write it down and plan to use it.) What's the right attitude?

  3. Our Learning Objectives are to: • Emphasize the importance of a positive self-image when coaching & managing workers • Discuss which players are best for an effective team • Discuss which players and their attitudes will hinder the team • Teach 5 coaching styles • Teach coaches how to bring out the best in their problem players during coaching sessions • Discuss 6 Ways Organizations can Foster Initiative • Teach 10 PosiPower Tips to Becoming an Effective Coach

  4. A Positive Attitude • Why maintain a positive self-image? • What are the attributes of an effective coach?

  5. Working Positively in a Team • What kind of players do you want on your team? • What attitudes hurt the team? • Why does the workplace benefit from players who work as a team?

  6. 5 Principles of a PosiCoach • Communication – Be a W.A.C. • Cooperation – Walk the talk • Trust – Keep confidences & give credit • Openness – Be approachable • Enthusiasm – Build excitement

  7. Coaching VS Managing Managers monitor people Coaches inspire their people Managers suffer over failures Coaches learn from them Managers think about the present Coaches help the team to focus on the future Manager enforce the rules Coaches promote values, individuality, and leadership

  8. What’s the Difference? • Counseling - Advising • Mentoring – Guiding teacher • Training – How to do it • COACHING – improves performances • Quantitatively • Qualitatively • Through face-to-face intervention

  9. Coaching is also… • Education – identifying current skills • Developing – monitoring performance • Counseling • Identifying performance problems • Confronting problems directly • Involving the player in the solution

  10. Five Coaching Styles • Drill Sergeant - 1, 2, 3, steps • Cheerleader – YOU can do it • Teammate - WE can do it • Mother Goose – Patience is golden • Captain – “Your contribution is”

  11. Players who will not take initiative Chronic complainers Low production player Tardy or absent players Possible remedies Player offers solutions Give responsibility a little at a time Variety of opportunities Do not reinforce negative behavior Coaching “Problem” Players

  12. Mediocre Players Players who will not break out of limiting routines: Causes: • May feel they are doing it right • Terrified of change • Fear looking incompetent Possible Remedy: • Do not punish mistakes – Celebrate successes • Recognize and reinforce initiatives

  13. Empowering The Players Initiative – Players learn to take action • Organization want players to take action • Hire exceptional Manager/Coaches • Well trained players • Set a structure to support it

  14. Analysis - Supports Initiative • Defines the criteria (players and coach match the list and define the priority) • Communicate the standards (minimum and outstanding performances) • Monitors performances

  15. Training - Supports Initiative • New employees • On-going training • Cross-training • Problem solving training • Simulated training • Creativity training

  16. Implementation – Supports Initiative • Defined authority • Give responsibility • Create a feedback process • Encourages action

  17. Reward – Supports Initiative • Recognition • Acknowledgment • Reinforces positive behavior • Advancement opportunities • Monetary incentive Note: 1. Reward must be relative to contribution 2. Valued by the employee 3. Novel in concept

  18. 6 Ways Organizations Foster Initiative • A belief in the strength of player input • Provides opportunities for creative interactions • Allocates time for communication & exchange • Understands the process is long-term • Listens and acts • Tolerates mistakes

  19. 6 Vital Core Initiative Coaching Skills • Redefine your role • Enthusiasm • Support of player • Provides feedback • Develops and lets go • Does not forget dependable players or the quarterback

  20. Source: 2003 Spherion Emerging Workforce Survey, By Harris Interactive of Spherion Corp. 3200 full-time worker surveyed More than ½ want to leave their jobs 52% want to change jobs 46% - 6-mo 75% - 12-mo “Emergent Worker” control their career – want reward based on performance incentives “Traditional Worker” – want employer to provide clear path – long-term commitment Emerging Workplace Report

  21. Emerging Workforce cont.. Employees site reasons: Personal & Family Time • 73% will curtail career for family • 96% attracted to employers who offer: • Flex-time • Personal Development • Job Sharing • Telecommuting Note: 81% work for employers who do NOT offer work/life options they want. Summary: Employer not keeping pace with change

  22. Preparing for a Coaching Session • Private place • Third party • Insure no interruptions • Allow enough time • Make sure your emotions are in control • Have specific description of the behavior discrepancy • Determine in advance the desired performance • Minimum action or performance that will be acceptable • Possible alternative solutions • Expectant time for improvement

  23. Coach: The Face-to-face Discussion • Step 1 – Get an agreement • Step 2 – Mutually discuss solutions • Step 3 – Mutually agree on an action plan • Step 4 – Follow-up to measure results • Step 5 – Reinforce any achievement

  24. Recognizing a Coachable Moment • Look for warning signs: disgruntle, burn-out, feuds, resentment, poor work ethic, improperly trained • Be able to adjust your coaching style • Pick your battles Practice makes perfect

  25. 10 PosiPower Tips to Becoming an Effective Coach • Maintain a positive self-image & model the behavior you want • Avoid jargon – speak plainly • Have a vision • Treat people the way you want to be treated • Be your unique self and a GREAT boss • Hold your staff accountable • Go home • Advocate for your staff and clients • Treat everyone equally • Empower your people by building a team of leaders

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